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Jewel Master

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Title Screen

Jewel Master

Developer: Amusement
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: August 30, 1991
Released in US: August 29, 1991
Released in EU: 1991
Released in AU: 1991

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Jewel Master is a somewhat Castlevania-esque action game whose gimmick involves collecting elemental rings, which can be freely mixed and matched to create different abilities.

Hidden Area

JewelMaster-HiddenArea1.png JewelMaster-HiddenArea2.png

In the forest area of Stage 1, there are four hidden platforms in the trees which can be reached by double jumping. They lead up to a small, seemingly pointless ruin platform with three statues.

However, you don't gain the ability to double jump until you obtain the Level 3 Wind Ring in Stage 4, making this area normally inaccessible. Using the Game Genie code A3ZT-AA8A (US version) allows you to jump infinitely, allowing you to reach it.

Round Select


Enable Game Genie code CAMT-AAFJ to access a round select when starting the game. On the Japanese ROM, booting with patch code 0003AC:0010 will have the same effect.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Is there a button code? I disassembled as much code as I could find and found no reference to writing $10 to screen mode variable $FFFE04...

(Source: Tony H (Game Genie code))

Unused Text

The text Scene at address $001F26 is stored among the options text, but isn't displayed on the options screen. It would've been located between the Sound Test and Exit selections:

Jewel Master Genesis Options.png