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KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child

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Title Screen

KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child

Developers: Third Law Interactive, Tremor Entertainment (DC Port)
Publishers: Gathering of Developers, Take-Two Interactive (EU)
Platforms: Windows, Dreamcast
Released in US: July 17, 2000
Released in EU: August 4, 2000
Released in UK: August 25, 2000

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

A video game adaptation of a Todd McFarlane comic book adaptation of a KISS album cover. Wonders never cease. All game resources are contained within the PSYCHO.REZ file in the game's folder.

To do:
A few things.
  • Check the Dreamcast data files.
  • Examine and document the CHEAT.SCR script files included with many maps.
  • Various "OLD" files and an "UNUSED" folder in the SOUNDS directory.

Unused Graphics


INTERFACE/PSYCHO.PCX contains an early logo for the game, along with the logo of a "Bloodshot Visions". Was this the original name for developers Third Law Interactive?

Early Cursors


MENU/POINTER1OLD.PCX and MENU/POINTER2OLD.PCX contain older, cartoonier versions of the cursor icons in the same folder.

Placeholder Title Screens

These can be found in the MENU subfolder, and most of them appear to be the development team amusing themselves.

In SCREENS/PROFILE, there are image files for what appears to be a very early version of the title screen. The scratchy, rough aesthetic varies largely from that of the final version.


'Womb' Loading Screen


SCREENS/LOADINGBACKGROUNDS/R5M2.PCX contains a loading screen for the game's final map (R5M2), where you fight the Nightmare Child. For whatever reason, the 'Nightmare' loading screen used for R5M1 is used again when the player loads into R5M2, thus making this loading screen unable to be seen during gameplay.

Unused Textures

In SKINS/CREATURES/, there are two Headless textures that go unused. ICEHEAD.DTX contains an ice-themed texture, and MAGMAHEAD.DTX contains a red-tinted texture which appears very similar to the texture used for Headless within the Fire realm, only without the lava-coated talons of that texture.

Unused Audio

Voice Clips

MAPDATA/REALM2/R2M0/R2-RAVENINTRO-4.WAV contains an unused voice clip spoken by Madam Raven, supposedly meant for the Earth Realm's intro sequence.

Already a savage land before the coming of the Nightmare Child, this realm now holds horrors undreamed of!

Unused Enemies

Models found in MODELS/CREATURES/ and their associated textures in SKINS/CREATURES/


Based on this model's animations and the existence of a separate LARVAHEAD.ABC model, it appears that this enemy was meant to be decapitated when attacked, with a sentient head separating from the body and the ability for the body to regenerate its head after a certain period of time.


There is no associated texture with this model. It appears that this was meant to be a stationary enemy.


There are two model variants of this enemy. It appears to be a mutated version of the common Headless enemy that, based on its 'Birth' animation, could've acted as a mobile enemy spawner.



Unused Items

Models are found in MODELS/PICKUPS/BEASTKING/ and associated textures in SKINS/PICKUPS/BEASTKING/


A reference to the Japanese kanji for 'power', which KISS have used as a sort of secondary logo that has been seen on album covers, on stage, merchandise, etc.


There's no associated model for this item, only a texture.



Unused Models

MODELS/PLAYER/DEMON/DEMON.ABC contains an early version of the Demon's player model. This appears to be the same model that is shown in the unused title screen featuring the Demon fighting headless. The model contains walking and ambient animations (There is also a 'Death1' animation, which is simply a copy of the AmbA animation despite the different name). The texture used for this model in the early title screen seems to have been fully replaced by the final Demon texture, and thus no longer exists in the game files.