Koto Battle: Tengai no Moribito
Koto Battle: Tengai no Moribito |
Developer: AlphaDream
Koto Battle: Tengai no Moribito is AlphaDream's very first game, about a red-haired boy and his canine friend Kanae who protects the land of Tengai by fighting in kotodama card battles.
Debug Menu
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...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
A debug menu can be accessed with the GameShark code 011D89D6. To access it, try the following.
- Enable the code on the overworld.
- Open the menu with Start.
- Either choose any available sub-option or back out with B to load the main debug menu.
In fact, various other actions which load a menu will also work with this code, such as the options (オプション), menu, or the new game (はじめから)/continue (つづきから) but it may not be possible to force an encounter with the debug menu later.
Changing HRAM address FFA8 will also load the menu immediately, but often freezes the game unless changed during the transition into a new menu. Additionally, code to bring up the graphics for the main menu is at 7e:4573.
Main Menu
The main menu for the debug menu, which also contains various sub-menus.
デバッグメインメニュー: Debug Main Menu イベントのよくせい: Event Control せんとうのよくせい: Combat Control エンカウントテスト: Encounter Test フラッグメニューへ: To Flag Menu フィールドデータさんしょう: Field Data Reference
- Event Control and Combat Control can be toggled off (オフ) or on (オン).
- Encounter Test can be activated with values 00 through to 16, where 00 means no battle and other values correspond with a set of battler(s)/monster(s) to encounter. Exiting the debug menu will start the battle. There are sets greater than 16, which can be accessed by changing memory address C1D6 (set number) but for some reason the displayed number glitches after 65. The game only restricts exceeding 16 (not 17 and up).
- To Flag Menu opens up a sub-menu.
- Field Data Reference opens up another sub-menu.
On the same menu, there is also what seems to be a build date and developer name:
バジョン: 12/18·16:00 ライト:ヨシダ·ま ベース: 12/18·16:00
Version: 12/18 16:00 Write: M Yoshida Base: 12/18 16:00
Flag Menu
Provides access to various sub-menus pertaining to event flags.
ジャンプさきじょうたい のこりほすうじょうたい じかいせんとうじょうたい ことだましゅとくけいけんじょうたい グローバルフラグのじょうたい ローカルフラグのじょうたい えつらん・ジャンプきょか
Pre-Jump State Leftover Step State Next Battle State Kotodama Acquisition Experience State Global Flag State Local Flag State Inspection Jump Permissions
Pre-Jump State
Options for the place names below the title ジャンプさきじょうたい are off or on.
ジャンプさきじょうたい りゅうのせなか りゅうのはら ひどけいのにわ アラガネのオカ ゆきのまち ほしふるのはら そらのはしご さんごのもり コトノハむら ガラクタやま じょうかまち ときのねどこ かぜなぎのまち まどろみのもり はざくらのさと
Pre-Jump State Dragon's Back Dragon's Stomach Sundial Garden Ore Heights Snow Town Starfall Fields Sky Stairs Coral Forest Word Village Junk Mountain Joker Town Time Bed Calm Winds Town Slumbering Forest Cherry Tree with Fallen Blossom Hamlet
Leftover Step State
のこりほすうじょうたい ダメージゆかかいひ エンカウントアップ エンカウントタウン ことだまおとすてき
Leftover Step State Damage Floor Damage Avoidance Encounter Up Encounter Town Lost to Enemy?
Next Battle State
Options are off or on.
けいけんち 2 ことだま 2 せんせいこうげき
Experience 2 Kotodama 2 Teacher's Attack
Kotodama Acquisition Experience State
This menu seems to show acquired Kotodama in a table of binary flags (0 through to 59). A value of 0 in the table means not acquired, and 1 means acquired.
Global Flag State
Shows a table of binary "global" flags. There are a total of 260.
Local Flag State
Shows a table of binary "local" flags. There are a total of 130.
Inspection Jump Permissions
Asks the user whether it is fine to turn on permissions for inspecting the following flags for abnormalities(?):
- Cards
- Combos
- Jumps
- Kotodama Possession Experience
- Status Commands
Field Data Reference
Displays various attributes pertaining to the field, or before the debug menu was opened. "N" represents a number.
フィールドかんれんデータ データナンバ (N) じゅくれんど (N) てきばんごう (N) しゅじんこういち [N、N] イベントすう (N) ことだまのかけら (N)/55
Data Relevant to the Field Field Number (N) Skill Number (N) Enemy Number (N) Protagonist Position (N,N) Event Number (N) Kotodama Pieces (N)/55
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- Games developed by AlphaDream
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- Games published by AlphaDream
- Game Boy Color games
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- Games released in 2001
- Games released in March
- Games released on March 9
- Games with hidden developer credits
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with debugging functions
- To investigate
- Articles needing proofread
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by AlphaDream
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by AlphaDream
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2001
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 9
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > Game Boy games > Game Boy Color games