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MiniCopter: Adventure Flight/Unused Mission Content

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This is a sub-page of MiniCopter: Adventure Flight.

In this game, mission scenarios are stored as plain text files in /PCopter/Scenary/MAP_NAME/Mission_NUMBER.txt. These text files are very well documented, with many comments explaining what each element does.

Many of these text files contain parameters that have been commented out, in order to quickly remove them from the mission. These parameters usually come with a comment stating the date when they were removed. There are also comments stating the date when specific elements were added and why. By reverting these changes we can see how some elements from the map behaved originally.

General refers to all unused content that can be found in most missions of the map.

Kids Room


Unused Bag Shooting Behaviour

Early Final
//20070923	逆再生不可
	:auto_ret	1

// 071003 途中再生不可
	:cmd#0		"CHECK_BUSY"

Originally, shooting the bag, and then shooting it again would cause the bag "shot" animation to play backwards. This was changed in September 23rd, 2007, with a comment that roughly translates to "Reverse animation play is not possible."

Additionally, in early versions shooting the bag multiple times would cause the animation to start playing again the moment it gets hit. This was changed on October 3rd, 2007 so that the animation plays again only after having finished playing. The comment translates to "Unable to play animation halfway".

This behaviour is still present in the unused FreeFlight mission.

Early Music and Sound Effect mentions

// 追加で読み込むサウンドグループ
//:add_group	"GROUP_ADD_01"			

// BGM(マップ側の設定はOverrideされる)
//:bgm		"BGM05_Hamburger"	

Under the sound specifications, it appears that originally the Hamburger Shop music would have played on the Kids Room map as well. In fact, the filename of said song was originally "BGM05_Hamburger", whereas in the final version it's "BGM09_Hamburger".

Additionally, the sound effect group that was loaded was "GROUP_ADD_01", which contains many common sound effects. The final mission loads "GROUP_KidsRoom" instead, which contains the specific sound effects from the map.

Both the name of the background music to play and the sound effects group are not loaded from the mission specification, but from the map specification instead (found in /PCopter/Model/Room/MAP_NAME).

Mission 2

//20070922    ターゲット5つに変更
//        :#5    "Target_6"
//        :#6    "Target_7"

// エアコンの風位置用グループ
        // ヌルノード名
        :#0    "Wind_1"


Originally, mission 2 of the Kids Room had 7 targets. This was changed to 5 on September 22, 2007 after one of the game's producers requested it. Unfortunately, it's unknown where those targets were supposed to be placed. The bones Target_6 and Target_7 aren't in the mission's BRRES file anymore.

Curiously, this map was originally going to have an air conditioner, as stated in the comment above Wind_1. The fact that said bone appears under the "[AddPos]" category (which has the names of the bones used for placing actors) indicates that said air conditioner was going to be a placeable object (rather than being added in the map model itself, much like in the Resort Hotel).