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My Furry Neighbour

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Title Screen

My Furry Neighbour

Developer: Dirty Fox Games
Publisher: Dirty Fox Games
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: August 28, 2021

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Mild nudity

Unused Graphics

0asc1.png, 0asc2.png and 0asc3.png are very crudely-drawn placeholder CGs of an 18+ scene.

MFN-bg halfnaked.jpg

bg halfnaked.jpg is an unused CG that appears on the game's Steam page.


CL1.png, cl2.png and cl3.png are unused graphics for a clock. An FMV named watches.webm is used instead.

Unused Used
MFN-main menu.png MyFurryNeighbour-title.png

main_menu.png is an earlier version of the title screen background which can be found in ---oldgui.

Unused Used
MFN-old bg store.png MFN-bg store.png

old bg store.png is an earlier version of the store background.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Code


Line 82 of script.rpy contains commented-out code to display an unused splash screen seen to the right.

#label splashscreen:
#    scene black with dissolve
#    pause (0.5)
#    show logo with dissolve 
#    pause (3)
#    hide logo with dissolve
#    pause(1.0)
#    return
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

All text can be found in script.rpy.

Line 1321

Unused (line 1321) Used (line 1325)
Roxy "Sooo, little cowboy, 'eady for the l-last round?" Roxy "Sooo, little cowboy, *hic*, ready for the l-last round?"

Commented-out dialogue for Roxy which is a slightly alternate version of line 1325.

Line 1505

    ##"She dressed in her top and skirt, took her underwear and went to the door."

A commented-out line that appears after the card game with Roxy.

Line 2987

    ##show n waist dressed normal with dissolve

A commented-out line that appears after the player and Roxy finish watching cat videos. This line would've displayed Roxy's sprite of her with her hands on her hips.

Line 3253

    ## звук желудка

A comment that appears after the player eats the spicy pizza. It translates to "stomach sound", so seems that a sound effect was planned to be added there.

(Source: Original TCRF research)