NEO: The World Ends With You/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of NEO: The World Ends With You.
Debug Menu
Although resources for the debug menu has been removed from the final version, strings intended for the menu can still be found inside the Unity code, both in English and Japanese.
Reference | Japanese | English |
ROOT_001 | タイトルから開始 | Start with the Title |
ROOT_002 | バトルテスト | Battle Test |
ROOT_003 | バッジプリセット | Badge Presets |
ROOT_004 | バトル設定変更 | Change Battle Settings |
ROOT_005 | バッジ装備変更 | Change Badge Equipment |
ROOT_006 | 服装備変更 | Change Clothing Equipment |
ROOT_007 | オプション画面 | Option screen |
ROOT_008 | シナリオテスト | Scenario Test |
ROOT_009 | フィールドテスト | Field test |
ROOT_010 | セーブデータ | Save Data |
ROOT_011 | UIチェック | UI Check |
ROOT_012 | テキスト | |
ROOT_013 | アビリティ | Ability |
ROOT_014 | キャラビューア | Character Viewer |
ROOT_015 | バトルビューア | Battle Viewer |
ROOT_016 | オプション設定 | Optional Settings |
ROOT_017 | サウンド&振動テスト | Sound & Vibration Test |
ROOT_018 | ムービーテスト | Movie test |
ROOT_019 | MusicSyncテスト | MusicSync Test |
ROOT_020 | CPUブースト | CPU Boost |
ROOT_101 | デモモード | DEMO MODE |
ROOT_102 | ノイズ顔向け・IK設定 | Noise face / IK setting |
ROOT_103 | プレイヤー視線テスト | Player gaze test |
ROOT_104 | ダイブ感情波形テスト | Dive emotion waveform test |
ROOT_105 | PCオプション | PC Option |
ROOT_106 | インプットテスト | Input Test |
Reference | Japanese | English |
BATTLE_001 | バトルテスト開始 | Start Battle Test |
BATTLE_002 | チャージサイキックの発動方法 | How to activate the Charge Psychic |
BATTLE_003 | 同ボタンサイキック対応 | Corresponding to the same button psychic |
BATTLE_004 | 強制自動コンボ | Forced Auto Combo |
BATTLE_005 | Debug:LockOff | Debug: LockOff |
BATTLE_006 | リブート禁止・自動回復モードのみ | Reboot prohibited/automatic recovery mode only |
BATTLE_007 | みんなでドッジロール | Dodge roll with everyone |
BATTLE_008 | 勢力争い | Turf war |
BATTLE_009 | ダイブID | Dive ID |
BATTLE_010 | 新カーソル表現 | New cursor representation |
BATTLE_011 | 敵セットID | Enemy Set ID |
BATTLE_012 | マップID | Map ID |
BATTLE_013 | w絞り込み | Refine the story of week |
BATTLE_014 | ホウオウ開始フェーズフェーズ指定 | Designate Start Phase of Phoenix Cantus Battle |
BATTLE_015 | ノイズ単体 | Single Noise unit |
BATTLE_016 | ノイズ単体の数 | Number of Noise units |
BATTLE_017 | 連戦ID | Chain Battle ID |
BATTLE_018 | 銀ピカ | Silver Noise |
BATTLE_019 | 敵コントローラー操作 | Controller operation for enemy |
BATTLE_020 | カメラスティック上下回転 | Camera Stick Vertical Rotation |
BATTLE_021 | サイキックゲージUI大 | Psychic Gauge UI Large |
BATTLE_022 | サイキック連携演出 | Psychic collaboration performance |
BATTLE_023 | シンクロゲージ | Synchro gauge |
BATTLE_024 | ジャストコンボ演出カメラ | Just combo performance camera |
BATTLE_025 | 敵全員チャンスタイムUI表示 | Show All Enemies Chance Time UI |
BATTLE_026 | チャンスタイムリセット | Reset the Chance Time |
BATTLE_027 | 再状態異常でチャンスタイム不可 | Chance time is impossible due to a re-state failure |
BATTLE_028 | ジャストコンボと同時に状態異常チャンス | Just Combo and Abnormal Condition Chance |
BATTLE_029 | バッジレベルMAX一歩手前 | One Step Away from Badge Level MAX |
BATTLE_030 | バトル評価 | Battle Ratings |
BATTLE_100 | 未選択 | Unselected |
BATTLE_111 | フェーズ1 | Phase1 |
BATTLE_112 | フェーズ2 | Phase2 |
BATTLE_113 | フェーズ3 | Phase3 |
BATTLE_114 | フェーズ4 | Phase4 |
BATTLE_115 | フェーズ5 | Phase5 |
BATTLE_120 | 偽死亡演出 | |
BATTLE_121 | サウンドサーフ | Sound surf |
BATTLE_122 | 全尻尾破壊 | All tail destruction |
BATTLE_123 | 死亡シーケンス | Death sequence |
BATTLE_130 | にゃんたんフェーズ指定 | Start Nyantan phase |
BATTLE_131 | 倒せない銀ピカ | Unbeatable Silver Noise |
BATTLE_132 | 倒せる銀ピカ | Defeatable Silver Noise |
BATTLE_140 | ナギのTシャツ | Nagi T-shirt |
BATTLE_141 | ラスボス | Last boss |
BATTLE_142 | 複数バッジ | Multiple badges |
BATTLE_143 | バトル開始演出カメラ無効 | Disable Battle start event camera |
BATTLE_150 | バトルテスト設定保存 | Save Battle test settings |
BATTLE_151 | 保存 | Save |
BATTLE_152 | 読み込み | Load |
BATTLE_153 | セーブデータ削除 | Delete save data |
BATTLE_154 | 自動保存/読み込み | Auto save / load |
Reference | Japanese | English |
BadgePreset_001 | カーソル表現 | Cursor representation |
BadgePreset_002 | 装備して戻る | Equip and return |
BadgePreset_003 | バッジセット | |
BadgePreset_004 | ||
BadgePreset_005 | (複数バッジ) | |
BadgePreset_006 | バッジ | |
BadgePreset_007 | レベル |
Reference | Japanese | English |
BattleSettings_001 | 人数 | Number of people |
BattleSettings_002 | 難易度 | Level of difficulty |
BattleSettings_003 | チーム最大レベル | Team maximum level |
BattleSettings_004 | チーム現在レベル | Team current Level |
BattleSettings_005 | プリセット | Preset |
BattleSettings_006 | 使わない | do not use |
BattleSettings_007 | ランク | Rank |
Reference | Japanese | English |
BattleResults_001 | バトルリザルト開始 | Battle Results Start |
BattleResults_002 | 連戦数 | Number of consecutive battles |
BattleResults_003 | TIMEランク | TIME Rank |
BattleResults_004 | DAMAGEランク | DAMAGE Rank |
BattleResults_005 | 加減算レート設定 | Addition / subtraction rate setting |
BattleResults_006 | バッジドロップ | Badge Drop |
Reference | Japanese | English |
OptionScreen_002 | コントローラー振動 | Controller Vibration |
OptionScreen_003 | メッセージ自動送り | Text Autoplay |
OptionScreen_004 | キーコンフィグ | Button Configuration |
OptionScreen_005 | SCREEN | |
OptionScreen_006 | UI表示 | UI Display |
OptionScreen_007 | 字幕表示 | Subtitle Display |
OptionScreen_008 | グラフィック詳細設定 | Advanced Graphic Settings |
OptionScreen_009 | SOUND | |
OptionScreen_010 | ボイス音量 | Voice Volume |
OptionScreen_011 | SE音量 | SE Volume |
OptionScreen_012 | BGM音量 | BGM Volume |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Scenario_001 | シナリオ開始 | Start Scenario |
Scenario_002 | Day選択 | Select Day |
Scenario_003 | ロード実行 | |
Scenario_004 | 新規ゲーム | New Game |
Scenario_Priset | ||
Scenario_Status | ステータス表示 | Status Display |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Field_001 | デバッグ開始 | Start debugging |
Field_002 | 選択マップ | Selection Map |
Field_003 | フィールドテスト実行(Day100) | Run Field Test (Day 100) |
Field_004 | リプレイテスト実行(Day101) | Run Replay Test (Day 101) |
Field_005 | 勢力争いテスト実行(Day102) | Run Turf War Test (Day 102) |
Field_006 | リマインダーテスト実行(Day103) | Run Reminder Test (Day 103) |
Field_007 | アクションテスト | Action test |
Field_008 | エリアチェンジ | Change Area |
Field_009 | 雑踏最大数 | Maximum number of Scan Mode |
Field_010 | キャラクターボードテスト(Day104) | Character board test(Day 104) |
Field_011 | 雑踏ベース種類制限 | Crowded base type restrictions |
Field_012 | 雑踏ベース種類最大数 | Maximum number of crowd base types |
Field_RainTest | 雨テスト(Day105) | Rain test (Day 105) |
Field_UnDevastation | 未設定 | Unspecified |
Field_Devastation | 崩壊率 | Collapse Rate |
Field_PanicFlag | パニック フラグ | Panic Flag |
Reference | Japanese | English |
MapName_001 | スクランブル交差点 | Scramble Crossing |
MapName_003 | センター街 | Center Street |
MapName_004 | スペイン坂 | Spain Hill |
MapName_005 | 道玄坂 | Dogenzaka |
MapName_006 | 104ビル前 | 14 Building |
MapName_007 | タワーレコード渋谷店前 | Tower Records |
MapName_008 | 千鳥足会館前 | Tipsy Tose Hall |
MapName_009 | 竹下通り | Takeshita Street |
MapName_010 | 東急プラザ前 | Tokyu Plaza |
MapName_011 | 渋谷ヒカリエ前 | Hikarie Tower |
MapName_012 | 首都高下歩道橋 | Expressway Underpass |
MapName_013 | 渋谷ストリーム前 | Shibuya Stream |
MapName_014 | 未設定 | Unspecified |
MapName_015 | キャットストリート | Cat Street |
MapName_016 | MIYASHITA PARK | Miyashita Park |
MapName_017 | 宇田川町路地裏 | Udagawa Backstreets |
MapName_018 | 傾斜検証用マップ | Map for inclination verification |
MapName_019 | ||
MapName_020 | 渋急駅前店屋上 | Shibukyu station roof |
MapName_021 | ||
MapName_022 | ||
MapName_023 | ススキチ戦1 | Susukichi Battle1 |
MapName_024 | ススキチ戦2 | Susukichi Battle2 |
MapName_025 | ススキチ戦3 | Susukichi Battle3 |
MapName_026 | ススキチ戦アナザーデイ | Susukichi Battle Another day |
MapName_027 | アヤノ戦 | Ayano Battle |
MapName_030 | シイバ戦1 | Shiiba Battle1 |
MapName_031 | シイバ戦2 | Shiiba Battle2 |
MapName_032 | シイバ戦3 | Shiiba Battle3 |
MapName_040 | ラスボス戦0 | Last boss0 |
MapName_041 | ラスボス戦 | |
MapName_050 | ミナミモト戦 | Minamimoto Battle |
MapName_060 | BattleViewer_14M_025 | |
MapName_061 | BattleViewer_14M_050 | |
MapName_062 | BattleViewer_14M_100 | |
MapName_063 | BattleViewer_30M_025 | |
MapName_064 | BattleViewer_30M_050 | |
MapName_065 | BattleViewer_30M_100 |
Reference | Japanese | English |
SaveData_001 | 新規作成 | |
SaveData_002 | セーブ | |
SaveData_003 | ロード | |
SaveData_004 | 削除 | Delete |
SaveData_005 | バトルテスト設定データ削除 | Battle test setting data deleted |
Reference | Japanese | English |
UICheck_001 | メインメニュー | Main Menu |
UICheck_002 | つぶやきログ | Tweet Log |
UICheck_003 | リプレイ | Replay |
UICheck_004 | バトルリザルト | Battle Result |
UICheck_005 | ||
UICheck_006 | インプリント | Imprint |
UICheck_007 | ショップ選択 | Select Shops |
UICheck_008 | リマインダー | Reminder |
UICheck_009 | 勢力争い系 | Turf War |
UICheck_010 | バトル開始 | Start Battle |
UICheck_011 | 全ショップお得意様状態 | Customer status of all shops |
UICheck_012 | VIPレベル | VIP Level |
UICheck_013 | フードカットイン | Food CutIn |
UICheck_014 | キャラチェンジ | Character Change |
UICheck_015 | ネイティブサイキック | Native psychics |
UICheck_016 | ダイアログ | Dialogue |
UICheck_017 | キャラボード | Social Network |
UICheck_018 | リワード獲得 | Obtain Reward |
UICheck_019 | 購入数 | Purchase Total |
UICheck_020 | 現在のDay | Current Day |
UICheck_021 | Cpゲット | Obtain FP |
Reference | Japanese | English |
UIReplay_001 | リプレイ開始 | Start Replay |
UIReplay_002 | 選択リプレイ | Selective Replay |
UIReplay_003 | ターニングポイント設定 | Turning point setting |
UIReplay_004 | 起動元ターニングポイント | Launch source turning point |
UIReplay_005 | 初回/通常 起動 | First time / normal startup |
UIReplay_006 | 初回起動 | First start |
UIReplay_007 | 通常起動 | Normal startup |
UIReplay_008 | リプレイ成功 / 失敗 | Replay success / failure |
UIReplay_009 | 成功状態 | Success state |
UIReplay_010 | 失敗状態 | Failed state |
UIReplay_011 | 有効状態 | Enabled state |
UIReplay_012 | 有効 | Effectiveness |
UIReplay_013 | 無効 | |
UIReplay_014 | 新規状態 | New state |
UIReplay_015 | 通常 | |
UIReplay_016 | 新規 | |
UIReplay_017 | 演出状態 | Production state |
UIReplay_018 | ||
UIReplay_019 | 演出 | Directing |
UIReplay_020 | 達成状態 | Achievement status |
UIReplay_021 | 達成 | Achievement |
UIReplay_022 | 未達成 | Not Achieved |
UIReplay_023 | ||
UIReplay_024 | カレントターニングポイント | Current turning point |
Reference | Japanese | English |
UIFoodResult_000 | フードカットイン開始 | Start FoodCutIn |
UIFoodResult_001 | 普通 | |
UIFoodResult_002 | 苦手 | Bad |
UIFoodResult_003 | 大好物 | VeryLike |
UIFoodResult_004 | 大好物 (BONUS) | VeryLike (BONUS) |
UIFoodResult_005 | 大好物 (DROPRATE BONUS) | VeryLike (DROPRATE BONUS) |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Text_001 | テキスト言語 | Text language |
Text_002 | テキストファイル | Text files |
Text_003 | 台詞ファイル | Dialogue file |
Text_004 | 未翻訳テキスト | Untranslated text |
Text_005 | ||
Text_006 | 未翻訳の場合ID | Untranslated text: normal/untranslated case ID/all ID |
Text_007 | 全てID |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Ability_001 | アビリティ装備 | Ability Equipment |
Ability_002 | 装備アビリティ確認 | Check Equipment Availability |
Ability_003 | 戻る | Back |
Ability_004 | やめる |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Option_001 | ||
Option_002 | 雑踏速度 | Scan Mode Speed |
Option_003 | 雑踏アニメオフセット | Scan Mode Animation Offset |
Option_004 | 雑踏Raycast間隔最大(秒) | Scan Mode Raycast interval, max (sec) |
Option_005 | 雑踏アニメーション | Scan Mode Animation |
Option_006 | 雑踏移動 | Scan Mode Movement |
Option_007 | 雑踏メッシュコピー | Scan Mode mesh copy |
Option_008 | 雑踏空洞化 | Scan Mode cavitation |
Option_009 | 雑踏頂点数 | Number of Scan Mode vertices |
Option_010 | 振動 | Vibration |
Option_011 | BGMボリューム | BGM volume |
Option_012 | SEボリューム | SE volume |
Option_013 | ボイスボリューム | Voice volume |
Option_014 | サウンドモード | Sound mode |
Option_015 | バトルカメラ操作(水平) | Battle Camera Operation (Horizontal) |
Option_016 | バトルカメラ操作(垂直) | Battle Camera Operation (Vertical) |
Option_017 | バトルデフォルトカメラ注視点 | Battle Default Camera Gaze point |
Option_018 | バトルプレイヤー操作 | Battle Player operation |
Option_019 | プレイヤー操作カメラ回転 | Player-controlled camera rotation |
Option_020 | フィールド雑踏 | Field Scan Mode |
Option_021 | GURでもデバッグメニュー | Debug menu in GUR |
Option_022 | GURでもイベントスキップ機能 | Event skip function in GUR |
Option_023 | サウンド言語 | Sound language |
Option_024 | ||
Option_025 | ステレオ | Stereo |
Option_026 | サラウンド | Surround |
Option_027 | モノラル | Monaural |
Option_028 | 固定 | Fixed |
Option_029 | 引き継ぐ | Take over |
Option_030 | イベント,吹き出しID表示 | Event, balloon ID display |
Reference | Japanese | English |
ComicEvent_001 | イベント再生 | Event Play |
ComicEvent_002 | クリップ作成用 | For making clips |
ComicEvent_003 | 背景 | Background |
Reference | Japanese | English |
TurfWar_001 | 勢力争いマップ | TurfWarMap |
TurfWar_002 | 勢力争い開始終了 | TurfWar Start End |
TurfWar_003 | 勢力争いダイアログ | TurfWar dialog |
TurfWar_004 | マップ起動 | Map launch |
TurfWar_005 | 選択勢力争い | Choice struggle |
TurfWar_006 | 現在位置 | present location |
TurfWar_007 | フウヤ支配 | Fuya domination |
TurfWar_008 | モトイ支配 | Motoi domination |
TurfWar_009 | カノン支配 | Canon domination |
TurfWar_010 | ツイスター支配 | Twister domination |
TurfWar_011 | 演出起動 | Start directing |
TurfWar_012 | ||
TurfWar_013 | 起動演出タイプ | Activation production type |
TurfWar_014 | 開始演出 | Start production |
TurfWar_015 | 結果演出 | Result production |
TurfWar_016 | クリア済みかどうか | Whether it has been cleared |
TurfWar_017 | 未クリア | Uncleared |
TurfWar_018 | クリア済み | Cleared |
TurfWar_021 | 報酬設定 | Reward setting |
TurfWar_022 | なし | None |
TurfWar_023 | 3つめゲット | Get the third |
TurfWar_024 | 2つめゲット | Get the second |
TurfWar_025 | 1つめゲット | Get the first |
TurfWar_026 | 報酬受け取り済み設定 | Reward received setting |
TurfWar_027 | 3つめゲット済み | I got the third one |
TurfWar_028 | 2つめゲット済み | I got the second one |
TurfWar_029 | 1つめゲット済み | I got the first one |
TurfWar_030 | 今回のスコア設定 | This time score setting |
TurfWar_031 | ハイスコア設定 | High score setting |
TurfWar_032 | ダイアログ起動 | Dialog launch |
TurfWar_033 | エリア占拠かどうか | Whether to occupy the area |
TurfWar_034 | エリア占拠 | Area occupation |
TurfWar_035 | エリア侵入 | Area invasion |
TurfWar_036 | ||
TurfWar_037 | エリアのチーム設定 | Area team settings |
TurfWar_038 | フウヤチーム | Fuya team |
TurfWar_039 | モトイチーム | Motoi team |
TurfWar_040 | カノンチーム | Canon team |
TurfWar_041 | ポイントノイズ | Point noise |
TurfWar_042 | エリアステータス設定 | Area status setting |
TurfWar_043 | エリア占拠状況 | Area occupation status |
TurfWar_044 | 開始時 | At the start |
TurfWar_045 | 通常時 | Normal time |
Reference | Japanese | English |
Parameter_CharacterPoint | キャラクターポイント | Character Point |
Parameter_TeamSetting | チーム設定 | Team Setting |
Parameter_Character | キャラクター | Character |
Parameter_HP | HP | |
Parameter_ATK | ||
Parameter_DEF | DEF | |
Parameter_SENSE | センス | Sense |
Parameter_UnEquip | 装備しない | Not Equipped |
Parameter_Badge | ||
Parameter_BadgeLevel | バッジレベル | Badge Level |
Parameter_Head | ||
Parameter_Tops | Tops | |
Parameter_Buttoms | Buttoms | |
Parameter_Shoes | Shoes | |
Parameter_Accessory | Accessory |
Reference | Japanese | English |
PCOption_FullScreenMode | FullScreenMode | |
PCOption_FPS | FPS | |
PCOption_Unlimited | Unlimited | |
PCOption_VSync | V-Sync | |
PCOption_Resolution | Resolution | |
STEAM_AchievementReset | 実績全削除 |
Unused Tweets (MobTweet)
Messages that appear when scanning are called "Tweets" internally and are configured to appear in certain days and locations. There are 49 Tweets that have text and a location associated with them, but are not configured to appear on any day.
NPC Name | Title | Message | Location |
@SeniorEmployee | Gloomy Subordinate | I'm worried about that guy. He never smiles and he's always mumbling to himself. Maybe we could grab a drink and I'll ask what's on his mind... No. If I do that, he'll hate me for sure! | Scramble Crossing |
@WifeInTheCity | Me Time | I told my husband I needed some me time and came out to the city, but I'm bored already... I think I'll stop by the grocery store, then head home. | Scramble Crossing |
@HusbandInTheCity | Angry Wife | My wife left the house in a huff. But that's what I get for leaving all the chores to her... I guess I'll buy her favorite dessert and apologize when she gets home... | Scramble Crossing |
@CombativeBoy | Legendary Game | I'd been dreaming of showing off my Tin Pin skills after transferring here, but it looks like everyone's moved on... Won't anyone play with me? | Scramble Crossing |
@AKATakuya | Erika | She hasn't shown up yet. She said she'd meet me here. But maybe she lied... | Scramble Crossing |
@AKAErika | Takuya | I gotta see what kind of guy he is before I head over... Is that Takuya!? Oh man, he's way too handsome for me! | Scramble Crossing |
@PrecociousSchoolgirl | Lalala! | Lalala, shopping with friends! Cute pins and pancakes!
...Tch, I just don't get it. They're all so childish. |
Takeshita Street |
@PrecociousSchoolgirl | Pancakes... | Pancakes... Pancakes... Shopping... Friends... Pancakes... | Scramble Crossing |
@StreetWatcher | I See... | Oh, that was a forced smile just now. And that boy over there is waiting for his first date... People-watching in Shibuya really is fun. | Scramble Crossing |
@StreetWatcher | No Relation | I'm tired of people-watching. Those strangers have nothing to do with me, after all. | Scramble Crossing |
@DiscerningSchoolboy | What I Always Wanted | I'm going to use the allowance my grandpa gave me to buy what I always wanted...a CD! | Tower Records |
@YoungGamer | Best Specs | The Giga Engine Mach II's got the best specs, but it's sold out everywhere... Good thing I already have it! | Scramble Crossing |
@YoungGamer | Pretty Sweet | It's pretty sweet having a Giga Engine Mach II at my age, but haters gonna hate—not my fault my parents buy me whatever I want! | Scramble Crossing |
@StudiousSchoolboy | Studying from Sunup | I study in the morning, then go to class! After classes, I go to cram school. Once all that's done, I can game! | Scramble Crossing |
@StudiousSchoolboy | Scolded | I skipped cram school, so Momma got all mad at me. Maybe I can come up with some kind of excuse so she'll forgive me... | Scramble Crossing |
@DivorcedBusinessman | Day with my Daughter | Today is the one day a month I get to see my little girl. I always bring her a gift, but what should I get her this time...? | Scramble Crossing |
@GrowingGirl | Day with My Dad | Today I get to see my dad! He brings me a gift every time, but it's always something weird... I wish he knew I'm happy just seeing him! | Scramble Crossing |
@MatureChild | Clothes from Mom | I shouldn't complain about clothes I didn't pay for, but I really want clothes from RyuGu. I don't think they sell kids' sizes, though... | Shibuya Hikarie |
@ImABigKidNow | All Grown Up | I bought a ice cream float at the coffee place all by myself! And then I eated it all by myself, too! | Scramble Crossing |
@BuddingHistorian | Dogen | Okay, so apparently Dogenzaka was named after some thief... But wait—here it says the name comes from some temple? Ugh, I'm never gonna finish my research project in time! | Dogenzaka |
@TaroTheTankEngine | What a View! | This place is the bestest! You can see all the trains comin' and goin' from here. I gotta my bring my buddy so we can take pictures of 'em together! | Miyashita Park |
@SoOverprotected | Big Screen | Mom always says to turn off the TV if nobody's watching. So how come that big one's still on if no one's looking at it? | Scramble Crossing |
@WildImagination | Excited | I get all excited every time I pass the Shibuya River. My imagination goes wild wondering what kind of creepy monsters lurk under the water. | Scramble Crossing |
@2Young2Know | Repeat After Me | The guy from the Tigre PUNKS store told me "punk" isn't just music—it's a lifestyle. From now on, I'm gonna punk my life and everyone in it! | Tsutaya O-East |
@MisguidedPrincess | How the Other Half Lives | Just look at all these people! I'm reminded of the bustling soirées Father likes to host. Who would have thought the bourgeoisie knew how to party? | Scramble Crossing |
@PrincessProtector | In Her Own World | The lady of the house insisted upon disguising ourselves and "mingling among the masses," but I fear she has a skewed perspective on "normal life"... | Scramble Crossing |
@MisguidedPrincess | This Is Love | That charming young lass regaled me with tales of EleStra. It sounds ever-so romantic... Oh, how I long to hear more tales of true love! | Scramble Crossing |
@PrincessProtector | Unstoppable | My concern grows the longer the young lady stares at her phone. Her father would never approve of such unbridled use of technology! | Scramble Crossing |
@OldFashionedGal | E-Books vs Paper | E-books are great for freeing up space, but there's just something special about flipping through the pages of a real book. Especially for things like photo collections. | Scramble Crossing |
@OldFashionedGal | Streaming vs Vinyl | I love how easy it is to stream music these days, but the sound doesn't have the same depth as vinyl. Plus, you miss out on that moment right when the needle hits the record. | Scramble Crossing |
@OldFashionedGal | Cash vs Cashless | Everyone (including me) is using ShibuPay these days, but there's this undeniable charm to paying in cash. It's like stepping back in time. | Scramble Crossing |
@LateToStart | At Least It's Getting Done | Maybe I should stop procrastinating so much. But as long as I get around to it eventually, it's fine, right? Deadlines are a social construct! | Scramble Crossing |
@PassinTheBuck | Misplaced Trust | I see you putting off that paperwork I asked you to do. I trust you to get it done, just please do it on time. We have deadlines for a reason! | Scramble Crossing |
@KeepUrEyesOnMe | That Girl... | That girl over there keeps staring at me... Do you think she's interested? Maybe I've finally become the babe magnet I've always wanted to be! | Scramble Crossing |
@IOnlyHaveEyes4U | That Guy... | That poor guy... His fly's open, he's got a price tag on his shirt, and his socks don't match. He's like a fashion car crash: it's awful, but I can't look away! | Scramble Crossing |
@StrategicLittleGal | Date with Daddy | Sorry I told Mommy about your secret stash of cash, Daddy... But I'll make it up to you! I'll take you on a date for your birthday, and you can buy me lots of clothes ♥ | 104 Building |
@YoungWithRichTaste | Soothing Sweetness | No other shop compares to Kyoto Sweets when it comes to the subtle sweetness of Japanese desserts. It makes me want to savor each and every elegant bite! | Shibuya Hikarie |
@MisterSweetTooth | Rule Breaker? | All those desserts look so yummy, I just wanna try 'em all... I don't care if I'm a boy: I'm gonna eat the Ladies' Night Parfait anyway! | Scramble Crossing |
Unused Abilities (AbilityInfo and AbilityName)
A few unused abilities have leftover text. The first two abilities were likely meant to be used on clothing items, while the last one was meant to be used on a pin.
Ability Name | Description |
EXP Rejection | Prevents the team from earning any EXP. |
PP Rejection | Prevents the team from earning any PP. |
Auto-Assault | Keeps moving and attacking as long as the key / button remains pressed, with the target changing after each attack. |
Test Dive Tweets (DiveTweet)
There are also a set of test Tweets meant to be used for the Dive mechanic.
Name | Speaker | Content |
NPCName_DIVtest | @N00bOnTheJob | |
tweet_DIVtest_title | 転職したての新人営業マン | The Fairer Sex |
tweet_DIVtest_bf_0010 | 転職したての新人営業マン | This company's great! I love my coworkers too. |
tweet_DIVtest_bf_0020 | 転職したての新人営業マン | I changed jobs so I'd have more money to support her, but she hasn't thanked me even once... |
tweet_DIVtest_bf_0030 | 転職したての新人営業マン | I already splashed out for our one-week anniversary, our ten-day anniversary, our one-month anniversary, and now her birthday's coming up... I'm so broke. |
tweet_DIVtest_bf_0040 | 転職したての新人営業マン | It's okay—birthday's only come round once a year. I can bounce back from splurging on her present just fine! |
tweet_DIVtest_bf_0050 | 転職したての新人営業マン | I can't believe it. She's breaking up with me!? What's gotten into her??? |
tweet_DIVtest_0000 | 転職したての新人営業マン | Dammit, I can't let her just dump me like this! |
tweet_DIVtest_0010 | 転職したての新人営業マン | Has she forgotten I changed jobs for her!? |
tweet_DIVtest_0020 | 転職したての新人営業マン | And who dumps someone right after they've handed over a present anyway!? |
tweet_DIVtest_0030 | 転職したての新人営業マン | I'm gonna lose my mind at this rate. |
tweet_DIVtest_af_0010 | 転職したての新人営業マン | ...Although, I'm feeling a little calmer now. Thinking about it, we never really were a good fit from the start. |
tweet_DIVtest_af_0020 | 転職したての新人営業マン | And she was such a drain on my wallet, yeesh. Honestly, I'm better off without her! |
tweet_DIVtest_af_0030 | 転職したての新人営業マン | I guess I should probably buy my coworker some candy as an apology, though. I was so mad I took it all out on him... |
Test Dive and Imprint Text
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
There is also a set of text used for testing the Dive and Imprint systems inside the code
Index | Text |
10081 | テストデータ |
10082 | 2つ目の会話 |
10083 | 改行
テスト |
10084 | 「インプリント
ダイブ」しますか? |
10085 | なんだっけなぁ…
丸いモノだった ような… |
10086 | たしか…
赤い…ものだった ような…いや黄色の ものだっけ… |
10087 | うーん…
手に持てるサイズ なのは確かね… |
10088 | 食べ物…そう!
食べられるもの… 美味しいものだった 気がする… |
10089 | 確か…中身は
スカスカなのよね… あーん 何で思い出せないんだろう… |
10090 | あぁー
何を買いに来たか 思い出せないよー なんだっけぇ? |
10091 | パプリカ!!
思い出した! これで おつかい 完了できるー |
10092 | そう! これ!!
………だったっけ? やっぱ違う気がする… |
10093 | キーワード「ポスト」をゲット |
10094 | キーワード「トマト」をゲット |
10095 | キーワード「リンゴ」をゲット |
10096 | キーワード「パプリカ」をゲット |
10097 | キーワード「時計」をゲット |
10098 | キーワード「野球ボール」をゲット |
10099 | インプリント
ダイブ成功! |
10100 | ダイブ失敗・・・ |
10101 | 「インプリントダイブ」
Yes A / No B |
10102 | 現実世界へもどりますか?
Aボタン Yes/Bボタン No |
10103 | 「インプリントダイブ」
ノイズを倒して記憶を思い出させろ |
10104 | 分かった!!
「ポスト」だね! |
10105 | 今思い出した!
大嫌いな |
10106 | 「リンゴ」!やった~! |
10107 | 「時計」だ!
私は天才じゃん! |
10108 | あっ!やっぱ
「野球ボール」! |
10109 | インプリントダイブ開始! |
10110 | 毎日使える
物だった様な 気がする |
10111 | 野菜!
いや、フルーツ? |
10112 | ダイブ
しますか? |
10113 | 「バトルミッションダイブ」
Yes A / No B |
10114 | 「バトルミッションダイブ」
ノイズを全て倒し最深層を目指せ! <HP自動回復不可> |
10115 | ノイズを
はらえ! |
10116 | ノイズを
退治した |
10117 | より深い階層へ潜りますか?
Aボタン Yes/Bボタン No |
10118 | ダイブ成功! |
Test Battle Event (BattleTalkSP)
"name": "btl_event_test", "speaker": "", "listener": "", "content": "TEST"
Test Replay text (Replay)
"name": "replay_test_00_0", "speaker": "リンドウ:RINDO", "listener": "", "content": "Replaying..."
4th Scramble Slam
Title text that would have been used for a 4th Scramble Slam on Week 3 Day 5.
"name": "Struggle_Title_w3d5", "speaker": "", "listener": "", "content": "<size=85%>The 4th</size> Scramble Slam"
PsychicParts.TapBullet PlaceParameter
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: What is this actually for? Debug Overlay prehaps? A proper translation would be pretty useful. |
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
【置き方】 弾の配置方法を設定します ===== HorizontalLine 水平方向に直線的に配置します。 ===== HorizontalArc 水平方向に円弧状に配置します ===== ForwardCircle 前方の円の中に配置します ===== HorizonCircle タグを中心に水平面の円上に配置します ===== Sphere タグを中心に球状に配置します
【距離】 タグ位置からどの程度距離を置いて発射するか。 ===== HorizontalLine タグからプレイヤー前方何mで配置を開始するか ===== HorizontalArc タグからプレイヤー前方何mに配置するか ===== ForwardCircle タグからプレイヤー前方何mに配置するか ===== HorizonCircle タグから半径いくつの場所に配置するか ===== Sphere タグを中心に半径いくつの球状に配置するか ===== Dome 発射面までの距離
【間隔】 ===== HorizontalLine いくつ間をあけて配置するか ===== その他 未使用
【角度】 ===== HorizontalArc 角度いくつの円弧内に発生させるか ===== Dome 円錐上の偏角 ===== その他 未使用
【軸角度】 バリエーションを増やすために、発射の軸を回転させます ===== HorizontalLine 水平方向の並びをz軸回転させます。90度で垂直並びに ===== HorizontalArc 水平方向に円弧状の並びをz軸回転させます。90度で垂直並びに ===== ForwardCircle 未使用 ===== HorizonCircle 水平面の円上のものをx軸回転させます。90度で垂直平面の円に ===== Dome プレイヤー方向へ倒す角度 ===== Sphere 未使用
【最小半径】 ===== ForwardCircle 円の中心からいくつの場所に出すか(最小値) ===== その他 未使用
【最大半径】 ===== ForwardCircle 円の中心からいくつの場所に出すか(最大値) ===== その他 未使用
【ソート方法】 ===== HorizontalLine HorizontalArc default : 真ん中に最初に置いた後、 左、右、と近い順に打ちます RANDOM : ランダム A : 左から右へ B : 右から左へ ===== HorizonCircle default : 前、右、左、と順に角度を上げていきます RANDOM : ランダム A : 時計回り B : 反時計周り ===== その他 未使用