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NCAA Basketball (SNES)

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Title Screen

NCAA Basketball

Also known as: Super Dunk Shot (JP), World League Basketball (EU)
Developer: Sculptured Software
Publishers: HAL Laboratory (JP), Nintendo (EU/US), Playtronic (BR)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: June 19, 1992
Released in US: October 1992
Released in EU: July 22, 1993
Released in BR: August 30, 1993[1]

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
  • Document the Nintendo Super System version.
  • There is also a prototype floating around.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Song

ROM address 03CED60C will play the unused song in place of the title music.

(Source: nensondubois)


This jingle can only be heard upon confirming the 20 seconds halves code. ROM address 03CED601 will play this in place of the title music.

(Source: nensondubois)

Button Codes

On the Game Options menu that appears after the title screen, enter one of the following codes. See the Notes page for additional information on the formula used for the codes.

20 Second Halves in Season Mode

Right (×2), Left (×2), Right, Left, Right, Left, Right (×4), Left (×2), Right, Left

The music resets after the code is entered to confirm success.

Instant Win/Lose

Right (×3), Left (×2), Right (×4), Left (×3), Right (×3)

The music changes after the code is entered to confirm success.

Next, proceed with the game setup until you reach the Tonight's Matchup screen. Press any button except X or A to instantly win the game. Press X to lose instead. Press A to play the game normally.

Game Screen Debug Menu

NCAA Basketball SNES Game Screen.png

This Game Screen debug menu appears to be an older GUI version of the instant win/lose cheat. The programming for it begins at SNES address $03A043, but nothing leads there. However, located shortly before it at $03A038 is some programming that checks if the win/lose cheat was entered, but does nothing further with it. A branch command to Game Screen probably followed it at one time.

To access the menu after the Tonight's Matchup screen, use the following game enhancer codes:

Pro Action Replay (PAR) Game Genie

Regional Differences

As only the US version, NCAA Basketball, has an NCAA license (not surprisingly), all three versions have quite a few differences between each other:

Copyright Screen

NCAA Basketball World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball SNES Copyright.png World League Basketball Copyright.png Super Dunk Shot Copyright.png

The copyright was changed in each version due to the lack of the NCAA license and differing publishers.

NCAA/World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball Nintendo Logo.png Super Dunk Shot Hal Logo.png

Nintendo's logo was changed to Hal's in Super Dunk Shot, as they published the game in Japan instead.

Title Screen

NCAA Basketball World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball SNES-title.png World League Basketball Title.png Super Dunk Shot Title.png

Aside from the obvious title changes, World League Basketball replaces the ball with a globe, while Super Dunk Shot retains the ball, but removes the NCAA logo from it. The title itself is also positioned lower.

Main Menu

NCAA/World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball Main Menu.png Super Dunk Shot Main Menu.png

NCAA Basketball and World League Basketball both use a battery for saving, whereas Super Dunk Shot uses a password system, so the fourth menu option was altered due to this. The menu in Super Dunk Shot is also positioned lower.

Team Selection

NCAA Basketball World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball SNES Team Select.png World League Basketball Team Select.png Super Dunk Shot Team Select.png

Since World League Basketball and Super Dunk Shot don't have an NCAA license, the teams were all changed. World League Basketball features fictional international teams, amongst them a Japanese team consisting entirely of Nintendo members, including Shigeru Miyamoto himself. Super Dunk Shot, meanwhile, has teams clearly based on those of the NBA, albeit with changed names for legal reasons.

Game Options

NCAA/World League Basketball Super Dunk Shot
NCAA Basketball Game Options.png Super Dunk Shot Game Options.png

Super Dunk Shot uses NBA rules rather than NCAA rules, so the first option was changed to say "Quarter" instead of "Half", and the selectable time limits were also altered. Additionally, a third option for the length of the shot clock was added.


  1. Nintendo chega hoje ao mercado "Nintendo arrives to the market today" - O Estado de S. Paulo. August 30th, 1993.