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Night in the Woods (Windows)

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Title Screen

Night in the Woods

Developer: Infinite Fall
Publisher: Finji
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: February 21, 2017

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Night in the Woods is an indie adventure game following Mae, a 20-year-old college dropout who returns to her hometown and tries to reconnect with her friends and family. Also, everyone's a cute animal!

To do:
  • Add the unused intro music.
  • Add remaining placeholder graphics.
  • Longest Night/Lost Constellation has stuff from early builds!
  • Get full views of unused areas and make a subpage for them.


Area Blockouts
Wow, this game should be called "Night in the Blockouts!"
Unused Text

Unused Areas

There are a few unused areas within the game.

Germ Hangout (Pre-Weird Autumn Edition)

A unfinished version of Germ's Hangout existed before the Weird Autumn update.

Debug Menus

There are a couple of debug menus in the game. The first debug menu (called DebugMenu) is accessible in normal builds of the game by pressing SHIFT+Q. It shows at the top of the screen and has a few options. The Q key is used to confirm a selection. There is a more complex debug menu only accessible through code editing, that covers a good portion of the screen and contains a good bulk of functions.

Unused Audio

An audio clip of someone saying "oh my god it works!", only accessible from the hidden debug menu. Internally named event:/test/omg_it_works.

Unused voice clips of Mae saying "Meow" in various different inflections. (Only present in the Longest Night and Lost Constellation supplementary games.)

There are also additional "characterVoiceDictionary" entries for Bea, Gregg, and Angus, but they don't have any audio attached to them.

Unused early version music is included in the Longest Night and Lost Constellation standalone versions.

Unused Graphics

Granddad Doodle

An unused doodle for Mae's journal depicting her granddad. Its filename, "doodle_DadGrandDad.png", suggests that it was meant to show up in the same page as her doodle of her father.

NITW - Doodle DadGrandDad.png

Astral Bear Placeholder

Unused graphic which oddly features Smokey Bear. Considering its location in the files, this was likely used as a placeholder for the Astral Bear.

NITW 797 Smokey Bear.png

Forever Be Here Title Card

An unused title card that reads "Forever Be Here". It is animated just like all other chapter intros.

NITW ForeverBeHere.gif

Mallard Rat Placeholders

Mallard Rat (Fed) Mallard Rat (Fed Squeak) Mallard Rat (Hungry) Mallard Rat (Small Stop) Mallard Rat (Small Run)
PHMallardRatNITW01.png PHMallardRatNITW02.png PHMallardRatNITW03.png

Options Blockout

Very funny, teasing us with a Virtual Reality Reality Virtualness mode like that. This was probably used for testing out the placement of options, and making sure they fit in the menu.


Unused Code

There are some unused actions for the laptop desktop icons. While they have corresponding code, it doesn't actually work.


Gravity Zones

Unused code exists for "GravityZones", which are never used in-game in a functional form.


Code exists to handle the GravityZones and affect the Player accordingly, but it is never called.

There are 5 different types:

  • CentralNormalized pulls the player towards the center of the GravityZone.
  • CentralByDistance pulls the player towards the center of the GravityZone more or less depending on how close the Player is to the center.
  • Multiply as its name implies, multiplies the player's gravity by a set multiplier.
  • Directional pushes the player in a set direction.
  • Disable has no code associated with it, and as such does nothing.

Unfinished Scripts

The file "TowneCentreEast.yarn" contains some unfinished and commented-out dialogue, related to the "Janitor_A4D3" event seen during the epilogue.

Mae: See ya around. #line:cd3431
Janitor: Not if I see you first, Mae. #line:356aeb
Mae: ha ha #line:27078b
Janitor: *wheeze* haw haw haw! #line:e73167
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
Mae: wait! How do you know my name? #line:0196c8
<<wait 2>>
//giant astral-god-looking bird flys up and into the sky in the bg//
//Mae: oh my god
//Mae: he was-
//Mae: finally some part of this makes sense.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorBackOn wait>>
//janitor walks back onscreen interrupting//
//Janitor: HO-LEE JA-MOLEY
//Janitor: you see that big bird?
//Janitor: That’s a Great Nor’Easter King Crane!
//Janitor: Must be late to the migratin’.
//Janitor: Haw! Wait til the fellers at Miller’s hear about this!
//Mae: Ha ha ha ha.
//Mae: oh my god. This week.
//<<walk Janitor JanitorOffLeft wait>>
//Janitor: You said it.
<<hide Janitor>>
//janitor walks offscreen to the left//
<<set $janitor_done to 1>>
<<unlockDoodle Janitor1>>

This seems to be poking fun at the Janitor's mysterious appearances throughout the game.

Unused Videos

The final version of the game has leftover placeholders from an abandoned experiment with prerendered cutscenes; the final game renders everything in-engine. These are present in the original release, and are still present as of the December 2017 "Weird Autumn Edition" update, despite the developers' stated intentions to remove them eight months earlier.

These are located in the StreamingAssets/PS4 directory, within the game's Unity game data folder.

(Source: https://twitter.com/NightInTheWoods/status/834574672285016064)

NITWIntro_c.mov and NITWIntro_shot1_c.mov

An unfinished intro cutscene. The first shot is more or less complete, but the remaining shots have obvious placeholder graphics and text describing what art assets should be used.


A placeholder for the credits sequence. Features a silhouette of Mae running over a solid colour background that shifts between colours.
Instead of the actual credits, there's just the text "NIGHT IN THE WOODS CREDITS SEQUENCE GOES HERE". Unlike the other two videos, this has music.

Character Compilations


A fully compiled version of Scriggins. Purpose unknown.



Selmers Diagrammm. Purpose unknown.



"HarveyTwo" Diagram. Purpose also also unknown.



This is Rick. Say hi.

In all seriousness, this is a unused character that's mentioned in a lot of unused dialogue.



A character who was unused up until the Weird Autumn update. Since then, she has been added as a friend of Mae's grandmother, but this still image of her persists in the files.
