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Lode Runner 3-D

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Title Screen

Lode Runner 3-D

Developer: Big Bang Software[1]
Publishers: Infogrames (US/EU), Banpresto (JP)
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: July 30, 1999
Released in US: March 26, 1999
Released in EU: 1999

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

It's Lode Runner... in 3D!


LodeRunner3D-cheats1.png LodeRunner3D-cheats2.png

Entering the button combinations below will enable extra bonuses. Pause the game while in a level and hold Z while entering any of the following cheats.

Pause Screen Inputs Reward
D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, L, R Skip Level
A, R, D-Pad Up, R, D-Pad Up, R, D-Pad Up Select Level
L, R, A, L, R, B Shields
D-Pad Left, R, R, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Up Camera Mode
B, L, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up View Ending
Start, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Up,
D-Pad Down, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down
D-Pad Right, L, D-Pad Left, L, R, D-Pad Down, R Debug Display
(Source: Punk7890)

Development Text

Present at 0x1B4300 in the ROM.

cp \Project\Data\N64\Audio\Audio.ptr 
cp \Project\Data\N64\Audio\audio.bfx 
cp \Project\Data\N64\Audio\*.bin 
zip -m PoolLRL *.LRL
unzip PoolLRL.ZIP
del PoolLRL.ZIP
rem cp __64File.BIN H:\Code\Lode
move __64File.BIN 
(Source: Ferrox)

Unused Text

Present at 0x801E8702 in memory is text leftover from a test version.

Internal Test Version
Do Not Distribute
(Source: Ferrox)
