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Title Screen


Developer: devCAT Studio
Publisher: Nexon Co. Ltd.
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: April 26, 2005
Released in US: March 27, 2008
Released in EU: May 26, 2010
Released in KR: June 22, 2004
Released in CN: November 22, 2005
Released in TW: July 21, 2005

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!

Mabinogi is a game loosely based on Irish mythology that allows you to explore, fight monsters, and learn life skills (seriously). There are many secrets in the world of Erinn, waiting to be discovered.


Mabinogi-subpage-icon.png Unused Areas
Nexon likes their maps in big sizeǃ
Mabinogi-subpage-graphics.png Unused Graphics
Cleaning never was their greatest strength...
Mabinogi-subpage-items.png Unused Items
Mission passes, exploration artifacts, equipment, you name it.

Baltane Special Unit

Injury Photo Gallery

Mabinogi Shuan Photo Option.png

Dummied out in Shuan's NPC script is a "photo" dialog option that is fully functional and brings up a menu in which all six squires are listed.
Players are required to have seen the squire's respective Injury Illustration first, which will give them a unique keyword for each illustration.
Once the keyword has been obtained, Shuan will let the player purchase the ability to view the illustration at any time in exchange for 20 Basic Baltane Seals.

Several keywords exist for every squire, for having seen, paid for, and being able to access the illustrations.

Keyword Type ID Name[1] Description
Hidden 6782 mk_view_injury_photo_01 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Kanna
Hidden 6783 mk_view_injury_photo_02 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Eirlys
Hidden 6784 mk_view_injury_photo_03 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Elsie
Hidden 6785 mk_view_injury_photo_04 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Logan
Hidden 6786 mk_view_injury_photo_05 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Kaour
Hidden 6787 mk_view_injury_photo_06 You saw a bonus illustration in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Dai
Hidden 6788 mk_buy_injury_photo_01 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Kanna
Hidden 6789 mk_buy_injury_photo_02 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Eirlys
Hidden 6790 mk_buy_injury_photo_03 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Elsie
Hidden 6791 mk_buy_injury_photo_04 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Logan
Hidden 6792 mk_buy_injury_photo_05 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Kaour
Hidden 6793 mk_buy_injury_photo_06 You bought the bonus illustration that you saw in the Injury Treatment Mission. For Dai
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Music

To do:
Upload missing music, add the unused quest jingles and early G18 music.
File Name Track Notes
Music that is used for the opening cinematic for Nvidia before the game actually gets to the main menu. Though, no Nvidia intro plays at all in-game, even when the person is using an Nvidia graphics card. To add on to it, there exists .pmg and .set files for an Nvidia intro, yet it's not used at all.
Same as above, only difference it's shorter and actually has the voice saying "Nvidia".
characterSelect File:Mabinogi-CharacterSelect DFO.ogg Used during the Dungeon Fighter Online Crossover event that never came to the NA server. It belongs to another one of Nexon's removed games, Dungeon Fighter Online.

Regional Differences

Beauty Shop

For one reason or another, NA got a new track for the now defunct Beauty Shop, which can still be listened to via the MabiNovel system.

"Beauty Shop" (Other Regions) "Beauty Runway" (NA)


Also known as "Cat Island", Nekojima is an area exclusive to JP and KR. It was available as "Doki Doki Island" in the NA Server as part of an event, with different NPCs and features.

  1. Internal and Diary names are the same for these keywords.