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How to be a Hero (ZX Spectrum)

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Title Screen

How to be a Hero

Developer: Xcel
Publisher: Mastertronic
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Released in EU: 1987

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

Developer Message

There is a message within the game's BASIC loader. While it is technically used, it's not visible as it is normally black text on a black screen. This makes it impossible to see the text unless the game is hacked.

First of all I would like to thank stu (car destroyer)for letting me loose on this loader.

We would like to thank everyone and anyone who helped, hindered,or was involved in this project.
Thanks to Stu(grovel),for the program,me and my dad for the ace grafix,rob for the maps,
Ade and Rich for looking cool, Ray for the DESIGNER WIGS©,and all at the Kebab house.

Thanks to Central for the amazingly brillllliant prog

TRAPDOOR ('ello there!)

Special thanks to Dawn, for being Stu's sister,Tracey for writing all the letters, Louise,Sue 
& Sue for being the most beutiful people in the world,the cleaning lady for her entertaining stories,
a bottle of cheese for being at the top of the stairs,and the CO-OP for producing the worlds best 
pineapple chunks!

There is slightly more sound in this game than there was in UNIVERSAL HERO,but still no tune,
so we again suggest that you play a good record such as the PARADE album by Prince in the background!

Dont forget to look out for more superultramega games from XCEL in the future.

Lee stevenson (grafix)


O.K, so I play universal hero now & again,,I can handle it

I could give up tomorrow.....if I wanted to. Could'nt I??

It's not like i'm going to become a  programmer! 

(Source: Equinox)