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Mighty Flip Champs!

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Title Screen

Mighty Flip Champs!

Developer: WayForward Technologies
Publishers: WayForward Technologies (US/EU), Intergrow (JP)
Platforms: DSiWare, PlayStation Portable
Released in JP: April 30, 2014 (DSi)
Released in US: June 1, 2009 (DSi), July 12, 2011 (PSP)
Released in EU: November 29, 2009 (DSi)

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Mighty Flip Champs! is the first game in the Mighty series, starring Alta, a space heroine who is a champion at flipping screens. It was later re-released as a PlayStation Mini title Mighty Flip Champs! DX, but only in North America.

Debug Messages

Both the US and PAL release of Mighty Flip Champs! contain several debug messages left over from development. These messages were removed from the Playstation Minis port. The following offsets apply to the US version of the game.

Located at offset 0x75B74 is a failed check for valid memory handles for the title screen initialization, with additional developer commentary:

502 (heapHandle != NNS_FND_HEAP_INVALID_HANDLE): Shit!

At offset 0x77CC9, there are some informal messages between developers regarding the `m_pAutoflipClock` feature and its incorrect usage.

1118 (m_pAutoflipClock == NULL): Clock should be NULL and you shouldn't bug flycheat stuff, jackass
1347 (m_pAutoflipClock == NULL): You put more than 1 clock in a level, dummy

Located at offset 0x78C8C are developer notes after an apparent memory allocation failure:

Memory list and free list look ok, but all nodes in memory list add up to %d bytes (should be %d bytes)
List walk reveals no bad links, and memory list size checks out... go figure

Mighty Flip Champs! DX

Mighty Flip Champs! DX was a PlayStation Mini port for the Playstation 3 and Playstation Portable.

Debug Menu

The game retains a Debug Menu in the code, as well as files for numerous debug screens and levels.


This version still has the files for the "Licensed by Nintendo" screen that appears on the startup of the DSiWare version.

Unused Translations

Despite only being listed under the English language on the official Nintendo store, the PAL version of the game contains full translations of the entire game for German, French, Spanish and Italian. These translations were carried over to the PlayStation Minis port, where they're also unused. Interestingly, Mighty Milky Way and Shantae: Risky's Revenge did not have any translations in these languages despite being released at a later date.

Regional Differences

Changes were made to the data corruption message when the game was ported to the PAL region.

US version PAL version
The save file data is corrupted and will be deleted. Press the A Button to continue. Save data may have been corrupted. Resetting data. Have a nice day!