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Jungle Hunt (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Jungle Hunt

Also known as: Jungle King
Developer: Taito
Publisher: Taito
Platform: Arcade (Taito SJ system)
Released internationally: August 1982

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Jungle King or Hunt is a game about a wild man or hunter who must rescue his girlfriend or some other woman from native cannibals or Martians by swinging on vines or rope. It all depends on whether or not you want Tarzan's rightholders to sue you into the ground. Oh, and sometimes there's pirates.

Unused Graphics



Seems like the vine monkeys were meant to be more mobile at one point; in the final game, they're static until they swing offscreen, at which point the game moves them up or down the vine without using these frames. These frames were left as-is when the monkey design was updated.


Unused 100 and 200 point markers. The player earns 100 points each time they reach a new vine, but they're rewarded invisibly.



The crocodiles in the river sequence max out at 300 points, leaving these 400 and 500 point graphics unused.


An unused foreground block that resembles the cliff at the end of the river section.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerCrouchK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerCrouchH.png

An unused squatting frame, possibly an intermediary frame between the standing and lying down graphics. This and other unused graphics were updated when the character design changed, suggesting that whoever did the new art didn't know and/or wasn't told that they were unused.

(Source: 125scratch)
Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerCrawlK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerCrawlH.gif

While the player can lie down on the ground in the hill section, they can never actually crawl. This animation is made of four frames, but the last two frames are just duplicates of the first two. This kinda works with the Jungle King design, but not so much with the Jungle Hunter.

(Source: 125scratch)

A scrapped lion enemy. Probably for the best, since the jungle's no place for a lion anyway.


Ambiguous stones or flames or something. They're not used, whatever they are.


Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadAltK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadAltH.png

What looks like a rotated version of the standard death graphic. Could have been used when the player got hit by a spear.

(Source: 125scratch)

This strange jumping animation, which might have been used when the player jumped for the captive woman, was not updated for Jungle Hunt.

(Source: 125scratch)

The player gets 100 points for jumping over the natives. There's nothing worth 200 points in this stage.

(All other sprites: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sounds

Sound 90 (Unused) Sound 8D (Used)

Sound 90 is an isolated version of the falling sound that's already part of the swinging sound effect.

Sound B6 (Unused) Sound A7 (Used)

Sound B6 is a shorter version of the sound that plays when the player drowns.

Sound BF is the only unique unused sound. It's right after the sound of getting hit by a spear, so it might have been used when the spear hit the ground instead.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Version Differences

Title Code Fixes Player Tarzan Yell Monkeys Vine / Rope Cannibal Stage Ending BGM
junglek Jungle King No Wild Man Yes Old, High Vine Old Palette
junglekas Jungle King No Wild Man Alt Old, Low Vine Old Palette
junglekj2 Jungle King Yes Wild Man Yes New, Low Vine New Palette
jungleh Jungle Hunt Yes Hunter No New, Low Rope New Palette
junglehbr Jungle Hunt Yes Wild Man Yes Old, High Vine New Palette
  • junglek is the earliest known revision of the game.
  • junglekas is identical code-wise to junglek, but with a different audio CPU. Five sounds have been changed here, all but one of which were carried over to later sets.
  • junglekj2, currently labeled "Jungle King (Japan, earlier)" in MAME, is actually a newer version of the game: It fixes a few game bugs, alters the sprite palettes in the cannibal stage, and changes a few of the game's graphics. Based on the screens on Taito of America's flyer (those that weren't recycled from the Japanese flyer) and the English language instruction card, it seems that this was this version that was brought over to the United States.
  • jungleh is the copyright-friendly version that modifies all of the Tarzan-related content in the game. This is the version that all home ports are based on.
  • junglehbr is a strange hybrid of previous versions: The title screen says Jungle Hunt like in junglej, it has a modified version of junglekj2's game CPU, and it uses the original graphics and audio from junglek. Most, but not all, of the game's text has been translated to Portuguese.


Jungle King Jungle Hunt Jungle Hunt (BR)
JungleHuntArcTitleOld.png JungleHuntArcTitle.png JungleHuntArcTitleBR.png

The later US release and Brazil version use the name Jungle Hunt. "KING" is properly centered on the wooden board, "HUNT" is not. The Taito of Brazil release also updates the copyright year.

Code Fixes

  • In older versions, on the "PUSH 1 PLAYER / 2 PLAYERS BUTTON" screen, the game will erase and then rewrite the text to the screen every single frame. Later sets improve this by by only clearing the screen when it first pops up, though it will still write text to the screen every frame.
Bugged Fixed
JungleHuntArcGameOverOld.png JungleHuntArcGameOverNew.png
  • After both players die in a two player game, the screen is cleared and "GAME OVER" is printed on a green background. In older versions, the first letter is printed a frame before the background color changes. Harmless bug, but it was fixed regardless.
  • In the earlier sets, when the player is killed by a boulder, the stage BGM will continue to play. Later versions mute the BGM, keeping this consistent with every other death in the game.

JungleHuntArcTimerBug1.png JungleHuntArcTimerBug2.png

  • In older versions, if the "Finish Bonus" option is disabled and the cannibal stage is cleared, the game will reset Player 1's timer...even if it was Player 2 who beat the stage! Later versions add an extra check to see which player cleared the stage and then resets that player's timer.
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerPoseK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerPoseH.png

By far the largest change between versions is the design of the player character. The Tarzan-inspired design drew the ire of the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate, who threatened legal action against Taito of America. In response, the character was changed to a pith-helmeted, shirt-wearing explorer type.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerJumpK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerJumpH.png

The Jungle Hunter is drawn in more rigid poses than the Jungle King. Maybe that's a weighted shirt he's wearing.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerSwingK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerSwingH.gif

The Jungle King's face is partially covered while swinging, while the Jungle Hunter's face is fully visible.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerFallK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerFallH.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadH.png

Jungle King fears for his life as he falls to the ground while Jungle Hunter mugs for the camera.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerDiveK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDiveH.png

Jungle King has a proper Weismullerian dive, while the Jungle Hunter's dive is more Wiseausian.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerSwimK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerSwimH.gif

The Jungle Hunter has a bit of trouble staying in the same place while swinging...

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerStabK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerStabH.gif

...but at least he has a more clearly defined dagger. Jungle King seems to be holding some kind of tusk.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerDrownK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerDrownH.gif

One of the pixels on the Jungle Hunter's drowning animation blinks in and out of existence. Despite this, he still seems more relaxed than the Jungle King.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerRunK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerRunH.gif

Jungle King has a proper running form. Jungle Hunter seems a little puzzled on how running works, opting to repeatedly flex and click his heels together instead.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcPlayerLowK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerLowH.png

Gallant looks out for incoming boulder while lying close to the ground. Goofus thinks the ground looks particularly tasty today.

Jungle King Jungle Hunt
JungleHuntArcEndingK.png JungleHuntArcEndingH.png

Jungle King is drawn in the same style as the captive women. Jungle Hunter, on the other hand, looks like he was transported from an entirely different game, and as if the adventure took 30 years off his life.

Tarzan Yell

Original Alternate Replacement

Most versions of Jungle King feature a compressed version of the famous Tarzan yell at the start of the Jungle stage and at the end of the Hill stage; the alternate sound set instead uses what sounds like a lion's roar and a chimpanzee scream.

Both instances of the Tarzan yell were replaced in Jungle Hunt by the music originally heard at the end of the River stage. The Tarzan yell is still in the audio CPU, it's just never called by the game anymore.


Old New
JungleHuntArcMonkeyOld.png JungleHuntArcMonkeyNew.png

For some reason, the primates that hang on the vines and get in the player's way were changed from spider monkeys to some variety of gorilla. The palettes of these simians were changed to more natural colors (except for the third loop ape, which seems to have had its yellow and red colors incorrectly swapped)...

Old New
JungleHuntArcPlayerPalKOld.png JungleHuntArcPlayerPalKNew.png

...which ended up affecting the player's palette. The eyes, which were originally blue in the first three loops and black in the fourth, are now brown, pink, or even yellow depending on the current loop. Since the ape's eyes use one of the same color indices as the player's loincloth, and the developers attempted to keep the ape's eyes consistent, the loincloth lost a little bit of variety in its patterns.

High Pitch Low Pitch

The sounds that the monkeys make were changed to match their more intimidating appearance. Oddly, the alternate sound version uses the lower-pitched sounds but also uses the original monkey designs.

Vine / Rope

Jungle King Jungle Hunt

The alleged vine in Jungle King is a better-looking rope in Jungle Hunt. Tarzan swings from vines, not ropes. Okay?! Back off, Burroughs estate.

Cannibal Stage

Old New
JungleHuntArcNativesK.png JungleHuntArcNativesH.png

The cannibal corps have natural-looking (and potentially offensive) skin colors in older versions, while in newer sets they're varying shades of green.

Old New
JungleHuntArcVineK.png JungleHuntArcVineH.png

The vines that hold the captive woman captive share the same palette, so they end up looking more natural in later sets. The question is, were the vines the intended target of this palette change, with the natives changing as a side effect, or were the fine young cannibals the target, with the green colors chosen as the best possible fit for both sprites?

Old New
JungleHuntArcCookingPotK.png JungleHuntArcCookingPotH.png

The cooking pot's flames originally used the same color index as the cannibal club's skin. Note that this isn't just a palette change, the actual graphics had to be redrawn: Check out the two extra pink/purple pixels that were accidentally added to the left side of the pot.

Since the Brazilian version uses the oldest version of the game's graphics and the newest version of this stage's palette, the cooking pot's flame is now an odd green color. Also, for unknown reasons, the HUD has been deliberately disabled on this screen and this screen only.

Ending BGM

Old New

It sure did change.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Pirate Pete

Pirate Pete was Taito of America's second attempt to rebrand Jungle King. According to a statement by Keith Egging in the Volume 1 No. 5 issue of Video Game magazine, this version was developed because "a market research firm informed the company that some players might not be so enchanted with a jungle theme." This does not use Jungle Hunt as a base, and is instead based on the newer revision of Jungle King.



  • The game timer starts out at 5000 in Jungle King & Jungle Hunt, which was reduced to 3000 in Pirate Pete.
  • The highest bonus life threshold is 30,000 points in Jungle King / Hunt, which was increased to 50,000 points in Pirate Pete.
  • The biggest difference between Jungle King and Pirate Pete is the method the game uses to generate objects in each stage.
  • In Jungle King, all of this information is stored in four separate blocks in the ROM, with each block having a section for each unique game loop (Loop 1, Loop 2, Loop 3, Loop 4+). Each playthrough of the game will populate each stage with the same objects in the same way.
  • In Pirate Pete, objects are instead randomly generated based on a new set of RNG subroutines and a newly implemented difficulty variable.
  • Three of the unused dip switches from Jungle King now control the game's initial difficulty settings. The values for each difficulty setting are listed in the table below:
Easiest 20 90 8 100
Easier 20 60 5 100
Easy 30 60 6 100
Normal 40 60 7 100
Medium 20 60 5 60
Hard 30 60 6 60
Harder 40 60 7 60
Hardest 50 30 5 45
Note: These are decimal, not hexademical, values.
The difficulty variable, hereafter referred to as DiffVar, is set to A at the start of each game and can go as low as 1 and as high as 99.
The death timer is set to B at the start of each game and when the player respawns. This and all other difficulty-related timers are decremented once per second and are reset when the player respawns after death. Once this timer reaches 0, it stops decrementing.
The difficulty timer is set to C at the start of the game and when the player respawns. Once this timer reaches 0, the timer is reset to C and DiffVar is incremented by 1.
The timer adjuster affects the maximum value of the difficulty timer. Once this timer reaches 0, the timer adjuster is reset to D and C is decremented by 1, to a minimum value of 1. These changes are reset when the player dies.
  • When the player dies, DiffVar is adjusted in the following fashion:
  • First, the game checks the death timer. The difficulty reductor is then set to either 20 or the death timer, whichever value is lower.
  • Then, the game checks if DiffVar is at least double the value of the reductor. If true, then the difficulty reductor is subtracted from DiffVar.
  • Otherwise, DiffVar is divided by two and then rounded up.


Jungle King JungleHuntArcPlayerPoseK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerJumpK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerFallK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDiveK.png JungleHuntArcPlayerLowK.png
Pirate Pete JungleHuntArcPlayerPoseP.png JungleHuntArcPlayerJumpP.png JungleHuntArcPlayerFallP.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDeadP.png JungleHuntArcPlayerDiveP.png JungleHuntArcPlayerLowP.png
  • The wild man from Jungle King has been replaced by a swashbuckling, eyepatched pirate. While both Jungle King and Jungle Hunter's palettes change based on the current stage and game loop, Pirate Pete's purple palette persists throughout the game.
Jungle King JungleHuntArcPlayerSwingK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerStabK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerSwimK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerDrownK.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerRunK.gif
Pirate Pete JungleHuntArcPlayerSwingP.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerStabP.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerSwimP.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerDrownP.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerRunP.gif
  • Unlike the hunter sprite from Jungle Hunt, which seems to have been completely redrawn, Pirate Pete clearly uses the player sprite from Jungle King as a base. Take note of the arms and legs, which are often identical between designs.
JungleHuntArcPlayerRunNP.gif JungleHuntArcPlayerJumpNP.png
  • In a rarity for the time, Pirate Pete has separate left and right-oriented sprites. These patchless sprites are used in the enemy pirate stage, the only stage where the player is able to move rightwards. Unfortunately, they messed up how they're oriented: Since Pirate Pete's eyepatch is on his left eye, the patchless sprites should be used when he faces right, but they're used when he faces left instead.

Debug Features

  • One of the game's dip switches, labelled "Debug Mode" in MAME, will display the value of DiffVar below the timer when toggled, and, if the player is on the pirate ship stage, will also display the player's leaping speed (see next section).
  • There are two extra inputs that, when held, will warp the player to the next stage. They're not present on the retail cabinet, but they're properly emulated in MAME: Default keys are Q for Player 1, W for Player 2 (Cocktail cabinet only.)

Jungle / Ship


Jungle King
Pirate Pete
  • The first stage is a jungle in Jungle King and a pirate ship in Pirate Pete. Makes sense, don't it?
Jungle King
Pirate Pete
  • Pirate Pete loses the top background layer in exchange for a more detailed and varied bottom layer.

Vines & Rope

Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcRopeK.gifJungleHuntArcRopeKEnd.gif JungleHuntArcRopeP.gifJungleHuntArcRopePEnd.gif
  • The ropes in Pirate Pete are essentially the vines from Jungle King drained of most of their color.
  • The vines and ropes in both games have their speed once they come on-screen. These speed values represent the number of frames it takes for the vine or rope to move.
In Jungle King, the vine speeds are based on the current loop and cycle through three different values: Loop 1 is 3, 4, 5; Loop 2 is 4, 3, 5; Loop 2 is 4, 2, 5; and Loop 5, 3, 6. So, on loop 2, the first vine has a delay of 4, the second a delay of 3, the third a delay of 5, the fourth a delay of 4, etc.
In Pirate Pete, for each rope, the game picks a random number between X and Y inclusive, where X and Y are determined by the current value of DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Speed Range 3 to 4 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 6 2 to 6
  • In Jungle King, the player always jumps off of vines at the same height and speed regardless of how it is swinging.
Pirate Pete makes an attempt to simulate momentum by basing how far and how fast the player jumps on the current acceleration and angle of the vine. Strangely, this is also affected by DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Jump Values 3, 3, 2, 2 4, 3, 3, 3 5, 4, 4, 3 6, 5, 4, 4 6, 6, 5, 4
The four values are ordered from the weakest jump (Usually when the rope is starting to swing forward or at the apex of the forward swing) to strongest (Around the middle of the swing to the point where the rope is at a 45 degree angle.) Higher values are weaker in both jump height and speed. 3 is the equivalent of Jungle King's jump.
  • Additionally, trying to jump off of a rope while it's swinging backwards will either drop the player straight down or -- if at the apex of backward swing -- will make the player jump using the weakest value in the table, which will usually kill the player.

Monkeys & Parrots

Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcMonkeyNew.png JungleHuntArcParrot.png
  • Monkeys aren't very pirate-like, so they were replaced by parrots.
  • Apes begin appearing in Loop 2, while parrots only spawn when DiffVar is at least 33.
  • When the player isn't on the same vine as an ape, the ape will move up and down the vine it's on provided that the vine has swung all the way to the left and the ape is partially off-camera. They cycle through the following pre-set spots on the vine: Bottom, bottom-middle, middle, top-middle, top, top-middle, top, top-middle, middle, bottom, bottom-middle.
Parrots are much more erratic. Their movement range on ropes is 16 segments as opposed to the ape's 5 segments, and they're able to move up or down at any time. DiffVar effects how quickly they move and their movement range, as can be seen in the table below:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Segment Range 0 to 7 0 to 10 0 to 13 0 to 15 2 to 14
Movement Delay 90 to 180 60 to 120 45 to 90 30 to 60 20 to 40
First, the game randomly generates the movement delay, which is capped at a max of 60 frames here. Once the movement delay reaches 0, the game generates a random number in the segment range. If the value is less than the parrot's current position on the rope, it moves up, and if it's greater than the parrot's current position, it moves down. If it's equal, nothing happens. This means that the parrot will typically stay in the middle of its range, with ventures out to the min and max of its range being rare and not lasting too long.
  • When the player is on the same vine as an ape, the ape will stop moving.
When the player is on the same rope as a parrot, it will try to move to the same segment as the player. It again uses the movement delay from the table, but this time it's not capped at 60 frames.

River / Ocean


Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcRiverLayer1K.png JungleHuntArcRiverLayer1P.png
  • The sand at the bottom goes further up in Pirate Pete, and the water changed from purple to blue. Extra details like bones, skulls, and treasure chests were added to the sand.
Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcRiverLayer2K.png JungleHuntArcRiverLayer2P.png
  • The pink rocks at the bottom were changed to a series of wrecked ships with red rocks in-between them.

Crocs, Fish, and Bubblers

Jungle King JungleHuntArcCrocodile1.gifJungleHuntArcCrocodile2.gifJungleHuntArcCrocodile3.gif
Pirate Pete JungleHuntArcFish1.gifJungleHuntArcFish2.gifJungleHuntArcFish3.gif
  • The three crocodiles are fish in Pirate Pete.


  • When the player stabs a crocodile, it just blinks out of existence. When the player stabs a fish, the fish slowly floats downwards, using a unique death sprite as it goes.
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Spawn Delay 12 to 14 10 to 13 8 to 12 6 to 11 4 to 10
Spawn ID 00 to 27 00 to 31 00 to 46 00 to 5A 1C to 63
  • The game generates a random number in the spawn delay range and then multiplies it by 16. Once the camera moves that many pixels, a new object spawns.
  • The game then generates a random number in the spawn ID range to determine which object to generate. If the number is less than 28, a normal fish will spawn. If less than 32, a bubbler will spawn. Otherwise a fast fish will spawn. This means that fast fish spawn more frequently on higher difficulty tiers and won't spawn at all on the lowest tier.
  • If a normal fish spawns, the game generates another random number between 0 and 14:
RNG 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Y Spawn 48 to 124 80 to 121 64 to 99 80 to 117 48 to 123 64 to 99 64 to 91 48 to 75 48 to 124 0 48 to 49 119 to 123 80 to 123 96 to 123
The enemy's movement type, which also determines whether to use Fish 1 or Fish 2's graphics, is set to the randomly generated number. The fish's Y position is then set to a random number in the range from the entry in the above table. Note that this link between spawn type and spawn position is not present in Jungle King, which instead sets those variables separately.
  • If a bubbler spawns, the game generates a number between 0 and F. If that number is 3, it is then set to 2, and if is 1 / 8, it is instead set to 0 / 7. The bubbler's spawning type is then set to the random number, leaving bubble types 2, 0, and 7 unused.
  • If a fast fish spawns, the game generates a random number between 0 and 7:
RNG 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Y Spawn 64 to 128 80 to 120 72 to 112 64 to 128 32 to 112 48 to 120 32 to 80 48 to 128
Like the normal fish, the random number determines the Y range of the fast fish's spawn and the fish's movement type.



Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcHillK.png JungleHuntArcHillP.png
  • While the graphics for the hill stage are unchanged in Pirate Pete, the upper layer was lowered by 48 pixels...

JungleHuntArcHillSnakes1.png JungleHuntArcHillSnakes2.png

...to accommodate a new hazard: Snakes! Two different snakes will pop in and out of the upper layer, and if the player jumps too high and happens to collide with one, the snake will drag their newfound prey into the leaves, killing (and presumably devouring) the player.


  • In Pirate Pete, the delay between boulders and their spawning offsets is determined by DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Spawn Delay 20 to 25 18 to 24 16 to 23 15 to 21 13 to 20
Offset ID 0A to 0B 09 to 0B 06 to 09 04 to 0B 02 to 0E
The game generates a random number in the spawn delay range and then multiplies it by 8. Once the camera moves that many pixels, a new boulder spawns. The game then generates an offset ID to determine how far left that boulder spawns. For IDs 00 to 08 (00 and 01 are unused), the higher the ID, the further to the left it spawns. IDs 09 to 10 ((0F and 10 not used) are almost identical to 00 to 08, but the boulders spawn 4 pixels lower on the screen.
  • Boulder movement patterns and speed are also determined by DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Boulder ID 11 to 12 11 to 13 0D to 14 0B to 15 01 to 16
Speed Setting 4 3 to 4 3 to 4 3 to 5 3 to 6
The Boulder ID controls how the boulder moves and the size of the boulder - Below 10 are large boulders, 10 and above are small boulders. Movement patterns get more erratic the greater the value of the lower four bits of the ID. For the speed setting, a higher value represents a faster movement speed. The range of both the boulder IDs and the speed settings widens as the difficulty tier changes, making the boulders harder to predict and dodge.

Cannibals / Enemy Pirates


Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcCannibalStageK.png JungleHuntArcCannibalStageP.png
  • What was once a jungle scene is now cliffside. The color of the ground and the leaves swapped, and the leaves themselves are slightly more detailed.

Cannibals & Pirates

Jungle King Pirate Pete Unused
JungleHuntArcNativeWalkK.gif JungleHuntArcNativeWalkP.gif JungleHuntArcPirateStabFull.gif
  • The once green natives were turned into enemy pirates with light grayish red skin. The upper and lower halves are timed separately in Jungle King, but share the same animation speed in Pirate Pete. Possibly as a consequence of this, the weapon-raising animation went from 3 to 2 frames, with the in-between frame going unused.


  • The two grounded pirates have a new attack: If the player gets too close, they'll thrust their swords at the player. The stabbing range depends on DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Stabbing Range 5 to 3 9 to 5 20 to 16 26 to 20 32 to 26
Every 12 frames (this is tied to the Pirate's animation timer), the game generates a random number in the stabbing range. If that number is greater than or equal to the total distance (in pixels) between the player and the pirate, the pirate will stab at the player. For example, if the DiffVar is at the second tier and the player is 9 pixels away, there's a 20% chance the pirate will stab, at 8 pixels away there's a 40% chance the pirate will stab, etc. until it's guaranteed at 5 or fewer pixels away.
Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcNativeThrowK.gif JungleHuntArcThrownSpear.gif JungleHuntArcNativeThrowP.gif JungleHuntArcThrownKnife.gif
  • Natives throw spears, pirate throw cutlasses. The spear needs 4 frames, while the cutlass uses only 1 frame and just rotates the sprite, freeing space for Pirate Pete's patchless graphics.
Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcNativeHitK.gif JungleHuntArcNativeMissK.gif JungleHuntArcNativeHitP.gif JungleHuntArcNativeMissP.gif
  • The spear hit / miss animations are pretty much the same, but here they are anyway for completion's sake.
  • The frequency that the projectile-throwing enemies to appear and fire differs between games:
  • In Jungle King, the time it takes for the spear-throwing cannibal (sans Headhunters) to show up cycles through the following ten values:
Delay (frames) 122 122 181 62 32 12 241 62 32 12
When he does show up, he always takes 60 frames to throw the spear.
  • In Pirate Pete, delay is generated based on DiffVar:
DiffVar 0 to 19 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 99
Delay 50 to 125 50 to 100 40 to 75 10 to 50 10 to 40
The game first picks a random number in the appropriate delay range to determine when the cutlass-throwing pirate appears. Then, it rolls another number in the same range to determine how long it takes for the pirate to throw the cutlass. The game then checks to see if the captive pirate's Y position is less than 144 pixels: If true, the pirate will throw the cutlass; otherwise, the pirate will wait until she's sufficiently low enough before throwing. Awful nice of him.


  • There's a bug with the cutlass: The collision box lingers even after the sprite disappears, and is only removed from play when the cutlass-throwing pirate leaves. This does not happen with Jungle King's spear.

Other Graphics

Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcCaptiveK.gif JungleHuntArcCaptiveP.gif

The captive woman went into the piracy trade and dyed her hair black. She's also held up by a chain instead of a vine, and she's trying a little harder to break free.

Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcCookingPotH.png JungleHuntArcCookingPotP.png

The cooking pot's fire went from pink and yellow to red and black, while the wood is now purple. Why is there a cooking pot here, anyway? Are they...are they cannibals too?!

Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcHeartK.gif JungleHuntArcHeartP.gif

The heart is finally an appropriate red in Pirate Pete, but whoever redrew it left two stray orange pixels on one of the frames.


Jungle King Pirate Pete
JungleHuntArcEndingK.png JungleHuntArcEndingP.gif
  • While the woman in Jungle King gives our hero a single, chaste kiss, the female pirate will keep smooching Pirate Pete until the cutscene ends.

Music & Sound

ID Context Jungle King Pirate Pete Comments
N/A Stage 1 intro
In this version, the Tarzan yell was replaced by a unique jingle instead of reusing the River / Ocean track.
N/A Main theme
The main theme plays in the first three stages in Jungle King, but only on the pirate ship stage in Pirate Pete.
N/A Native / Pirate Chant
In Jungle King, the chant is assigned to sound B1 and plays indefinitely until the special sound A0 is cued.

In Pirate Pete, the native chant cycles between two different sounds, 86 and B3, and the game can simply stop cycling the sounds to mute the chant.

93 Player Stab
In Jungle King, the diving meter chimes are appended to the end of the stabbing sound. This doesn't really make sense if the player is on the water's surface, where the diving meter chimes don't normally play. Pirate Pete fixes this by removing the chimes from this sound.
A4 Croc / Fish Warning
A6 Croc / Fish Stabbed
Sound was changed to match the fish falling down to the ocean floor after dying.
A7 Player Bitten
Changed at the beginning to better evoke the idea of the player being bitten.
A8 Player Drowned
B7 Ape / Parrot Chatter
Strangely enough, the parrots ended up sounding more like the higher-pitched monkeys from the oldest Jungle King set.
B9 Ape / Parrot Surprised
BA Ape / Parrot Laughter
(Source: Original TCRF research)