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Neorude: Kizamareta Monshou

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Title Screen

Neorude: Kizamareta Monshou

Developer: Tecnosoft
Publisher: Tecnosoft
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: December 16, 1999

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Debug Menu

Neorude 3 Kizamareta Monshou Debug Menu.png

Use the following code to display a debug menu.

8004BBE0 0001
Text Translation Notes
プログラム Program Select the execute program.
マップテスト Map Test Map test.
実験場 Test Site Ending
ワールドマップ World Map World map.
デモ画面 Demonstration Screen Opening movie.
SEQ再生 Play SEQ Changes parameter A and press Circle to play a sound.
効果音 SFX Changes parameter A and press Circle to play a sound.
XA再生 Play XA Changes parameter A and press Circle to play a sound.
ムービー再生 Play Movie Movie test.
シーン再生 Scene Play Scene test.
本番 Take
ゲームスタート Game Start Game starts normally.
パラメータA, パラメータB Parameter A, Parameter B Set parameter for program.
BGM再生 Play the BGM Enable/Disable BGM.
パソコン PC
接続する Connected
接続しない Doesn't connect
イベント Event
作戦開始 Mission Start Start the program.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Output

Use the following code to output debug text to TTY console.

8007FB10 0000
8007FB12 0000
(Source: Original TCRF research)