Lupin III: Umi Ni Kieta Hihou
Lupin III: Umi Ni Kieta Hihou |
Also known as: Lupin III: Lost Treasure Under the Sea This game has unused graphics. This game has a prerelease article This game has a notes page |
Lupin III: Umi Ni Kieta Hihou is a visual novel where you control Theo as you try to find out about the Miracle Girl, Liana, and how the Kirim fits into the overall plot.
Prerelease Info |
Notes |
A Potential Third Disc
The game has text strings for a Disc 3 located at 00000000 000000D3FC7, with error messages. Nintendo (of America) wrote in their "Optical Disc Drive Guidelines" that they weren't interested in games requiring more than two discs.
Hex | String | Translation |
000000D3FA4 | ディスクがセットされていません。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | No disc inserted. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
000000D4088 | ディスクが違います。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | Wrong disc inserted. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
000000D42F4 | ディスクを入れ替えたらカバーを閉じてください。Iープンボタンを押してディスクカバーを開け、「ルパン三世」のディスク3に入れ替えてください。 | Press the Open Button on the Disc Cover, and replace it with Disc 3 of LUPIN III. After replacing the disc, close the Disc Cover. |
000000D4430 | 入れ替えたディスクが違います。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | The replaced disc is incorrect. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
000000D4584 | ディスクがセットされていません。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | No disc inserted. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
000000D4668 | ディスクが違います。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | Wrong disc inserted. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
000000D48C4 | オープンボタンを押してディスクカバーを開け、「ルパン三世」のディスク3に入れ替えてください。 | Press the Open Button on the Disc Cover, and replace it with Disc 3 of LUPIN III. After replacing the disc, close the Disc Cover. |
000000D49F4 | 入れ替えたディスクが違います。「ルパン三世」のディスク3をセットしてください。 | The replaced disc is incorrect. Please insert Disc 3 of LUPIN III. |
Chapter Order Anomalies
Looking at the order in which chapters are populated in the disc, located at 00000000 000000DAAAF, "Infiltrating the Research Institute" (which is Chapter 8) and "Bicycle Escape" (which is Chapter 5) both appear after a Dummy save title, along with "Saludo the Great Power" (Disc 2) appearing after a Dummy save title.
Hex | String | Translation |
000000DAA14 | ダミーデータ | Dummy Data |
000000DAA48 | - サルド、その大いなる力 - | - Saludo the Great Power - |
000000DAA7C | ダミーデータ | Dummy Data |
000000DAAB0 | - 研究所潜入 - | - Infiltrating the Research Institute - |
000000DAAE4 | - 自転車激走! - | - Bicycle Escape - |
Debug Menu
To do:
There may be a secret debug menu; however, the debug text is in Japanese instead of English, making it hard to find them; it may be dummied.
Unused Text
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
There is some unused dialogue within the game.
Chapter 1
This dialogue, found at 00000000 000043AB7B4E, is a duplicate of a conversation with Theo and the Professor that leads to the bad ending.
Unused Dialogue from Chapter 1 | ||
Character | Dialogue | Translation |
Theo | まあ、いっか | It's not mine. |
Theo | ・・・放っておこう。 | I shouldn't take it. |
Theo | おじいちゃん、見て! | Grandpa, look! |
Professor | これは見事なアンフォラだ。まだ、ありそうなのか? | This is one spectacular amphora. Do they have more in stock? |
Theo | コスタス親方は、まだ「ある」って言ってた! | Costas says that they do have more for trade. |
Professor | そうか。 | Really? |
Professor | コスタスは、前から「あそこにある」と言ってたが。 | Costas used to say they could be found here. |
Professor | ・・・いや、お手柄だな。 | But this is a great find. |
Lupin | よう、教授。・・・覚えてるかい? | Hello Professor. ...Remember me? |
Professor | お前さんは・・・。 | You're... |
Professor | ルパン、ルパンじゃないか! | L-Lupin, is that you?! |
Lupin | 8年ぶりかな?ここに来たのは。 | It's been eight years since I last came by, isn't that right? |
Lupin | それにしても、ここは相変わらずだな。 | And yet... this place hasn't changed a bit. |
Lupin | あの娘さん、ソフィアも元気かい? | That girl, Sofia... how is she doing now? |
Professor | ・・・・・。 | ...... |
Lupin | ・・・ん? | ...Hmm? |
Professor | ソフィアは死んだよ・・・、ヨットの事故でな。 | Sofia died... in a yacht accident. |
Professor | 父親も一緒だったんだが、奇跡的にテオだけが助かった…。 | His father was with him, but only Theo survived... it seemed like a miracle. |
Lupin | あの時、ソフィアが抱いてた男の子だね。 | That's the man Sophia was hugging that one time, wasn't it? |
Lupin | そうか・・・。 | I see... |
Lupin | お母さんには世話になったよ。 | Your mother looked after me once. |
Lupin | ・・・優しい人だった。 | ... She was a good woman. |
Professor | で、今日はどうしたんだ? | So, what brings you here? |
Professor | これは? | What's this? |
Lupin | なんだと思う? | What do you think it is? |
Professor | アテネの美術館に収蔵されたものにそっくりだな? | It looks like an artifact from a museum in Athens. |
Lupin | キリムってヤツらしいんだが。 | I heard it's called a "Kirim". |
Professor | 確かに『海の民のキリム』と呼ばれているものだ。 | It is called the "Kirim of the Oceanfolk". |
Lupin | これについて、わかってること全部知りたいんだ。 | I want you to tell me everything you know about this thing. |
Professor | ・・・調べてみよう。 | ... I'll look into it. |
Professor | とりあえずそうだな、夜まで時間をくれないか。 | But I need some time, can you return tonight? |
Lupin | オーケイ、夜にまたきてみるよ。 | Sure, I'll swing by later. |
Lupin | さてと・・・それじゃ久しぶりに海でも見ながらのんびりするか。 | Hmm... guess I'll lounge by the seaside for the first time in ages. |
Professor | おおルパン、それならウチのバンガローを使うといい。 | Oh, Lupin, feel free to use our bungalow. |
Professor | 海のそばの静かなところだ。人もいないし、ゆっくりできる。 | It's a nice and quiet spot. It's remote so that you can relax. |
Lupin | そりゃ、ありがたい。あ、もう2人ばかりいるんだけど。 | Thanks for that. But there are two more people with me. |
Professor | 皆で行けばいいさ。 | You can all go. |
Professor | テオ・・・。案内してあげなさい。 | Theo... can you lead them? |
Theo | でも、おじいちゃん。 | But Grandpa... |
Professor | 大事なお客様だ。コスタスにはワシから言っておくよ。 | They're our honored guests. I'll tell Costas what you're doing. |
Theo | はい。じゃあ、案内します。 | Okay. I'll take you guys there. |
Professor | 素直でいい子なんだが、引っ込み思案でな。 | He's a good honest kid, but he can be gloomy. |
Lupin | ハハ…じゃあ教授、あとは、よろしく。 | Haha... alright, Professor, I'll see you later. |
Lupin | 紹介するよ、テオ。仕事仲間の次元、それと五エ門だ。 | Here's my work pals: this is Jigen, and the other is Goemon. |
Jigen | よろしくな、坊主。 | Nice to meet ya, kid. |
Goemon | よろしく。 | Pleased to meet you. |
Lupin | とまあ・・・そんなわけで、これからテオが海辺のバンガローに案内してくれることになった! | Theo is here to show us to our seaside bungalow! |
Jigen | そりゃイイッ! | Nice! |
Lupin | じゃあテオ、道案内はヨロシク。 | Now, Theo, show us the way... |
Jigen | こりゃあ、いい眺めだ。 | That's one hell of a view. |
Goemon | 絶景かな、絶景かな・・・。 | Such picturesque scenery... |
Theo | ボクが生まれた頃の写真だそうです。 | This is a picture of me as a baby. |
Lupin | ・・・お母さんは、とても素敵な人だったよ。 | ... Your mother was a wonderful woman. |
Theo | 母さんのこと、よく知ってるんですか? | Did you know her well? |
Lupin | そうだな・・・、言ってみれば命の恩人だな。 | Well... you could say she saved my life. |
Theo | 命の・・・? | Saved your life...? |
Lupin | そういうこと。 | That's right. |
Jigen | おいルパン、こりゃ最高だぜ! | Hey, Lupin, this is great! |
Jigen | 一日と言わず、しばらくいさせてもらいてェな。 | Forget staying here for a day, I wanna be here for a week! |
Lupin | そりゃ良かった。 | Glad you're enjoying yourself. |
Theo | あ、お…お腹へって…、何か食べ物があれば。 | Um, I'm... a little hungry... Did you bring any food? |
Jigen | いや、メシというよりも。 | Nah, no food really. |
Jigen | 酒だな・・・。 | Just booze... |
Jigen | ギリシャの酒は何がうまいんだ? | What's the best drink in Greece? |
Theo | さあ、お酒のことはよくわからないから・・・。 | Well, I don't know much about alcohol... |
Jigen | ・・・そりゃそうだ。 | ... Fair enough. |
Jigen | ほほ、それにしてもなかなかどうして。 | Heh... this isn't half bad. |
Goemon | テオとやら。ここで釣りはできるのか? | Theo, was it? Is one able to fish here? |
Theo | あ、下の海はけっこう釣れますよ。 | Yeah, the ocean is deeper here and pretty good for fishing. |
Lupin | お、じゃあお魚さんと知恵比べといくか! | Ooh, in that case. We should have a battle of wits with the fishies! |
Jigen | ・・・釣りか?釣りならオレにまかせとけって。 | Fishing? Leave the fishing to me. |
Lupin | 本当か? | Really? |
Theo | じゃあ、ボク道具持ってきますね。 | I'll take out the equipment. |
Jigen | おいっ!そこはオレが狙ってたんだぞ! | Hey! That one was mine! |
Lupin | 早いモノ勝ちだ。 | Early bird gets the worm! |
Jigen | 汚ねェぞ、ルパン! | That's a dirty trick, Lupin! |
Lupin | じゃあ、何か?この海はお前の海なのか? | So what do you think? The whole ocean belongs to you? |
Theo | ・・・子供みたい。 | ...They're acting like kids. |
Theo | あ・・・あの人、エサ。 | That has no bait. |
Theo | あ、あのエサは・・・。 | Let me get it... |
Goemon | ・・・いらぬ。 | I won't need it... |
Theo | え、でも・・・エサつけないと釣れないですよ? | Huh? But... how will you catch a fish without bait? |
Goemon | ・・・・・! | ......! |
Goemon | えやっ!! | Hiyah!!! |
Theo | ・・・すごい。 | Impressive! |
Lupin | あ、何すんだよ! | Hey, what do you think you doing?! |
Jigen | お前のせいだ、お前のっ! | That's your fault, not mine! |
Lupin | あっちへ行かないからだろっ! | It's 'cause you didn't go that way! |
Jigen | こっちへ振るからだっ! | No, it's because you cast it this way! |
Lupin | そっちの糸を切れっ!! | Cut that string there! |
Jigen | 冗談じゃねえ!切るのはそっちだっ! | Are you kidding?! You're the one who's gonna cut it! |
Lupin | いいや、そっちだっ! | No, you are! |
Goemon | えやっ!! | Yah!!! |
Lupin | あ・・・・・。 | Ah... |
Theo | ・・・・・。 | ...... |
Jigen | ・・・静かだな。 | ...It's quiet, huh? |
Lupin | ・・・ああ。 | ...Yeah. |
Theo | ここから見る夕陽、大好きなんだ、ボク。 | I really like to watch the sunset from here. |
Jigen | 毎日、暗いうちから海に出て魚を捕る。 | I'm gonna go out into the water every night to catch fish. |
Jigen | 仕事の後は、夕陽を見ながら | And once my work's done, I'll watch the sunset |
Jigen | 仕事の後は、こうして酒を飲む。 | and enjoy the peace and quiet with a drink, like I am now. |
Goemon | それも悪くない。 | That doesn't sound half bad. |
Lupin | ・・・できるかァ、オレ達に? | Can I join you in that? |
Jigen | できねェな。 | Nah. |
Goemon | ふん・・・、歳をとったら考えよう。 | Hmm... I will think about it when I am older. |
Jigen | へ、五エ門らしくもねえ。 | Huh? I didn't peg you as that type, Goemon. |
Theo | そういえば、おじさん達何の仕事してるの? | Come to think of it, what kind of work do you do with Grandpa? |
Lupin | ん・・・大ドロボウさ。 | Hmm... we're master thieves. |
Theo | ・・・えっ? | Wait, what?! |
Jigen | お、焼けたぞ! | Hey, they're done cooking! |
Lupin | おい、それはオレが釣ったヤツだぞ! | Hey! That's one of the fish I caught! |
Jigen | お前のは、その小さいヤツだ。 | Nah, yours is that smaller one. |
Lupin | 違うだろっ! | No, it's not! |
Goemon | うまいぞ、遠慮せず、坊主も食べろ。 | They're delicious. Eat as much as you want, boy. |
Theo | はい・・・、それにしても面白い人たちですね。 | Okay... Still, you're all a very interesting bunch. |
Goemon | そうだな・・・。 | ...You think so? |
Professor | わかったことはここに書いておいた。 | I've written out all of my discoveries right here. |
Professor | なかなか謎の多いモノだよ。 | It's quite a mysterious little thing. |
Professor | ルパン、これを一体どうする気だね? | Lupin, what are you going to do with this? |
Lupin | さあ・・・。 | I dunno... |
Lupin | ただ、謎と聞くと解きたくなる性分でね。 | I'm just the kinda guy who wants to solve any mystery he comes across. |
Zenigata | 見つけたぞ、ルパン! | I found you, Lupin! |
Zenigata | あ、あれ? | H-huh? |
Zenigata | ただいまこちらに、ルパンというコソ泥がいたと思いましたが…。 | I was sure I spotted a petty thief by the name of Lupin here, but... |
Professor | いえ、この子と2人きりですが? | No, it's just me and this boy here. |
Zenigata | ・・・ん?ちょっと裏の方を失礼して。 | ...Hmm... Pardon me, I'll search in the back for- |
Professor | う・・・く、くるしい。 | Ngh...I can't breathe. |
Theo | お、おじいちゃんっ!?・・・どうしたの、おじいちゃん! | G-grandpa! What's wrong, Grandpa?! |
Professor | む、胸が・・・。テオ、引き出しから薬を。 | M-my chest... Theo, get my medicine out of the drawer. |
Zenigata | おい、大丈夫か!? | Hey, are you alright?! |
Zenigata | 救急車を呼ぶか? | Should I call an ambulance? |
Professor | いや、すまない。薬を飲めば・・・。 | No...sorry for the trouble. I'll be fine once I have my medicine... |
Zenigata | ・・・そうか? | ...Are you certain? |
Zenigata | いいか、様子を見て救急車を呼べ! | Listen, check on him, and call an ambulance! |
Zenigata | くっそ~、ルパンめ、裏口から・・・! | Damn it! Lupin went through the back door! |
Zenigata | まて~っ! | You cannot escape! |
Theo | おじいちゃんっ、これ薬! | Grandpa, your medicine! |
Professor | テオ、大丈夫だよ。ちょっと一芝居うっただけだ。 | I'm fine, Theo. It was all just a little act. |
Theo | 芝居・・・って? | An act...? |
Professor | ルパンを少しでも遠くに逃がそうと思ってな。倒れた振りをしたんだよ。 | I wanted to buy Lupin sometime to escape. I was just pretending to collapse. |
Theo | ・・・なあんだ。 | ... Huh? |
Professor | ハハハ、悪い悪い。 | Hahaha, sorry! |
Theo | 良かった・・・。 | That's a relief... |
Theo | そういえば、おじいちゃん。ルパンさんって本当にドロボウなの? | By the way, Grandpa... is Mr. Lupin really a thief? |
Professor | そうだよ。まあ、何とも変わったドロボウだな。 | He is. Well, a bit of an unusual thief. |
Theo | かわったドロボウって。でも、そんなだったかも。 | An unusual thief... but I guess people like him can exist. |
Theo | 不思議な人たちだね、また、会ってみたいな。 | They're a really strange group. I hope to see them again sometime. |
Professor | 会えるさ、また近いウチに、きっと。 | You will. I'm sure you will very soon |
Chapter 6
This dialogue, found at 00000000 000043A7AB3F, is a repeated conversation between Lupin and Alexiu.
Unused Dialogue from Chapter 6 | ||
Character | Dialogue | Translation |
Lupin | アレクシウさん? | Mr. Alexiu? |
Alexiu | ん?・・・ああ。 | Hmm?... Oh. |
Lupin | ラリス教授の紹介できたんだが。 | Professor Laris told us about you. |
Alexiu | ・・・ああ、聞いてるよ。『海の民』について、だったかな? | ...Yeah, I'm listening. About the Oceanfolk, was it? |
Lupin | ああ・・・。 | Oh... |
Alexiu | 珍しい。・・・昔々、はるか昔の話だ。 | I haven't been asked about this in so long. |
Alexiu | どうして、そんな話を聞きたがる? | But why are you interested in the story? |
Theo | 人を助けたいからです。 | Because I want to help people. |
Alexiu | そうか・・・、人助けか。 | Hmmm... want to help people? |
Theo | はい。 | Yes. |
Alexiu | わたしも、そう長くはない。ワシの役目も終わり。 | I don't have much time. My role is almost over. |
Alexiu | もう、語ることはないと思っていたが。 | I don't have much more to say, or so I thought. |
Alexiu | 『海の竜』の話を聞かせてやって欲しいと、ラリス氏からいわれているが。 | Mr. Laris asked me to tell him the story of the "Sea Dragon.". |
These aren't too interesting as these are exact copies of text already used in the game.
The Lupin III series
| |
Arcade | Lupin III • Cliff Hanger |
NES | Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan |
SNES | Lupin III: Densetsu no Hihou o Oe! |
PlayStation | Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro Saikai |
GameCube | Lupin III: Umi Ni Kieta Hihou |
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- Games developed by Asmik Ace Entertainment
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- Games published by Asmik Ace Entertainment
- GameCube games
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- Games released in 2003
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 31
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- To do
- Articles needing proofread/ja
- Lupin III series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Asmik Ace Entertainment
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Games > Games by series > Lupin III series