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Neon Genesis Evangelion

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Title Screen

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Developer: Bec
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: June 25, 1999

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

An action game based on the anime series of the same name.

Sount Test

Evangelion 64 sound test.png

After beating the game in Easy difficulty, a sound test is unlocked. It has three sections: voice, BGM, and SE. Of particular note is the voice section, which contains many unused voice files.

The voice test is separated by characters:

1-39: Shinji Ikari

40-55: Rei Ayanami

56-92: Asuka Langley Soryu

93-114: Toji Suzuhara

Toji is only playable in Simulator Mode, where each pilot only has a single line at the start of the simulation. Therefore, most of his lines here are unused, suggesting he was initially meant to have a more prominent role (likely as a playable character in the scrapped versus mode).

115-158: Misato Katsuragi

159-168: Ritsuko Akagi

169-181: Makoto Hyuga

182-188: Shigeru Aoba

189-251: Maya Ibuki

Maya is the narrator of the game's model viewer mode, and voices 216 through 251 were her stating the names of the displayed models in the model viewer mode.

Interestingly, she mentions Unit-04 (221), Adam (223), Gaghiel (227), Ireul (232), Arael (236), Armisael (237), and the Giant of Light (238), all of which were either not present in the game or present but with no models. Also of note is that she has no voice for Lilith despite its appearance in the model viewer. This could be due to Lilith being named Adam early in development (since Lilith was referred to as Adam for much of the anime).

252-263: Gendo Ikari

264-274: Kozo Fuyutsuki

275-278: Ryoji Kaji

279-284: Keel Lorenz

285-299: Kaworu Nagisa

Similar to Toji, Kaworu has a large number of unused lines, hinting that he may have been intended as a playable character in the scrapped versus mode.

300-305: Eva Unit-01

Various growls and roars of Eva Unit-01.

Notably, the unused 303 appears to be the unprocessed voice of Unit-01's VA, Megumi Hayashibara, possibly intended to be an easter egg.

306: Yui Ikari

"もういいのね?" (So, you'll be okay now?)

An unused voice file. This was one of Yui's lines near the end of The End of Evangelion. Since there are no other references to Yui in the game, this was likely included as an easter egg.

Versus Mode

A 2-player versus mode was advertised in pre-release material but ultimately cut from the game. An unfinished version can be accessed using a special command after completing Hard Mode and collecting all actions in the Action Viewer. During the attract mode animation where Eva-01 fights Sachiel, hold L and R on controller 2 and press Start on controller 1.

Evangelion 64 versus select screen.png
Evangelion 64 versus fight screen.png

If the command is performed successfully, a minimalistic character select screen will appear, where each player may select their character using the left and right buttons on the D-pad. The following characters are available:

  • E00: Eva Unit-00 with Spear of Longinus
  • E01: Eva Unit-01 with Progressive Knife
  • E02: Eva Unit-02 with Progressive Knife
  • E03: Eva Unit-03 with Double-Edged Sword
  • SAC: Sachiel
  • SHA: Shamshel
  • BAR: Bardiel
  • E.S: Eva Series (Mass Production Evangelion)
  • RND: Random

Grab attacks do not trigger special attacks in this mode and are functionally identical to standard attacks. Unit-00, Unit-03, and Eva Series cannot perform grab attacks but deal massive damage with their standard attack. The fight takes place in the Geofront, the same setting as Missions 12 and 12.5, with no screen edges. When one of the players is defeated, their character sinks into the ground, and the game returns to the character select screen.

The music that plays in this mode changes depending on the P1 character:

  • E00: Thanatos
  • E01: The Cruel Angel's Thesis
  • E02: Magmadiver
  • E03: Harbinger of Tragedy
  • SAC: Angel Attack
  • SHA: A Step Forward Into Terror
  • BAR: Normal Blood
  • E.S: II Air

Debug Menu

To do:
Describe more in detail about the debug menu and its options.
Evangelion64 Debug Menu.png

Enable this cheat while on the main menu, then press L + D-Pad Up to access the debug menu:
D1149DD4 0820
810D5114 0005

Utility Menu

Controller Test

Evangelion64 Controller Test.png

Tests all of the button presses on the N64 controllers. Press Z + B to Exit.


Evangelion64 EEPROM Test.png

This can be accessed through the debug menu's utility menu.

RMB Test

Evangelion64 RMB Test.png

A basic Rumble Pak test menu. "CNT" selects which controller to test, "FREQ" changes the frequency of the rumble, and "FRAM" changes how many times the rumble should be toggled on. Press A to start the rumble, C-Down to stop the rumble during activation.

Monitor Test

Evangelion64 Monitor Test.png

A generic monitor test screen. Press A to switch to another screen, B to exit.

Audio Test

Evangelion64 Audio Test.png

Your usual Audio Debug menu with a longer version of the "Instrumentality" animation at the end of a Hard Mode playthrough (a cycle of all of the game's assets) playing in the background. You can change the tempo, volume, and pan of the song. You can also play different sound effects. One thing to note is that the first song is labelled as "FlyMe", indicating that "Fly Me To the Moon" was once going to be a song in the game. It uses the same music sequence as "Thanatos" but with a different instrument set.

The "Instrumentality" animation features several unused graphics, including the TV version of Rei's smile (the in-game cutscene uses the version from the Evangelion: Death movie) and a set of mugshots for Toji in the Eva-03.

Object Test

Evangelion64 Object test.png

Allows you to view many graphic files and select different options for viewing them. Press L and R to cycle through the objects.

Model Test

Evangelion64 Model Test.png

Allows you to view various models in the game with different options for viewing. Press L and R to cycle through each model.

Font Check

Evangelion64 Font Checker.png

This can be accessed through the debug menu's utility menu.

Window Test

Evangelion64 Window Test.png

This can be accessed through the debug menu's utility menu.

Effect Test

Evangelion64 Effect Test.png

Allows you to view various effects in the game with different options for viewing. "EFC" selects which effect to display, A plays that effect.

Config Menu

Evangelion Config Menu.png

Labeled as "BACKUP EDIT" in the debug menu. Can change the game difficulty, unlockable options, and whether or not to use music and sound effects. Pressing B will take you to the game's options menu.

Main Debug Menu

To do:
Get screenshots of the other screens, and add more info.
Evangelion64 Main Debug Menu.png

Use this code after accessing the regular debug menu by pressing L + D-Pad Down.

D1149DD4 0420
810D5114 0004

If you sit on this menu for several seconds it will end up cycling through three screens with the words "BANDAI", "DEMO LOOP", and "EVANGELION". Pressing Start at any time will take you back to the main debug menu.

Evangelion64 Bandai Screen.pngEvangelion64 Demo Loop Screen.pngEvangelion64 Evangelion Screen.png


Evangelion64 NAG TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.


Evangelion64 NA2 TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.


Evangelion64 NA3 TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.


Evangelion64 HAS TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.


Evangelion64 SUG TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.


Evangelion64 SAI TEST.png

This can be accessed through the main debug menu.