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Mischief Makers

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Title Screen

Mischief Makers

Also known as: Yuke Yuke!! Trouble Makers (JP)
Developer: Treasure
Publishers: Enix (JP), Nintendo (US, EU)
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: June 27, 1997
Released in US: October 1, 1997
Released in EU: December 1, 1997

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Mischief Makers is a game that demonstrates very well that the Nintendo 64 needn't be all about 3D, and sidescrollers can still be amazing. As long as there's something to shake, that is.

Unused Graphics

To do:
Unused sprites for Marina.

Marina and Theo

MischiefMakers-unusedmarina.png MischiefMakers-Theounused.png MischiefMakers-theounusedhand.png

Unused sprites of Marina and Professor Theo. it's unknown in which context these were going to be used in, but the TROUBLE SHOOTING artbook shows that Theo was suppposed to hold Marina.

Marina life Icon


Marina's Lifebar icon has 3 unused expressions looking up and down.

The Day Before Early Graphics


Earlier versions of background graphics used in The Day Before Level which look completely different from the final ones.

Button Inputs


The game has graphics for all buttons on the N64 controller but only uses the L and R buttons.

N64 Controller


A graphic of a N64 Controller.

N64 Console


A small sprite of a Nintendo 64.



A render of an umbrella.

Clancer bongo


A bongo with a clancer face.

Level Select


A hidden level select can be accessed with the following GameShark code. With the code on below, at anytime during game, press L + R + Z to enable the menu. This works best during a level.

Version GameShark code
Japan D10BC208 2030
800BC201 0004
USA D10BC4E8 2030
800BC4E1 0004
Europe D10B0878 2030
800B0871 0004
  • D-Pad Up / Down to move through the menu.
  • D-Pad Left / Right to change level digits (where applicable).
  • Start to enter level.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Sound Test


On the title screen, press and hold L, A, C-Left, C-Right and press Start. Use the D-Pad to change the values and A to play your desired sound. Pressing Start again returns to the title screen.

Debug Flags

There is a 16-bitfield (800BC3BC for JAP, 800BC69C for USA 1.0, 800BE6AC for USA 1.1) that still has some debug features active.these include:

Bit value Effect
0x2 Use L and R to slow / restore gameplay speed
0x4 switches from perspective or orthographic viewing (on by default)
0x80 print some Hex data about on-screen objects
0x100 Pausing will not open pause menu.
0x200 forces pause menu. cannot exit unless bit is unset.
0x4000 Displays data on the four sound effect channels.

pressing R will also change the color of the text to black or white.

Regional Differences


Japan International
MischiefMakers-Enixlogo.pngMischiefMakers-Treasurelogo.png MischiefMakers-N64Logo.pngMischiefMakers-Enixlogo.pngMischiefMakers-Treasurelogo.png

The international versions show the Nintendo 64 logo before the Enix logo, which is absent from the Japanese version.

Japan International
MischiefMakers-japantitle.png MischiefMakers-ustitle.png

In the opening sequence for the Japanese version, when the Clancers are thrown away from the screen, the characters in the logo appear as the boulders scatter, arriving one at a time and rotating in place. Rather than recreate this for the English title, the developers simply removed the letters, leaving just the blue background as the boulders fall away.

Title Screen

Japan International
Mischiefmakers-titleJP.png Mischiefmakers-title.png

The Japanese logo has a bit of text reading ゆけゆけ!! ("Yuke Yuke!!") being trailed by a projectile, which flies in from the right a moment after the title screen is displayed, accompanied by a sound effect. Additionally, the international versions reworked the copyright info.


In the Japanese version, there's several instances of text that appears over certain NPCs' heads that is not present in international versions.

To do:
There are a lot more than just these 2 lines. document and translate them.
Japan International
Mischiefmakers-ClanceyJP.png Mischiefmakers-ClanceyUS.png

The first Clancer in the first stage says "コッチだよ", meaning "This way!" when he's waiting for you to follow him.

Japan International
Mischiefmakers-ClanceyJP2.png Mischiefmakers-Clancey2.png

When the aforementioned Clancer in the first stage is done leading you, he says "アッチだよ", meaning "That way!"

To do:
Screenshots and translations.

Shaking a weapon has Marina describe the change.

"3 Clancer Kids" and "7 Clancer kids" have similar speech bubbles for the children and husband.

The boss of World 2 gives multiple texts above his head during each of his attacks.

The frog boss has one just before it summons the "thunder god."