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Killer Instinct Gold

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Title Screen

Killer Instinct Gold

Developer: Rare
Publishers: Nintendo, Playtronic (BR)
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in US: November 25, 1996
Released in EU: July 4, 1997
Released in AU: May 9, 1997
Released in BR: December 1996

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
Investigate the Nintendo debugging tape. If these bugs don't appear in the final game, create a prerelease page document it there. See if there's any other beta stuff here (graphics, objects, etc). (timestamp 1), (timestamp 2), (timestamp 3), (timestamp 4).

Killer Instinct Gold is Rare's first home version of Killer Instinct 2, with a number of unique extras.

Version Differences

Rumble Pak Lockup

The original USA and USA Rev 1 versions will lockup on a black screen on boot if a Rumble Pak was present in any connected controllers. This could be resolved simply by removing all attached Rumble Paks.

This issue was fixed in the USA Rev 2 and European versions.