Light Fantasy II
Light Fantasy II |
Developer: Advance Communication This game has hidden development-related text. |
- 1 Debug Mode
- 1.1 Debug Menu
- 1.1.1 サウンド(Sound)
- 1.1.2 マップきりかえ(Changes the Map)
- 1.1.3 バストアップ(Bust-up Shot)
- 1.1.4 BGモード(BG Mode)
- 1.1.5 いちまいえ(Picture)
- 1.1.6 MEMORY
- 1.1.7 100%さそえる(100% Invite)
- 1.1.8 エフェクト(Effect)
- 1.1.9 BG あたり(BG Collide)
- 1.1.10 メッセージ(Message)
- 1.1.11 NPCチェック(Check NPC)
- 1.1.12 PTYスピード(PTY Speed)
- 1.1.13 おたのしみ(Bonus)
- 1.1.14 スポット(Spot)
- 1.1.15 フラグ(Flag)
- 1.1.16 MAPきりかえ(Changes the Map)
- 1.1.17 バトルチェック(Check Battle)
- 1.1.18 DETH
- 1.1.19 LEVEL
- 1.1.20 エンカウント(Encount)
- 1.2 Debug Display
- 1.3 Freeze Frame
- 1.4 Instant Battle
- 1.1 Debug Menu
- 2 Build Date
Debug Mode
At the title screen, press R, X, Y, L, Y, B, L, R, L, R, Select, Select, A. The following debugging functions will now be enabled during gameplay:
Debug Menu
Press Start on controller 1 to bring up a debug menu, which contains a sound test, face test, message test, and map select, among other options.
It is a music test.
マップきりかえ(Changes the Map)
バストアップ(Bust-up Shot)
See a character's pictures.
BGモード(BG Mode)
Changes the PPU parameter.
Check the pictures/animes.
Set the 8 bit value to address.
100%さそえる(100% Invite)
The invite command is going to succeed.
It is a sound effect test.
BG あたり(BG Collide)
Enable/Disable the collision test player and map.
Check the messages.
NPCチェック(Check NPC)
Check NPC sprites.
PTYスピード(PTY Speed)
Changes walking speed.
Check the bonus games.
To do: Check this menu. |
Edit flags.
MAPきりかえ(Changes the Map)
Enable/Disable changes the map event.
バトルチェック(Check Battle)
Battle test.
- MAP: Background.
- PTN: Enemy formation number.
- PTY: Enemy's party number.
- LEN: Enemy count.
Enable(Off)/Disable(On) invincible mode.
Changes the level.
Enable(On)/Disable(Off) encount to enemies.
Debug Display
Press and hold L on controller 1 to bring up this debug display, which displays the number of the current map, the player's coordinates, and the map's coordinates.
Freeze Frame
Press Start on controller 2 to freeze the game. Press again to unfreeze.
Instant Battle
Press R on controller 2 to instantly start a battle.
Build Date
Stored at x1747A:
Light Fantasy 2 95/08/10
The Light Fantasy series
| |
SNES | Light Fantasy • Light Fantasy II |
PlayStation | Light Fantasy: Nya Nyan ga Nyan |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Advance Communication
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Tonkin House
- SNES games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1995
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 27
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with hidden level selects
- To do
- Light Fantasy series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Advance Communication
Games > Games by platform > SNES games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Tonkin House
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1995
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 27
Games > Games by series > Light Fantasy series