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Mario Superstar Baseball/Regional Differences

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This is a sub-page of Mario Superstar Baseball.

To do:
Find a way to rip the voice clips for Birdo when selecting on the character select screen, in both the English and Japanese version, as well as Lakitu's English and Japanese voice clips.

Mario Superstar Baseball has three versions that were released to the public: the Japanese, North American, and European version.


Video Settings

European American & Japanese
MSSB60HzModeScreen.png MSSBProgressiveModeScreen.png

The European version has a screen asking to switch between 50Hz and 60Hz before starting the game. This screen in the American and Japanese version asks to enable progressive scanning instead.

Japan International
MSSBNintendoLogoJP.png MSSBNintendoLogoUS.png

While the Nintendo logo in the international versions is red, the logo in the Japanese version is blue. This can be seen in the games boot-up screen.

Intro Cutscene

Japan International
SMSMBIntroCutsceneNintendoLogo.png MSSBIntroCutsceneNintendoLogo.png

With the Nintendo logo being different colors in the Japanese and International versions, this change affected the intro cutscene to the game. The Nintendo logo in Mario Stadium is blue in the Japanese version, while the cutscene Internationally was rerendered to have the logo red.

Title Screen

Japan International
Mariobaseball jp title.png Mariosuperstarbaseball title.png
  • The game is called Super Mario Stadium: Miracle Baseball in the Japanese version, and uses a different logo.
  • The Japanese versions background uses Mario's artwork of him pitching a fireball, which was changed to the artwork of him batting in the international versions.
  • The games logo in the Japanese version glows, which doesn't happen to the logo in the international versions.
  • The PRESS START BUTTON text in the Japanese version was changed to say PRESS START / PAUSE in the international versions. The text was also moved between both versions.

Main Menu

A dictionary full of baseball related terms that only exists in the Japanese version of the game.
Japan International
SMSMBMainMenu.png Mariosuperstarbaseball menu.png
  • The main menu text in the Japanese version is capitalized in the International versions.
  • The text on the left reading SUPER MARIO STADIUM in the Japanese version was simply changed to read Mario Superstar Baseball in the International versions.
  • An extra mode in the Japanese version is present, known as Dictionary.

Several of the names for the different modes were slightly altered between the Japanese version and International versions.

Toy Fields preview icon was altered between both versions, as the Japanese version has the letters spell out "MIRACLE", which was changed to "HOMERUN" in the International versions.

Japan International
SMSMBExhibitionModePreview.png MSSBExhibitionGamePreview.png
SMSMBChallengeModePreview.png MSSBChallengeModePreview.png
SMSMBToyFieldPreview.png MSSBToyFieldPreview.png
SMSMBMinigamePreview.png MSSBMinigamePreview.png
SMSMBTrainingPreview.png MSSBPracticePreview.png
SMSMBRecordsPreview.png MSSBRecordsPreview.png
SMSMBOptionsPreview.png MSSBOptionsPreview.png


  • The background logos seen in most of the games menus reads SUPER MARIO STADIUM MIRACLE BASEBALL in the Japanese version. This was changed to read Mario Superstar Baseball Internationally.
Japan International



Japan International

Exhibition Game

Team Names

Japan International
MSB Luigi Resistance.pngMSB Luigi Mansions.pngMSB Luigi Harmonies.png
MSB Peach Valkyries.pngMSB Peach Kingdom.pngMSB Peach Royals.pngMSB Peach Rose.png
MSB Daisy Venus.png
MSB Wario Muscles.png
MSB Waluigi Flanker.pngMSB Waluigi Mushes.pngMSB Waluigi Mistakes.pngMSB Waluigi Smarts.png
MSB Yoshi Floats.pngMSB Yoshi Islands.png
MSB Catherine Beauty.pngMSB Catherine USA.pngMSB Catherine Fans.pngMSB Catherine Gorgeous.png
MSB Donkey Animals.pngMSB Donkey Explorers.pngMSB Donkey Kongs.pngMSB Donkey Wilds.png
MSB Koopa Black Stars.pngMSB Koopa Big Bangs.pngMSB Koopa Flames.pngMSB Koopa Monsters.png
MSB Luigi Leapers.pngMSB Luigi Mansioneers.pngMSB Luigi Vacuums.png
MSB Peach Dynasties.pngMSB Peach Monarchs.pngMSB Peach Princesses.pngMSB Peach Roses.png
MSB Daisy Petals.png
MSB Wario Steakheads.png
MSB Waluigi Flankers.pngMSB Waluigi Mashers.pngMSB Waluigi Mystiques.pngMSB Waluigi Smartalecks.png
MSB Yoshi Flutters.pngMSB Yoshi Islanders.png
MSB Birdo Beauties.pngMSB Birdo Bows.pngMSB Birdo Fans.pngMSB Birdo Models.png
MSB DK Animals.pngMSB DK Explorers.pngMSB DK Kongs.pngMSB DK Wild Ones.png
MSB Bowser Black Stars.pngMSB Bowser Blue Shells.pngMSB Bowser Flames.pngMSB Bowser Monsters.png

Several team names were changed, between the International and Japanese versions.

Japan International
SMSMBCatherineFansIcon.png MSSBBirdoFansIcon.png

The team icon for the Birdo Fans was also changed between the Japanese and International versions, due to Birdo being known as Catherine in Japan.

Stadium Names

Japanese Name English Name
Wario Paradise (ワリオパラダイス) Wario Palace
Donkey Jungle (ドンキージャングル) Donkey Kong Jungle
Koopa Castle (クッパキャッスル) Bowser Castle

Some of the names of a few stadiums were changed.


Mario Stadium
Japan International

In Mario Stadium, the Nintendo logo is blue in the Japanese version. Like the boot-up screen, this was changed to be red in the International version.

Batting & Fielding Calls

Japan International
SMSMBStrikeCallMessage.png MSSBStrikeCallMessage.png
SMSMBBallCallMessage.png MSSBBallCallMessage.png
SMSMBOutCallMessage.png MSSBOutCallMessage.png
SMSMBFairCallMessage.png MSSBFairBallCallMessage.png
SMSMBSafeCall.png MSSBSafeCall.png
SMSMBFoulCallMessage.png MSSBFoulBallCallMessage.png
SMSMBChangeCallMessage.png MSSBChangeCallMessage.png
SMSMBBallFourCallMessage.png MSSBBallFourCallMessage.png
SMSMBDoublePlayCallMessage.png MSSBDoublePlayCallMessage.png
SMSMBTriplePlayCallMessage.png MSSBTriplePlayCallMessage.png
SMSMBDeadBallCallMessage.png MSSBTakeYourBaseCallMessage.png
SMSMBEntitle2BaseCallMessage.png MSSBGroundRuleDoubleCallMessage.png
SMSMBInfieldFlyCallMessage.png MSSBInfieldFlyCallMessage.png
SMSMBBallDeadCall.png MSSBBallDeadCall.png
SMSMBTimeCall.png MSSBTimeCall.png
  • Aside from the translation differences, the calls in the Japanese versions are noticeably darker than the International version.
  • Two calls use different translations in the Japanese version. The Take Your Base call is read as a Dead Ball, while a Ground-Rule Double is known as Entitle 2 Base.
  • The color for the Fair call in the Japanese version is light green, but light-green and yellow in the International version.
  • A few of the calls are shortened in the Japanese version. Namely, Fair Ball and Foul Ball is shortened to Fair and Foul.


Japan International
SMSMBJustMeetText.png MSSBPerfectText.png

When making perfect contact with the ball while batting, the text reading JUSTMEET! in the Japanese version reads PERFECT! in the International version.


Japan International
SMSMBHeroText.png MSSBMVPText.png

When winning a game in Exhibition mode, the MVP!! is known as the HERO!! in the Japanese version.


Data Select

Japan International
SMSMBDataSelectChallenge.png MSSBDataSelectChallenge.png
  • The header of the screen reads Data select in the Japanese version, while it reads Select Data in the International version.
  • The TEAM MEMBER text was changed to Teammates in the International version.
  • The FILE # text in the Japanese version was made lowercase in the International versions.
  • COIN was rewritten as Coins in the International version, as well as being made lowercase.
  • When completing a level in Challenge, the save file message reads (DIFFICULTY) LEVEL CLEAR ! in the Japanese version. This was changed to (Difficulty) level cleared! in the International version.

Captain Select

Japan International
SMSMBCaptainSelectChallenge.png MSSBCaptainSelectChallenge.png
  • The header of the screen reads Captain select in the Japanese version, while it reads Select Team Captain in the International version.
  • The text under the team logo reading team mark was capitalized in the International version.

Intro Cutscene

Japan International
MSSBNintendoLogoCutsceneJP.png MSSBNintendoLogoCutsceneUS.png

During the intro cutscene in Challenge mode, the shot with Mario hitting the ball had the Nintendo logo in the background changed to be blue in the Japanese version, and red Internationally. This scene is also taken at a different camera angle between both versions as well.


Japan International
SMSMBChallengeModeHUD.png MSSBChallengeModeHUD.png
  • The TEAM MEMBER text was changed to Teammates in the International version.
  • COIN was rewritten as Coins in the International version, as well as being made lowercase.


Japan International
MSSBSuperBallJP.png MSSBSuperBallUS.png

The graphic for the Super Ball item was changed between both the Japanese and International versions. The Japanese version reads SLUGGER, while the International version reads POWER.


Minigame Select
Japan International
SMSMBMinigameMenu.png MSSBMinigameMenu.png
  • The header of the screen reads Minigame select in the Japanese version, while it reads Select Minigame in the International version.
  • The MINI GAME text in the Japanese version is fixed to remove the erroneous space in the International version.
Minigame Names
Japanese Name English Name
Fireworks (はなび) Bob-omb Derby
Block Shot (ブロックショット) Wall Ball
Chomp Fell Down (ワンワンがころんだ) Chain Chomp Sprint
Barrel Hitter (バレルヒッター) Barrel Basher

The names of the minigames were changed between the Japanese and International versions.

Bob-omb Derby
Japan International

Just like in Exhibition, the Nintendo logo in the night version of Mario Stadium is blue in the Japanese version, and red in the International version.

Minigame Text
  • The points are instead measured in meters in the Japanese version. The graphic reading Pts in the International version, reads m accordingly.
  • The COMBO BONUS ! message in the Japanese version was made lowercase in the International versions, which read Combo Bonus! instead.
  • The BIG BOMB BONUS ! message in the Japanese version was changed to Big Bob-omb Bonus! in the International versions.
Wall Ball
Japan International
SMSMBJustShotBonusText.png MSSBBingoBonusText.png

In Wall Ball, hitting the note walls will bring up the message JUST SHOT BONUS ! in the Japanese version. This was changed to BINGO! BONUS! in the International versions.

Barrel Batter
Japan International
SMSMBBarrelsGetText.png MSSBYouGotBarrelsText.png

In Barrel Batter, hitting more than one barrel bring up the message # BARRELES GET ! in the Japanese version, with "BARRELS" being misspelled as "BARRELES". This was correctly changed to say You got # barrels! in the International versions.

Toy Field

To do:
Get an image of all the panels flipped over in both the Japanese and International versions for comparison.

In Toy Field, the panels in the Japanese version read MIRACLE, referencing the game's subtitle of the Japanese version. The panels Internationally read HOMERUN instead.

Japan International
SMSMBToyFieldMiracleMessage.gif MSSBToyFieldHomerunMessage.gif

The message when flipping over all the panels were also changed between both versions.