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LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (GameCube)/Debug Menu

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This is a sub-page of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (GameCube).

To do:
  • Properly document the warps from Go To Scene & Go To Door.
  • Convert the existing AR codes for use with other releases of the game.
  • Add screenshots when needed.

The GameCube and PlayStation 2 releases have a debug menu that can be accessed by adding an Action Replay code and selecting LEGO Options while paused.

Action Replay Codes

Release Code
EU (Fr, De) 044106f8 00000001
US 044090F0 00000001
(EU Code: Ralf@gc-forever.com)
(US Code: Proboscis-2)

LEGO Options

GL5E4F 2023-02-14 18-02-33.png

Item Notes
Go To Scene Allows the player to skip to specific parts of the levels.
Go To Level Allows skipping to the main menu or the credits.
Go To Door Teleports the player to specific door locations for each level.
Restart Restarts the current level.
Open All Doors Unlocks all levels.
Game Mode Allows switching from story mode to free play.
Panel Turns the HUD on or off.
Lift Player Makes the character fly after holding Y on the GameCube controller.
FPS Display Displays the game's framerate at the bottom right corner.
Difficulty Sets the difficulty from 1 to 10.
Level Streaming Toggles the streaming of cutscenes. When turned off, it will take longer for them to load.
Streaming display Displays flashing text whenever a cutscene is being streamed.
Open All Levels Same as Open All Doors.
Collect All Mini-Kits Automatically collects every mini-kit.
Collect All Super-Kit pieces Automatically collects every super-kit.
Collect All Story Characters Unlocks every character from story mode.
Collect All Characters Unlocks every character from the game.
Collect All Cheats Unlocks all cheats that can be purchased in the cantina.
View Camera Allows the activation of either a free camera or a camera that stays in a fixed position.
Buy All Shop Characters Unlocks all characters that can be purchased in the cantina.