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Ice Age Adventures

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Title Screen

Ice Age Adventures

Developer: Gameloft
Publisher: Gameloft
Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, Windows Phone
Released internationally: July 28, 2014 (iOS), August 6, 2014 (Android), August 7, 2014 (Windows/Windows Phone)

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Investigate swf/cheat.swf.

Tobuscus Sonic Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild features the cast doing a lot of exploration... with their vocals, that is.

Unlocalized Text


This one has no true string ID and the above text is that as well as the related string is the country code of the localization, i.e. English is US.


This one is a simple text test.

Development Leftovers

del economy_save.json
del cinematic_save.xml
del quest_save.xml
del achievements_save.json
del save.json
del settings_save.json
del online_save.json
del story_save.json

delsave.bat is present in the Windows Phone version.

copy /Y _shelved\*.* .
md _shelved
copy economy_save.json		/Y	_shelved\economy_save.json		
copy cinematic_save.xml		/Y	_shelved\cinematic_save.xml		
copy quest_save.xml			/Y	_shelved\quest_save.xml			
copy achievements_save.json	/Y	_shelved\achievements_save.json	
copy save.json				/Y	_shelved\save.json				
copy settings_save.json		/Y	_shelved\settings_save.json		
copy online_save.json		/Y	_shelved\online_save.json		
copy story_save.json		/Y	_shelved\story_save.json		

restore_save.bat and _shelf_save.bat are present in the Windows version.

Development Text

This file is a table of all the Cinematics Manager Settings.

EventTypes MUST match the enum in CinematicEventTypes.h!

A note for editing the cinematic manager settings.

This event does nothing.
This event acts as a Save point for the cinematic. These should be placed CAREFULLY in a cinematic, as the cinematic will resume from load here, IGNOREING all previous events. Has the same effect as WaitForAll Event
This event waits a number of milliseconds.
Time to wait. 1000 = 1 second.
This event waits for a series of counts to be met. Same deal with how you set up quest tasks. Counting is done from the start of the cinematic.
If FALSE ignore this count check.
Global count category.
Value that the count must be equal to or greater than.
Object count category.
Game object category.
Game object type.
If true will also wait for any open GUI to be closed and for us to be on the main action state.
If true will reset the current count to 0 on play(Useful to avoid lock ups when tracking stuff like GUI presses).
This event waits for a specific state to be entered.
Game State identifier.
This event waits for a specific status to be reported.
If true, will wait for any open GUI dialogs to be closed.
If true, will wait until the user arrives on an adventure island. [Mutually exclusive with InVillage]
If true, will wait until the user arrives in the village. [Mutually exclusive with OnAdventure]
This event blocks until the party is in the main village before.
This event blocks until the party is on an adventure island.
The tracking id for the tutorial_action parameter of the TutorialInteraction tracking event.
The tracking id for the tutorial_progress parameter of the TutorialInteraction tracking event.
The tracking id for the step parameter of the FirstStepsInTheApp tracking event.
This event plays a conversation.
Name of the conversation.
This jumps the camera instantly to a objects location.
Offset in pixels on the X axis.
Offset in pixels on the Y axis.
This pans the camera smoothly to a objects location.
The amount of time to take to reach the the object.  If Zero will snap.
Sets the desired zoom of the camera.
Level of desired zoom to reach. 1.0 = 100% zoom.
The amount of time to take to reach the zoom level.  If Zero will snap.
This event shows game HUD objects.
This event hides game HUD objects.
The string to display.
The localization identifier of the string to display, will override 'Text' if present.
Show or hide the text.
This event shows a single HUD.
The name of the HUD.
The name of the sub HUD ( resources only ).
This event hides a single HUD.
This event pulses a HUD object.
This event stops pulsing a HUD Object.
This event locks user input for the game.
Locks user input for panning the camera.
Locks user input for zooming the camera.
Locks user input for gui button presses.
Locks user input for party movement control.
Locks user input for touching Animals.
Locks user input for touching Habitats and Townhalls.
Locks user input for touching Interactable objects.
This event unlocks user input for the game.
Unlocks user input for panning the camera.
Unlocks user input for zooming the camera.
Unlocks user input for gui button presses.
Unlocks user input for party movement control.
Unlocks user input for touching Animals.
Unlocks user input for touching Habitats and Townhalls.
Unlocks user input for touching Interactable objects.
This event locks user input for the gui and directs to a specific object.
Comma separated list of action names that are allowed.
Game object identifier.
This event clears all directive locks on GUI.
This event positions the tutorial arrow on a specific object/gui component.
Indicates whether the tutorial arrow should be visible at said location.
The type of object to associate the tutorial arrow with, should be one of Gui,Animal,WorldObject.
The identifier of the object to associate the arrow to.
Horizontal offset of the arrow.
Vertical offset of the arrow
z offset of the arrow
Which direction should the arrow face?  Should be one of Down,Up,Left,Right
This event gives the player currency/items/triggers. Can be used to give the player a free lotto ticket.
lotto ticket.
Causes the minigame to enter the match3 state.  Note that this event is dangerous so please be careful about using it.
The identifier of the species that will be rewarded by this play through.
The identifier of the minigames level.
Displays some debug text to the console.
Text to display.
Modify some form of game model restriction.
Restrict the saving of the game state, will only allow forced saving which happens primarily through the cinematics.
Restrict the archipelago unlocking.
This event causes a sfx sound to be played.
Activate/Deactivate the sound controller.
Name of the sound clip to be played.
Name of the state portion to play.
Amount of fade in to be used when playing sound, in seconds.
This event causes a music sound to be played. 
Name of the music clip to be played.
Wait until after the current music stops before playing this music." 
This event causes a playing music sound to be stopped.
Name of the music clip to be stopped.
This event causes a music playlist to be played. 
Duration of silence between playing tracks." 
This event causes a music sound to be played. Replaces currently playing music
Name of the music state to change to.
This event creates an entity with the name '[Filename]' and loads a scene file as its children.
The file name to the scene file to load.
This event will create a new Entity and add it to the current state.
Unique name that will be given to the created Entity.
The entity descriptor to apply on the Entity.
x coordinate to place the Entity at.
y coordinate to place the Entity at.
z coordinate to place the Entity at.
The angle to rotate the Entity around the x axis.
The angle to rotate the Entity around the y axis.
The angle to rotate the Entity around the z axis.
This event causes a specific Entity to rotate to face a given point in world space.
Unique name of the Entity that should rotate.
x coordinate in world space to face the Entity at.
y coordinate in world space to face the Entity at.
z coordinate in world space to face the Entity at.
The amount of time that the Entity should take to rotate to the given point. If Zero then snap to rotation.
This event causes a specific Entity to move towards a given point in world space.
Unique name of the Entity that should move.
x coordinate in world space to move the Entity to.
y coordinate in world space to move the Entity to.
z coordinate in world space to move the Entity to.
The amount of time that the Entity should take to move to the given point. If Zero then snap to rotation.
This event causes a specific Entity to play an animation clip.
Unique name of the Entity that should play the animation.
Alias name of the animation clip to play.
Number of times to play the animation before completing.
This event applies an Effet to a specific Entity.
Unique name of the Entity to apply effect to.
Name of the effect to apply to the Entity.
This event applies an Track to an Entity.
x world coordinate of the position to move to.
y world coordinate of the position to move to.
z world coordinate of the position to move to.
This event stops any current track that an Entity is currently following.
This event removes a specific Entity.
Unique name of the Entity to remove.
This event updates whether the animal behaviours are currently active.
Whether to enable or disable the animals behaviours.
This event sets an Entities visibility.
Whether to show or hide the specified entity.
This event causes a specific Adventure island to move via a specific amount.
Unique name of the Archipelago Island that should move.
x amount in world space to move the Island by.
y amount in world space to move the Island by.
z amount in world space to move the Island by.
The amount of time that the Island should take to move. If Zero then snap by amount.
This event applies a Track for an Entity to follow on an adventure island.
This event tells a specific Entity on an adventure island to walk back to the ice ship.
This event shows the uncovered dialog for artifact.
Unique name of the artifact
This event shows the context hud for artifact.
This event will create a new ParticleSystem and add it to the current state.
The name of the particle system.
x coordinate to place the ParticleSystem at.
y coordinate to place the ParticleSystem at.
z coordinate to place the ParticleSystem at.
The identifier of the first tile.
The identifier of the second tile.
This event will create a tile reward.
The tile id to place the reward at.

Countless Tag nodes exist in the cinematics manager file, containing text for noting related parameters.

// @note [asif.memon 17.04.2014] we dont actually have Vietnamese supported at present but it is needed to be in the list to be compatible with libs

A note saying the Vietnamese font for localization is unsupported but the file is planned for load for related libraries.

Generated by Solar version v1.x.x

A lot of eventlist and actorlist files have this compilation string. Currently 1.3.0 and 1.3.3 are known.

Data drives what things in the game are tracked. A programmer will still have to hook this up
but this document can be used by designers as reference when building quests.
This data is instanced per quest, as well as a persistant global table.
These create a count per object, for example the "Buy" category will track the purchase count
for all game objects based on their data-driven name (eg. the LUA table name).
This should only be used if the infomation we want to track is related to almost all game objects of a type.
In code to Increment this would be ModifyCount("Buy", &diego, 1);
These are singular categories, such as CheatUsed, Player Level, Coins Collected,
In code to Increment this would be ModifyCount("CheatUsed", NULL, 1);
These get counted when they are invoke.
These are explicitly invoked at specific points in the codebase.  Probably placed by [jared.watt] in
a fit of rage to get the tutorials to work. Hopefully they will get replaced during a refactor.

A portion of notes are present in the quest count file, the last is a possible shot to the said Lead Programmer, Jared Watt.

List of Events that can be added to quests.
All events are a type, and they will have a string value parameter.
Since these are so game specific, they need custom code for special hook up in the editor

A note in the quest event file.

is used as a placeholder for displaying friends results

A comment in the runner entities file.

Removed Files

The game executable mentions the following files, removed from the final game.
