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Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken

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Title Screen

Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: December 21, 1996

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Konami's very first 3D fighter, and oddly one that went straight to console rather than visiting the arcade first.

Test Menu

Lightning Legend- Daigo no Daibouken-testmenu1.png Lightning Legend- Daigo no Daibouken-testmenu2.png

A small test menu can be re-enabled by enabling the below code and pressing L1 + R1 while in the GAME RECORDS screen.

Press L1 + R1 in Game Records for Test Menu
D001006C 000C
30012204 0001
  • ITEM = Game Records
  • DEMO = Plays a story mode scene.
  • DEMO EDIT = Soft locks the game.
  • ???? = Throws you back to Game Records.
  • CARD EDIT = Item editor mode. Allows giving the player items. The TIME, ROOM, MEET, KEY options appear to always be zero.

While in CARD EDIT, press R1 / L1 over items to increase or decrease values.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Bonus Content

In a folder named "OMAKE" is a set of BMP images (converted to PNG for this wiki)- eight 32x32 headshots of the cast, four bigger extra images with Daigo, Mayu and Yuki, and an oddly-formatted README.DOC with some cryptic developer comments.


Extra Images

Extra Character Icon

The character select menu contains an extra character simply called "CHAR D". The character has an unusual headshot and it looks like a developer cameo or simply a placeholder for a character that was never released. Unfortunately, the game crashes if the character is selected.


Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
Notes: Entire document needs translating

The document itself has a lot of blank pages, and spaces, these have been omitted here for readability.


         「ライトニングレジェンド  ~ 大悟の大冒険 ~」

                          あ と が き












       1996年  11月
                                      開発者代表  ひ ろ た か

                                                     以  上


           00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
 00000000  20 20 82 75 82 77 82 4F-82 4F 82 54 82 C9 82 C2
 00000010  82 A2 82 C4 81 44 81 44-81 44 0D 0A 0D 0A 81 75
 00000020  82 58 8D FB 96 00 82 CC-96 7B 81 76 82 CD 81 41
 00000030  95 4B 82 B8 82 A0 82 E8-82 DC 82 B7 81 42 0D 0A
 00000040  81 75 82 57 8D FB 81 76-82 DC 82 C5 8F 57 82 00
 00000050  82 E9 82 B1 82 C6 82 AA-82 C5 82 AB 82 BD 90 6C
 00000060  82 C8 82 E7 81 41 89 7B-97 97 82 C5 82 AB 82 E9
 00000070  82 E6 82 A4 82 C9 82 C8-82 C1 82 C4 82 A2 82 E9
 00000080  82 CC 82 C5 82 B7 82 AA-81 41 0D 0A 82 A8 82 C1
 00000090  82 C6 82 BB 82 EA 88 C8-8F E3 82 CD 81 44 81 44
 000000A0  81 44 82 AB 82 C1 82 00-91 B1 95 D2 82 C5 81 41
 000000B0  92 AC 82 CC 90 6C 82 CC-89 EF 98 00 82 A9 82 E7
 000000C0  96 BE 82 E7 82 A9 82 C9-82 B3 82 EA 82 E9 82 C5
 000000D0  82 B5 82 E5 82 A4 81 42-0D 0A 0D 0A 20 20 90 7D
 000000E0  8F 91 8A D9 92 53 93 96-20 20 82 D0 82 EB 82 BD
 000000F0  82 A9 0D 0A .. .. .. ..-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..




                         お し ま い

The hex dump is shift-JIS encoded text and it reads:


「9冊・ の本」は、必ずあります。
「8冊」まで集・ ることができた人なら、閲覧できるようになっているのですが、
おっとそれ以上は...きっ・ 続編で、町の人の会・ から明らかにされるでしょう。

  図書館担当  ひろたか