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Mother 3/Unused Tables, Objects & Maps

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3.

To do:
  • Finish documenting the Pre-timeskip Twins' House, as there's another map for it (Map 0D1).
  • Be sure to thoroughly check whether an object or table is actually unused or not before adding it.

Mother 3 stores all of its objects in Tables, calling them when necessary. Each map can have a total of 5 tables, with the majority of them being empty. However, located in many of these tables are earlier versions of these scenes, and objects that are flat out unused/unreachable. Almost all of these tables can be accessed through the debug menu, and most disabled objects can be re-enabled by changing their visibility flag to 20 00 through hex editing.

There are also many maps that are unused in Mother 3, though almost all of them are either completely empty or have empty gift boxes everywhere. This page has the few of them that have actual data. The unused maps can be accessed through the debug menu or the cheat code 0200B578:XXXX, replacing XXXX with the map ID. You'll need to either disable collision with the debug menu or use the walk through walls cheat 0200C493:FF in some of them due to where you're loaded into the map.


Alec's House (Pre-timeskip)

Map 015 - Table #1 (Unused)


  • Disabled Hinawa, Lucas and Claus objects are in the same spot in the sky
  • A disabled dove object is in the sky closer to the right of the map.

Map 00E - Table #5


A Kumatora object is on the ledge above the section you can walk on. Used in the unused Attract Mode.

Twins' House (Pre-timeskip)

Map 001 - Table #1


This map has an unused sign in an out of bounds cliff. This is the text it has when checked:

•The contents of these boxes belong to
•Use them however you wish.

This means the sign was originally by the gift box. This text can only be read in Chapter 1.

Map 001 - Table #2


This map has two signs out of bounds. The lighter one appears when the map's daytime palette is active, and the darker one appears when the map's nighttime palette is active. They both use the same text as the sign in table 1.

Map 001 - Table #3


This map has 2 signs out of bounds. They follow the same appearance rules as the previous one. They use this text when checked:

•The contents of these boxes cost money.
•Please refrain from using them without paying.

This text can only be read in Chapter 2 and 3.

Map 001 - Table #5 (Unused)


This table contains all the objects for use in the scenes that take place at the Twins' House in the unused Attract Mode. Since the Attract Mode is unused, this table is unused too.

Map 37E (Unused) - Table #2 (Unused)

MOTHER 3 Unused Map37E.png

This map seems to be a backup of an early version of the Twins' House. The differences are as follows:

  • Two trees are missing.
  • The inaccessible cliff on the right of the map is missing.
  • There are some messed up tiles around the house.
  • A lantern is on the sheep pen.
  • A mailbox is beside the house, which was replaced with a box in the final game. While checking it gives no dialogue since the text block associated with the map is empty, there's unused text for the other Twins' House maps for checking the mailbox.
  • There are 4 item guys on the map which move like the item guy on the highway. Only two can actually be seen on the map, as the other 2 are placed outside of the map.

Twins' House (Post-timeskip)

Map 01E - Table #5


This table has 2 unused objects:

  • Flint by the door to the house
  • Yet another sign in the out of bounds cliff.

The sign says this when checked:

•Be sure to talk to frogs once in a while.

For more info on the Flint object, look here.

Tazmily Village (Pre-timeskip)

Map 002 - Table #1


This table includes:

  • A disabled Jackie object around the bottom right of the map that has no dialogue.
  • A disabled Bronson object in front of the well, with no dialogue.
  • A disabled Thomas object above Thomas's Bazaar. It's nearly identical to the used Thomas object in table 3, but it uses Thomas' first sprite group instead of his second one, which results in it using a walking animation when following its path instead of the running one.

Map 002 - Table #2


Disabled Jackie and Brenda objects are in front of the Yado Inn. When re-enabled, they walk around in random directions and use whatever Thomas' current line is supposed to be .

Map 002 - Table #3


  • A disabled Bronson is at the top of the map.
  • Disabled Jill and Brenda objects are at the well. They say different things depending on what flags are set at the time.

Map 002 - Table #5


This table contains all the objects used in this area in the unused Attract Mode.

Map 005 - Table #5 (Unused)


This table seems to be an early version of the table loaded after breaking out of prison that has disabled Wess and Duster objects. They share the same appearance rules as the Duster object that's normally used in table 1.

Sunset Cemetery (Pre-timeskip)

Map 009 - Table #5 (Unused)

M3 009 T5.png

A table with a bunch of objects. These objects would be loaded if their flags are activated, but this table can never be accessed in normal gameplay, though it is loaded during the Prologue. Nearly all of the objects can't be talked to due to having no text box set, but this can be fixed by simply assigning them one. This table includes:

  • Couple of tanks located near the entrance of Osohe Castle. When their text boxes are fixed, the same text used for Nippolyte's door appears.
  • Enemies
  • A slightly different version of the "Monkey Delivery Service" boxes, with just one & Mapson moved slightly.
  • An early version of Hinawa's funeral, which seems to have been located near the top-left of the map, suggesting that her grave was originally part of the main graveyard & not a separate map.

Nearly every object uses the wrong text, likely due to the Game Logic being changed after the new funeral was made;

  • Lucas says Ed's line
  • Alec says Nan's line
  • Dona says the same thing she does in the final game
  • Jill says Butch's line
  • Ed says Biff's line
  • Alle says Jill's line
  • Nan says Alle's line
  • The flowers use the same text as Nippolyte's door
  • The tanks use the same text as Nippolyte's door

Sunset Cemetery (Post-timeskip)

Map 0DD - Table #5


A disabled Flint object is standing around the northwest part of the cemetery, right where Lucas is standing in the unused pre-timeskip Sunset Cemetery table. This provides more evidence for Hinawa's grave originally being part of the main cemetery. Normally he can't be talked do due to having no textbox, but assigning him one will reveal that his text was overwritten with the text for one of the gravestones. The Alec object near the bottom of the map isn't unused, but most players will never see him as he only spawns if the player pulls Lydia's Needle last before Ionia's.

Prayer Sanctuary (Post-timeskip)

Map 0AA - Table #1


There's an NPC hidden in the left wall. When talking to it, it says this:

•It used to be that Tazmily's villagers were the
only people you saw around here,
but these days, visitors from far away have
been growing in number.
•And these visitors are us!

Abbey and Abbot's House (Pre-timeskip)

Map 07E - Table #1


There are 4 Flints out of bounds. In most maps this means that there's a mirror, as the game uses objects like these to create the mirror effect, but in this room there are no mirrors. This mostly likely means that there was a mirror here at some point in development.

Sunshine Forest (Pre-timeskip)

Map 0CD - Table #5


This map has Salsa, Samba and an apple on top of the weird tree stump. These are used in the unused Attract Mode.

Map 058 - Table #2


This table has an Ed and 2 Flints, both disabled, in the top left of the map. Nan and Lisa are also there, but in-game they are used in the cutscene where Boney runs to get Duster.

Map 058 - Table #4


Do you see the unused objects in this table? If you say you do, you're lying. There are seven objects in the top left corner of the map that use sprite group C0, which is the sprite group the game uses to for objects with no sprites. These unused objects don't do anything though.

Sunshine Forest (Post-timeskip)

Map 04C - Table #5 (Unused)


To do:
  • Try to check if there's any leftover Game Logic relating to these objects.

This table contains various disabled objects:

  • Copies of Bud, Lou and some lumber from the unused attract mode scene for Lighter's house
  • A couple Greedy Mice and an Agitated Boar
  • A couple doves
  • A couple Ramblin' Evil Mushrooms
  • Lucas, Claus and Hinawa
  • A bomb

The odd placements and the fact that the objects don't fit with map they're in could possibly mean that this map was overwritten at some point in development, and they simply forgot to remove these objects. It's also worth noting that an unused cutscene in a different map contains Lucas, Claus and Hinawa, as well as a bomb. Contrary to popular belief, she was NOT originally going to die due to being blown up by the bomb.

Sunshine Forest - Lighter's House (Pre-timeskip)

Map 052 - Table #5


  • Two disabled Thunder Catfish are in some trees.
  • Two strange pieces of flaming wood are in the same spot above the fallen tree. What makes them strange is that, when re-enabled, they have an animation of spinning around in place with a flaming circle around them. This animation isn't seen anywhere else in the game. Considering that the house in this area is burning down, these may have been intended to fall from it.

Map 054 - Table #5 (Unused)


This table not only has the objects used in the unused Attract Mode, but it also has a completely unused Hinawa object.

Map 154 - Table #1 (Unused)


This table has some out of place objects, half of which can't be seen due to being far outside of the map:

  • A flying mouse.
  • A dummy object
  • A Carefree Jellyfish
  • A Firefly
  • A Lingering Spirit outside of the map
  • A Zombie Man outside of the map
  • A Mecha-Mole! outside of the map
  • A Chilly Dog outside of the map

Mt. Oriander River Area

Map 012 - Table #4 (Unused)

M3 012 T4.png

Features an early version of the end of Chapter 3, this time taking place at the River Area instead of the middle of the Sunshine Forest. Note that, when loaded in-game, a tank appears at the top-left, blocking the path.

Map 012 - Table #5 (Unused)

M3 012 T5.png

Included is an earlier version of the campfire scene, with the biggest change being Jonel originally fulfilling Bronson's role in informing Flint about the Drago Fang. That paired with unused animations confirm that Jonel was originally the one intended to stop Flint during his rampage. Jackie is also there instead of Fuel. Interestingly, the credits image for the campfire scene, while correctly having Bronson trying to stop Flint, still has Jackie in Fuel's place.


Mt. Oriander

Map 012 - Table #4


There are 2 disabled Pigmask Captain objects in the bottom right of the map. It's possible that they were supposed to be seen before the Pork Saucer flies away.

Wess's House

Map 06E - Table #5


  • Two disabled Mr. Saturn objects are beneath the stairs. One is assigned script 13, which usually makes Wess tell Duster to get the Thief Tools a second time if you talk to him without taking them yet, but it doesn't do anything when interacted with. The other is assigned script 22, which doesn't exist so it doesn't do anything.
  • A disabled lady object is in the top left corner. She has no dialogue.
  • Duster is by the bed and Bateau is outside the window. Both of these are seen in the unused Attract Mode.

Osohe Castle

Map 00A - Table #1 (Unused)


4 debug Magypsies are at the bottom part of the map. For information on them, look here. In v1.3 of the English Fan Translation, an NPC was added to the debug room that can warp the party to them easily.


Map 029 - Table #5 (Unused)


This table contains what seems to be an early layout for this room:

  • There's a Pork Saucer by the hot spring.
  • There's a train in the corner of the map. This matches up with the other maps where the train appears, but this is notable because the used table doesn't have the train, meaning it never comes.
  • Flint is in the corner of the map, but can't be seen since he's the same spot as the train.
  • There are 3 magic butterflies. There are 3 in the used table but they're in different spots.
  • You can enter the hot spring, but the object that lets you leave it is missing.
  • Ionia is near the bottom of the ladder. She shares the same visibility flag as the Ionia in the used table. In game she will always look at the player, and since she has the same script as Ionia in the used table talking to her will make her and the player walk up to the hot spring and start the cutscene with Ionia in the hot spring. The cutscene will softlock after a bit due to missing objects though. This suggests that the cutscene was originally different, but the Game Logic for it was overwritten with the final version.

Murasaki Forest

Map 02F - Table #5


There's a disabled Save Frog in the middle of the factory. It uses a script that's different from the used save frog, but when re-enabled it functions exactly the same as it. There are also Alec and Mapson objects in the map, but they are actually used if Doria's Needle is pulled last before Ionia's.

Map 035 - Table #5


To do:
  • Is the mole cricket really unused, or does the game use it for the scene of walking into the map? Try checking the Game Logic.

There's a disabled mole cricket and a disabled duplicate of the save frog in the corner of the map. The mole cricket has no dialogue and the save frog functions the same as the used one.

Destroyed Thunder Tower View

Map 0ED - Table #5


For some strange reason, the map used when viewing the destroyed version of the Thunder Tower from the binoculars outside of Club Titiboo has a table that contains 8 objects. Even stranger is that they're some of the objects the game uses to help create the mirror effects.

Club Titiboo

Map 031 - Table #5


In the top corner of the map are the arrows for Salsa's dancing. Note that in all maps the where Salsa dances, the arrows are stored in the top corner. Maybe Salsa was supposed to be here at some point? Maybe you were actually able to make the dog-like dude shake? Who knows?

Map 0ED - Table #5


There's a save frog in the bottom right corner of the map. It could possibly be either a placeholder for the frog in the bathroom or a leftover from before the developers got the idea for the bathroom frog.

Map 13F (Unused)


An early version of Violet's bathroom. Leaving it takes you to outside of the bathroom. Almost everything about the map except the map itself seems to have been dummied out, as it has no objects, text, game logic, or map name.

Unknown Valley

Map 037 - Table #1


An odd disabled Caroline object is in the middle of the map. What makes it odd is that when it's interacted with the text "No problem here" appears, but when you advance the text Caroline spins around to face you, still looking in that direction even after you regain control.

Map 037 - Table #2 (Unused)

M3 037 T2.png

Features Dryguy, Ionia, Kumatora, the birdcage, a Clayman, and a spark of energy all stacked on top of each other. For bonus confusion points, Flint is also present in the upper-left corner.

Map 037 - Table #5 (Unused)

M3 037 T5.png

Features Duster's Chapter 5 flashback, though in a different map, suggesting the flashback was located here originally. Note that, when using the Event Selector for Chapter 5, selecting "Unknown Valley" spawns you where the Clayman is sitting.

Outside the Clayman Factory

Map 048 - Table #1


Two Pigmasks are hidden around the top right of the map.


Map 03B (Unused)


An odd unused map which has a layout that's very similar to the hot spring section of the Railway, but is missing the tunnels, has an entrance to nowhere in place of the hot spring, has no ladder, lacks any objects and uses a different palette. What ties this map to the highway is that it's found among the other Highway maps and is labelled as "Highway" in the game's list of map names.

Map 03C - Table #1


There are two disabled objects in the top left:

  • An object using Boney's in-water Pigmask sprites. It uses the same script as the save frog in the area.
  • A sign. It uses the same script as the sign by the charging station, meaning it was probably used there before they made a new one that fits the design of the charging station better.

Map 042 - Table #1


A mouse is in the top left corner of the map under the Hummingbird Egg, though it appears in front of it in-game. It's actually fully functional, acting just like the other mice and counting towards finishing the mother mouse's side quest after talking to it. It shares a despawn flag with the mouse on the long bridge, so it was likely replaced with that one. It says this when interacted with:

•Squeak squeak squeak!
  Somehow, I feel like something is going to
  happen in this garbage dump.
•I guess it's just a mouse's sixth sense...
  Well, I better head back to Mom now.)

Map 172 - Table #1


A mouse is near the top left corner of the map. Unlike the mouse above, it's set to be disabled and its script has been overwritten with that of the Pigmask who's trying to fix the charging station. It does, however, share a despawn flag with the mouse in the room before the Dump, meaning it was part of the sidequest before being replaced.

Sunflower Field

Map 045 - Table #1


There are two disabled frogs in the map, one near Boney and one near the cliff. When re-enabled they can be interacted with and function just like all the other frogs, though they do have unique text revealing their purpose:

•I'm a debug save frog.
Yes     No

Saying yes calls the normal save frog routine. Saying no makes it use the default frog text for saying no from Block 0. After you're done saving or using the DP menu, it says this:

•Ribbit ribbit.
•You're so heartless.

This out of place response implies that it was meant to have been used if the player said no to saving or using the DP menu, but doesn't work properly due to a coding error.

Chimera Lab

Map 158 - Table #1


A woman is in the map. She'll appear if you enter the theater before the Needle hunt begins, but this is impossible without the use of the debug menu. Talking to her starts an unused scene where a movie starts, but ends after the countdown.

Map 15D - Table #1


There are 2 unused objects:

  • A disabled Flint object is in PORKY 08's empty cage. He walks around like the Chimeras in the other cages, implying that he's a placeholder for either a Porky-bot or another Chimera.
  • A disabled Pigtunia object is by the Ostrelephant's cage. Oddly, it's a checkable object rather than an enemy, displaying an unused memo from Porky when interacted with.

Map 15D - Table #2


The disabled Flint object from the first table is present here as well.

Gova Volcano

Map 0BA - Table #1


There's a disabled object using Lucas's pajama sprites. When talking to it, it says this:

•I'm Loner, the explorer.
•Ha! Oh, man!
•You're going to wander around this volcano
  dressed like THAT...?
•This is why I can't stand no-brained newbies.
•Alright, alright, fine.
•I'll share some of my adventurer essentials
  with you.
•Do you need anything?

Yes     No

If you say no:

•Ha! Oh, man!
•You don't need anything, huh?
•I don't know if you're brave youngsters or just
  brain-dead simpletons,
  but be extra careful out there!

An unused nametag for the character, labelling him "Explorer", suggests that Lucas's pajama sprite group originally contained the Explorer's sprites, as the nametag's ID and the sprite group's ID are both 99. Talking to him in-game gives him the nametag "Lucas". Note that his text box is set to 08 instead of 0A, resulting in his textbox looking like this:


Sea Floor Dungeon

Map 146 - Table #1


There's a disabled Instant Revitalizing Device near the 02 machine. When re-enabled, it functions normally. It was likely replaced with Bronson on the beach, who lets you rest with him to regain all your HP and PP.

Argilla Pass

Map 1D1 - Table #1


This table has a disabled man object near the top exit. He has no dialogue.

Outland Dungeon

Map 19A - Table #2 (Unused)


This table contains 4 enemies:

  • Porky (in the Absolutely Safe Capsule)
  • PORKY 02
  • PORKY 03
  • PORKY 08

It's possible that this room was used to test either the Porky bosses or just enemies in general.

Map 1A0 - Table #1


This table has a PORKY 02 in the top left corner. Oddly, he is always invisible regardless of what his visibility flag is set to.

New Pork City

Map 101 - Table #1


A policeman is hidden in the top-left corner of the map. His dialogue is the following:

•Master Porky referred to you as very dear
and captivating guests.
•You're dear? And captivating?
•You don't seem so special to me.

Strangely, he's hardcoded to have a different layer priority than the rest of the sprites on the map and will be hidden beneath the floor layer if he's moved onto it through hex editing.

Empire Porky Building

Map 341 - Table #1

M3 341 T1.png

Features a Porky-bot & an explosion graphic on top of the golden toilet. It's possible that this is where the unused sprite of a sitting Porky-bot was meant to be seen. This was likely cut to save the fake out with the exploding Porky-bot until the true 100th floor of the Empire Porky Building

Debug Room

Map 37D (Unused) - Table #1


This is the famous Debug Room. For info on it, look here.

Map 37D (Unused) - Table #2

M3 37D T2.png

Yes, the debug room has unused tables! They're all used for the multiple bosses/mini-bosses in the game. In v1.3 of the ENG Fan Translation, you can access them easily through a new NPC that was added. This table features the Chapter 1-3 bosses, excluding the Cactus Wolf.

Map 37D (Unused) - Table #3

M3 37D T3.png

This table features the Chapter 5 bosses, excluding Lord Passion. Interestingly, the bosses are slightly out of the order they're fought in in-game unlike in the table before and after this, as the first Fierce Pork Trooper is normally fought before the Forlorn Junk Heap.

Map 37D (Unused) - Table #4

M3 37D T4.png

This table features the Chapter 7 bosses, excluding the fight against the Pigmask Colonel and Pigmask Majors which are instead found in Table 5.

Map 37D (Unused) - Table #5

M3 37D T5.png

This table features a Chapter 7 battle and some Chapter 8 bosses, excluding the King Statue, PORKY 02-10, Porky, and the Masked Man. The missing bosses likely aren't here because the King Statue is a joke battle and the rest of the bosses have scripted events.

Deleted Maps

These are maps that have little to no actual map data, but other places in the ROM such as text blocks contain data for them indicating that they did exist at some point, but were deleted. Trying to access these rooms on real hardware and more accurate emulators, such as mGBA, softlocks the game. Older and less accurate emulators, such as Visual Boy Advance, will usually manage to load them. Due to the debug menu not allowing the player to select empty or deleted maps, cheat codes are necessary for accessing these maps.

Map 153 - Empty 339

This map has text data revealing that this map used to be an alternate map for Locria's house. Hacking an NPC into the room with script 5 assigned to it and then interacting with it will play out an unused scene where the party speaks with Locria, who is missing in the final game and heavily implied to actually be Fassad.

Map 2AF - Unnamed Map

This map has no name, but the mention of brainwashing in its text could possibly mean it was part of the floor in the Empire Porky building with the Nice Person Hot Spring.

•You know that really tall guy who was always
  ringing the bell for the people in Tazmily?
  For some reason, I haven't seen him anywhere
  at all.
•I wonder if they managed to brainwash him.

Map 2B1 - Unnamed Map

This map has no name, but judging by its text it was probably part of the Empire Porky Building. This text and the text following this all mention trying to reach floor 100, implying that at some point there were going to be other people trying to reach floor 100 besides the main party. Note that [ALTERNATEFONT] is the control code to use the Mr. Saturn font.

[ALTERNATEFONT]•i come to floor 50.
•[ALTERNATEFONT]not 1, not 100.
  i like 50. 

Map 2B5 - Unnamed Map

Like the last map, this map's text likely means it was part of the Empire Porky Building.

•I made it to the 30th floor today! Yes!
  ...Though I made it to the 30th floor
  yesterday, too. 

...My legs are killing me... 

Map 2B7 - Unnamed Map

Yet another map that was probably part of the Empire Porky Building. Its text implies that the person saying this was a scientist.

•*gasp* *gasp* *gasp*
  I've climbed for so long, but I'm still only at the
  20th floor... 
•W-with our i-intellect...
 ...reaching th-the 100th floor...
 ...was supposed to be so easy...