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Last Action Hero (NES)

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Title Screen

Last Action Hero

Developer: Teeny Weeny Games
Publisher: Sony Imagesoft
Platform: NES
Released in US: October 1993

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Like the movie? Hate it? Well it doesn't matter, because this game sucks either way.

Unused Graphics

LastActionHeroNES Icons.png

Found along the HUD graphics are various icons besides the fist that is always seen during gameplay. These include a clock, a barrel (?), a skull, a knife and a bomb. According to the game's producer Rich Robinson, the game was originally supposed to contain weapons for Jack Slater to use. However, Arnold requested that Slater's weapons be taken out of the game. This is why there is a fist icon on the top of the screen throughout the game's entirety.

LastActionHeroNES ArrowUN.png

A different angle of arrow used by the archer enemies in stage 2.

LastActionHeroNES SoldierUN.png

The soldiers during the helicopter boss fight were possibly planned to crouch and shoot.

Unused Music

Tracks 6 and 7 in the NSF are short, unused tunes. Judging by their sound, they might have been used as the game over and ending tunes. The cutscene music is used for both of those instead.

Track 6

Track 7

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Source Code

Two chunks of uncompiled, commented code are stored in the ROM.


	dh	lspec0,lspec0,lspec1,lspec2,lspec2
	dl	rspec0,rspec0,rspec1,rspec2,rspec2
	dh	rspec0,rspec0,rspec1,rspec2,rspec2

	db	66
	db	8,0
	db	0,5,0,0
	db	0,7,0,8
	db	16,3,1,4
	db	240,0,0,0
	db	240,0,0,0
	db	240,0,0,0
	db	66
	db	16,0
	db	0,13,0,0
	db	0,15,0,8
	db	0,17,0,16
	db	16,9,1,0
	db	16,11,1,8
	db	240,0,0,0
	db	66
	db	20,0
	db	0,19,0,0
	db	0,15,0,8
	db	0,21,0,16
	db	16,9,1,0
	db	16,11,1,8
	db	240,0,0,0


	beq	!dead
	dec	sprdata+3,x
!cok	jmp	back
	dec	enemy_number
	jmp	flyoff

;	lda	level
;	cmp	#8
;	bne	!skipm
	lda	#30+128
	sta	mforeground
	jsr	setupmeter
	ldx	#6
	jsr	claimspr
	bcs	!error

	lda	#0
	sta	objgenflag

	lda	screenx
	sta	leftlimit
	sta	rightlimit

	lda	#3
	sta	scrollctrl

	lda	freesprites
	sbc	#6
	sta	freesprites

	jsr	findnextsprite
	lda	#12
	sta	ctrllist,x

	lda	#20
	sta	prob1	;probability of aggressive moves

	lda	#128
	sta	prob2	;even weighting of moves

	lda	#175
	sta	ypos,x

	stx	work
	lda	#0
	sta	sprdata,x
	sta	sprdata+1,x
	sta	sprdata+3,x
	lda	#255-24		;start on right
	sta	sprdata+2,x
	ldy	#5

	jsr	linkmore
	lda	#0
	sta	objgenflag
	lda	#1
	sta	nosteps

	lda	#25
	sta	eoln		;ripper hits

	lda	#<deathctab
	sta	frameset4
	sta	frameset3
	lda	#>deathctab
	sta	frameset3+1
	sta	frameset4+1

	lda	#<deathwtab
	sta	frameset1
	lda	#>deathwtab
	sta	frameset1+1

	lda	#<deathptab
	sta	frameset2
	lda	#>deathptab
	sta	frameset2+1
	lda	#5
	sta	baddude
	inc	rampalette+1
	jmp	!error

firegunr	;man fires right

	lda	xpos,y
	adc	#16
	sta	temp+1
	lda	#2
	sta	temp+2
	jmp	firegun

firegunl	;man fires left

	lda	xpos,y
	sbc	#16
	sta	temp+1
	lda	#-2
	sta	temp+2

	ldx	#1
	jsr	claimspr
	bcc	!ok
	lda	#150
	sta	firedel

	dec	freesprites
	lda	#5
	sta	ctrllist,x
	lda	#0
	sta	sprlinx,x
	lda	ypos,y
	sbc	#1
	sta	sprpage,x
	lda	temp+1
	sta	sprpage+3,x
	lda	#lockbit+1
	sta	sprpage+2,x
	lda	temp+2
	sta	sprdata,x
	lda	#0
	sta	sprdata+1,x
	ldy	level

	lda	!bulltabl,y
	sta	sprdata+2,x
	lda	!bulltabh,y
	sta	sprdata+3,x
	dl	!bullet1,!bullet1,!bullet1,!bullet1,!bulle
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Random Seed

The string It Work at 0x1FC94 is partially used to initialize the random number generator. Only the first 6 symbols are used.

(Source: Original TCRF research)