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Nibiiro no Koubou

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Title Screen

Nibiiro no Koubou: 32-nin no Sensha Chou

Developer: Shangri-La
Publisher: Shangri-La
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: February 28, 1997

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Nibiiro no Koubou: 32-nin no Sensha Cho is a tank simulation and strategy game. All countries resemble real countries, and all tanks resemble real World War II tanks too, but it is fictional.

Debug Menu

Nibiiro no Koubou Debug.png

Use the following code to display a debug menu. Press Up, Down to switch the select mode. Press Circle to start the game with fill all tanks.

80037528 0000
8003752A 0000
80065F94 0001
8003755C 0000
8003755E 0000

SYO SELECT (章; Chapter)

Press Left, Right to change the chapter.


Press Left, Right to select the character. Press Triangle to add/remove a character to the party.

Unused Images

Nibiiro no Koubou KAO.png
This image would be used for temporary emblem images.

Nibiiro no Koubou SIK 1.png Nibiiro no Koubou SIK 2.png Nibiiro no Koubou SIK 3.png Nibiiro no Koubou SIK 4.png
These are unknown placeholder portrait images.

Nibiiro no Koubou SIK 5.png
This is an unknown 32x128 placeholder image.

Nibiiro no Koubou TANK16.AMI 1.png
This image would be used for a temporary tank image. It is written as "グレー"(Gray).

Development Texts

There are multiple error messages.


Address Text Transcription Translation
0x000800 Z_ChangeAscToSjis():alloc error!!
0x000824 tim open error
0x000834 tim read error
0x000864 PutKaoData err(0): KAO BANGOU WA 0 KARA 127 MADE DAYO !! PutKaoData err(0): 顔番号は0から127までだよ!! PutKaoData err(0): Face number is between 0 to 127!!
0x0008A0 PutKaoData err(1): No.%d HYOUJOU WA 0 KARA 2 MADE DAYO !! PutKaoData err(1): No.%d 表情は0から2までだよ!! PutKaoData err(1): No.%d Face expression is between 0 to 2!!
0x0008E0 %02d
0x0008E8 K%s
0x000908 filename : %s
0x000918 nade? %s
0x000924 (OPOP.C): 64x192 N0.%d no E GA NAI!!!! (OPOP.C): 60x192 N0.%d の 絵がない!!! (OPOP.C): 60x192 Not found image N0.%d
0x000950 tim open error 5
0x000964 kai_10 %d
0x000970 tim read error 575
0x000984 yobi pallete ????? 予備パレット????? Reserve pallete ?????
0x000998 tim open error 1
0x0009ac tim read error 1
0x0009c0 (OPOP.C): N0.%d CHARA no DATA wa RAM ni TOUROKU SARETE IMASEN (OPOP.C): N0.%d キャラのデータはRAMに登録されていません。 (OPOP.C): N0.%d Chara data is not registered to RAM.
0x000A00 FaceSet64x64(-999)
0x000A14 FaceSet64x64(???)
0x000A34 PutKaoData err(1): HYOUJOU WA 0 KARA 2 MADE DAYO !! PutKaoData err(1): 表情は0から2までだよ!! No.%d Face expression is between 0 to 2!!
0x000A6C BUG??? : %d
0x000A78 -_-;??? : %d : %d
0x000AA0 (OPOP.C): test64x64 No.%d no E GA NAI!!!! (OPOP.C): test64x64 No.%d の絵がない!!!! (OPOP.C): test64x64 No.%d Image not found.
0x000ACC FD64[%d].sTekiMikata %d
0x000AEC tim read error 585
0x000B00 tim read error 5
0x000B14 64x64 map_no= %d
0x000B28 (opop.c): No.%d CHARA no DATA wa RAM ni TOUROKU SARETE IMASEN (opop.c): No.%d キャラのデータはRAMに登録されていません (opop.c): No.%d chara data is not resistered to RAM.
0x000B68 OYAOYA No.%3d no Hito wa imasen yo おやおや No.%3d の人はいませんよ well, No.%3d does not exists.
0x000B90 ChkNum %d
0x000B9C (OPOP2.C):sTETTAI = %d
0x000BB4 sTETTAI = 0 or 1 or 2
0x000D2C (OPOP2.C): WIN no E -> CPF0 ga NAI MITAI !!!! (OPOP2.C): WINの絵 -> CPF0 がないみたい!!!! (OPOP2.C): Picture of WIN -> CPF0 does not exists!!!!
0x001120 i no ATAI GA OKASII i = %d iの値がおかしい i = %d i value is strange. i = %d
0x0011C4 (OPOP3.C): tank32 no E GA NAI!!!! (OPOP3.C): tank32 の絵がない!!!! (OPOP3.C): Picture of tank32 does not exist !!!!
0x0011F0 tim open error 50
0x001204 tim read error 50
0x001268 (OPOP3.C): NT.AMI no DATA ga NAI YO !!! (OPOP3.C): NT.AMIのデータがないよ!!! (OPOP3.C): NT.AMI's data does not exist!!!
0x0012AC (OPOP3.C): MOJI_2 NO E GA NAI!!!! (OPOP3.C): MOJI_2 の絵がない!!!! (OPOP3.C): Picture of MOJI_2 does not exist!!!!
0x0012D0 %3d:AllocMan_0 Ga Free Sarete inai No!!!! %3d:AllocMan_0がFreeされていないの!!!! %3d:AllocMan_0 did not free!!!!
0x001300 %3d:AllocMan_0 Ga Naze 0 Dewa Nainoka Sirabete ne %3d:AllocMan_0がなぜ0ではないのか調べてね Investigate why %3d:AllocMan_0 is not 0.
0x00133C %3d:AllocMan_0 = %d
0x001354 Alloc Free OK!!
0x001368 (OPOP3.c)KOWASI TYATTA !!:S_MC_MOJI_2 (OPOP3.c)壊しちゃった!!:S_MC_MOJI_2 (OPOP3.c) I broke S_MC_MOJI_2!!
0x001390 (opop4.c): KO N NI TI WA MASATO DESU (opop4.c):こんにちは まさと です。 (opop4.c): Hello, I am Masato
0x0013C0 sSentaku = %d sL_Max = %d
0x0013E0 sSentaku >= sL_Max NI SITEKUDASAI NE sSentaku >= sL_Maxにしてくださいね Be sure to sSentaku >= sL_Max
0x00140C KANSUU:(WinKeyIti_2) no ATAI wa OKASIKU A Ri Ma Se N Ka? 関数:(WinKeyIti_2)の値はおかしくありませんか? Is the argument of function(WinKeyIti_2) not strange?
0x00144C WINHAMIDASI = %d WINRollKey = %d
0x001570 ret_tank_kind_max() 64 over !
0x001590 SYAKAIKAI : %d
0x0015A0 yousen_end
0x00169C SYAKAIKAI no ATAI 0 or 1 ne!! SYAKAIKAI = %d SYAKAIKAIの値0 or 1ね!! SYAKAIKAI = %d SYAKAIKAI's value is 0 or 1!! SYAKAIKAI = %d
0x0017C0 \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMI ga nai !!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMIがない!!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMI does not exist!!!!
0x0017E0 tim open error 555
0x0017F4 tim read error 555
0x001824 file not find -> %s
0x00183C modori = %d return = %d
0x0017E3 \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMI ga nai !!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMIがない!!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MT.AMI does not exist!!!!
0x0017F7 tim open error 555
0x00180B tim read error 555
0x00183C file not find -> %s
0x00184B modori = %d
0x001894 Save_Data start
0x0018A4 opening err
0x0018DC \tank\data\save\ST.AMI ga nai!! \tank\data\save\ST.AMIがない!! \tank\data\save\ST.AMI does not exist!!
0x0018EE tim read err!
0x001929 file not find -> \TANK\D\CMN\TD.BIN
0x001965 file not find -> \TANK\D\CMN\CN.BIN
0x001975 %d %d %d
0x001988 %d %d %d %d
0x00198F %d-
0x0019AF OverRap Work0 malloc error
0x0019CB OverRap Work1 malloc error
0x0019E2 SOUNDLIB Version 3.01
0x0019F8 File not found (%s)
0x001A1F SEQ_MAX Error Program:%d Data:%d
0x001A36 SsVabOpenHead : error
0x001A52 Sound buffer malloc error
0x001A6B SsVabTransBody : error
0x001A81 SsSeqOpen Error (%d)
0x001E82 SoundDef malloc error
0x001E9E Sound buffer malloc error
0x001EA3 .VA
0x001EA7 .VB
0x001EB5 vlcbuf0 : %d
0x001EC5 vlcbuf1 : %d
0x001ED5 imgbuf : %d
0x001EE5 sctbuf : %d
0x001EFB vlcbuf0 malloc err
0x001F0F vlcbuf1 malloc err
0x001F22 imgbuf malloc err
0x001F36 sctbuf malloc err
0x001F4E SISISI->tank_max = %d
0x001F63 squadron_tank = %d
0x001FE4 (MRM2.C):choice_sw = %d
0x002000 (MRM2.C):RX->sNOSA = %d
0x002017 0 ka 1 ni site ne 0か1にしてね Be sure to 0 or 1.
0x002032 (MRM2.C):RX->iSOKUDO = %d
0x002047 1 ka 2 ni site ne 1か2にしてね Be sure to 1 or 2.
0x002080 \TANK\D\MRM\MRM_TIM.AMI ga nai !!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MRM_TIM.AMIがない!!!! \TANK\D\MRM\MRM_TIM.AMI does not exist !!!!
0x002089 CK_2
0x002096 BANBAN %d
0x0020CE (MRM2.C):KOITU WA MAZUIZE !! sw_flag = %d (MRM2.C):コイツはマズいぜ!! sw_flag = %d
0x0020F2 sw_flag = 0 or 1 DESU YOROSIKU NE sw_flag = 0 or 1です よろしくね sw_flag = 0 or 1. Please do it.
0x002121 (MRM2.C):SOUTOU YABAIYO KOREWA !! T_Ban = %d (MRM2.C):相当ヤバいよコレは!! T_Ban = %d
0x002147 T_Ban = 0 kara %d DESU YOROSIKU NE T_Ban = 0から%dです よろしくね T_Ban = Between 0 to 1. Please do it.
0x002153 break : %d
0x002164 exit malloc_err
0x00216C %02d
0x002183 \TANK\D\HIT\H%s.TMD
0x002197 \TANK\D\HIT\H%s.TIM
0x0021A7 %s ga nai !!!! %s がない!!!! %s does not exist.
0x0021BA Not enough memory
0x0021CF Not enough memory1
0x002212 i : %d -- squadron_tank[i]-1 : %d
0x002717 malloc err
0x002733 malloc error (spr->sprite)
0x00274B malloc error (spr->ot)
0x002766 malloc error (cs->sprite)
0x00277E malloc error (cs->ot)
0x002793 SIYOU TYUU 使用中 used
0x00279C MOJISUU 文字数 String length
0x0027A9 VRAM AKI VRAM 空き VRAM space
0x0027C1 malloc err(kana spr)
0x0027D8 malloc err(kana ot)
0x0027F1 moji ga nai 文字がない Character does not exist.
0x00280C malloc err(font sprite)
0x002824 tim open error F_G0
0x00283C tim read error F_G0
0x002845 \TANK


Address Text Transcription Translation
0x0315 bu00:BISLPS-00721XXX3
0x032D bu00:BISLPS-00721XXX2
0x0345 bu00:BISLPS-00721XXX1
0x0369 in:%dbyte out:%dbyte [%d%%]
0x038B Compress routine Calloc ERROR
0x03CE hmc_sys111 malloc err
0x03F2 hmc_sys alloced! The address = %p
0x0409 HMC_SYS size222 : %d
0x0422 hmc_sys222 malloc err
0x0443 hmc_sys free! The address = %p
0x044F no connect
0x045A connected
0x047E format ANSWER is unusual price %d
0x04A5 overwrite ANSWER is unusual price %d
0x04D3 CONTINUE SAVING ANSWER is unusual price %d
0x04F9 no connect condition
0x050F formated condition
0x0523 unformat condition
0x0537 destroy condition?
0x054B destroy condition!
0x055C whwt's happen ?
0x056F file not found
0x0589 MODE is unusual price %d
0x0597 file found
0x05A9 verify_count = %d
0x05CC function_sw is unusual price %d
0x0628 verify_read!
0x0634 cmp = %d
0x0669 \tank\d\save\ST.AMI ga nai!! \tank\d\save\ST.AMI がない!! \tank\d\save\ST.AMI does not exist!!
0x0882 バグってます。よろしいですか? N/A It was a bug. Are you OK?
0x08B2 end_save_load
0x08C4 load_result = %d
0x08FB -------------------------------------------------%d
0x0908 result = %d
0x0917 map_no = %d
0x091C %s%s
0x0931 shit! I miss it!
0x093E create ok!
0x0A4E pshed = %d
0x0A59 msg = %d
0x0A65 fun = %d
0x0AB1 Compress END
0x0AC3 check_sum = %d
0x0AD5 data_size1 = %d
0x0BBF f_sum = %d
0x0BCB f_map = %d
0x0BD7 b_sum = %d


Address Text Transcription Translation
0x0053 tyu_map_rutin_start : init_sw = %d
0x0066 now_point_no : %d
0x007B next_point_no : %d
0x007F %d:
0x0095 scroll_mode : %d
0x00AD alloc_byte_size : %x
0x00CF kekka_all alloc_byte_size : %x
0x00EF allow_all alloc_byte_size : %x
0x010F pazul_all alloc_byte_size : %x
0x012F clock_all alloc_byte_size : %x
0x014F obj_gt3 alloc_byte_size : %x
0x0169 all_alloc_byte_size : %x
0x0186 fight_position 0 clear000
0x019C go ivent_check : %x
0x01AA go sentou
0x01B5 go movie
0x01DD -----------Face Free!!!!------------
0x0205 -----------Face Read!!!!------------
0x0219 push_idou sentou
0x022D no_sentou sentou
0x0299 jyunbi_i_o.kind 64 over!
0x02E2 fight_position 0 clear111
0x02FE fight_position 0 clear222
0x0308 se_stop
0x031F alloc_max : %d
0x0333 sync : %d
0x0347 max_sync(0) : %d
0x036C p : n_p : x : y : %d : %d : %d : %d
0x038A allow : %d - %d = %d - %d
0x039F now_ivent : %x
0x03B3 window_ptn : %x
0x03C7 allow_no : %d
0x03DB allow_sw : %d
0x03EF allow_disp : %d
0x0403 allow_sentou : %d
0x0417 allow_mode : %d
0x042B fight_position: %d
0x043F love_i_o.kekka: %d
0x0468 %d : %d : %d : %d : %d : %d : %d : %d :
0x0482 ------flag_data------
0x0490 glo_flag[0]
0x04AA local_flag[0]
0x04C3 tyu_map_rutin_end : %d
0x04D7 sav_allow_no : %d