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Metal Mech: Man & Machine

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Title Screen

Metal Mech: Man & Machine

Also known as: Metal Flame Psy Buster (JP)
Developer: Sculptured Software
Publisher: Jaleco
Platform: NES
Released in JP: December 14, 1990
Released in US: March 1991

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Level Skip

During the game, while inside the titular mech, press Start to go to the menu and highlight the Metal Mech/Metal Flame option and press Left + A + B + Select + Start and the current level will be finished. Levels without the mech cannot be skipped.

Regional Differences

US Japan
MetalMechNES1.png MetalFlameNES1.png

The title screen was completely redesigned and the US version added a copyright screen before the title screen.

US Japan
MetalMechNES2.png MetalFlameNES2.png

For some reason, the Japanese version doesn't have text during the little intro cutscene.