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Kou Dai Yao Guai Zhi Hong Lan Dui Jue

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Title Screen

Kou Dai Yao Guai Zhi Hong Lan Dui Jue

Developers: Sintax (presumably)
Platform: Unlicensed Game Boy Advance

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

This game was stuffed away in a cardboard box and found 30 years later in a garage
This game was never completed and/or given a public release.
As a result of this, keep in mind that the developers might have used or deleted some of the content featured here, had the game actually been released.

Kou Dai Yao Guai Zhi Hong Lan Dui Jue is a nice-looking GBA game that was never completed, though a near-complete build was released by Sky League.

It's probably meant to be a sequel to Digimon Adventure, since most of the graphics are recycled from there (including the unused enemy).


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Graphics

KDYGZHLDJ-Unused HUD Numbers.png

While the game has a HUD, there's no way to actually up your score and collectable count above 0 or have more than 2 lives, leaving the rest of the numbers unused.