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Justice League: Task Force (SNES)

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Title Screen

Justice League: Task Force

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publishers: Sunsoft (US), Acclaim Entertainment (JP/EU)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: October 27, 1995
Released in US: June 1995
Released in EU: July 1995

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Yes, there was a DC Comics fighting game too... and that fact was the only impressive thing as this game didn't offer anything new to the genre.

Sound Test

Justice League Task Force (SNES) sound test.png
At the title menu, press Select + L on Controller 1, at the same time with Select + R on Controller 2. The title menu will disappear and you need to push some buttons before the actual Sound Test message appears.

Unused Texts

Mostly all these texts are the garbage from the developers' computers' RAM stored in the unused areas.

Code Fragments

At 0x0BFFBA there are some system structures of the development tools which stores the addresses and the names of variables, maybe portions of the object files:


At 0x0C7F86, there is a portion of the scripting language itself:

shape( SHHIT_B, 10);
load_shape( SHHIT_A, 10);
load_shape( SHHIT_B, 8);
o.damaged = (CHEETAH_THROW2_DAMAGE/3);

At 0x167FBC, there are small portions of code or scripts written in ASM:

e 1210
	db 27*2	; local
	db OPC_GOSUB	; line 1211
	dw get_punch_b

Another fragment of ASM can be seen at 0x257EF0:

 	db OPC_do_thread	; line 440
	db OPC_COLLIDE_START	; line 441
	db OPC_COLLIDE_END	; line 441
	db OPC_GOTO	; line 442
	dw ..L002
option_jewel endproc

t_option_jewel proc
	db OPC_LDA_O	; line 449
	db 27*2	; local
	db OPC_AND_C	; line 449
	dw $8000
	; result in r

Smaller bits of ASM can be found in other places:

At 0x16FFFA:

; line

At 0x227FB5:


At 0x23FFF4:


At 0x247FF7:


Sound Driver Credit

Stored at 0x018C7C:

SLICK/Audio v1.01 Copyright(C)1994 Bitmasters,Inc.