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Lady Sia

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Title Screen

Lady Sia

Developer: RFX Interactive
Publisher: TDK Mediactive
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in US: October 16, 2001
Released in UK: October 19, 2001
Released in FR: October 5, 2001

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Lady Sia follows the adventures of a young female warrior princess as she attempts to save her homeland from the cruel beastmen called T'soas.

Unused Levels

Setting the byte in memory at 0xB50 to one of the below IDs and freezing it before loading a stage will cause that level to load.

Turtle-Riding Level (ID 2E)

Lady Sia - Unused Turtle Riding Level.png

Contains a single turtle which Sia can stand on. There are no enemies, and jumping off of the turtle causes her to fall to her death.

This was likely intended to be a cutscene that occurred after completing the turtle village level, explaining how Sia was able to cross the expanse of water between the turtle village and the seaport.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Onimen's Second Phase (ID 33)

Normally, once you defeat the final boss Onimen, the game is over and the credits roll. However, this level and related (also unused) dialogue indicates that it was meant to transform into some sort of demon form:

Zoomed out view of the entire Onimen second phase map

Onimen: You served me well by freeing me from this frail body. 
As a reward, I'll bring you to my realm and devour your soul.
Lady Sia: I killed you once, I'll do it again!
Onimen: Then, I was trapped in a weakling form. 
This time, you will die!
Lady Sia: Talk is cheap. Bring it on!
Intro dialogue with glitchy color palette
Onimen uses a push attack similar to the Walrus earlier in the game
Onimen uses a spike attack
Defeating Onimen causes it to shrink into nothingness
(Source: Original TCRF research)