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Title Screen


Developer: Nolla Games
Publisher: Nolla Games
Platforms: Windows
Released internationally: October 15, 2020

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
  • There are several resources indicative of a debug mode of some sort - could this be accessed somehow?
  • Check config.xml in save_shared folder, there are interesting strings in keybind section such as key_drink_potion, key_drop_item, key_item_slot9, but I don't know if they are already used in beta version.

Everything is simulated, and out to kill the player.

Unused Graphics

In data/debug inside data.wak are various resources from a developer UI.

Debug Text

Inside data.wak is a file called debug_keys.txt. It contains some info on a possible debug mode hidden inside the game.

DEBUG KEYS (might not be up to date)
* F1           	   Show / Hide debug key map (this)
* F2,F3,F4         Screenshot / select area for gif / record gif
* SHIFT+F4         Records video (fullscreen)
* CTRL+F4          Records video selected area
* F5               Toggle debug mode
* F7 (+SHIFT/CTRL) Open various debug menus
* F8               Toggle shaders on / off
* F9               Toggle Log levels
* Ctrl + F11       Saves the world to a file
* Ctrl + F12       Loads the world from a file
* F11              Quick saves the world
* F12              Quick loads the world

-=[ DEBUG MODE ]=-
* RETURN          Spawn / despawn player
* ARROWS          Control camera in debug mode
* CTRL + U        Pause / unpause the simulation

* I + Click       Open hovered entity in the inspector

* CTRL + O        Load an entity (open inspector to it)
* CTRL + S        Save the inspected entity into a file
* CTRL + I        Close the inspector

* SHIFT + U       Save selected player item entity into a file

* CTRL+TAB        Toggle Material Menu
* 0 - 9           Debug material select
* 0-9 +SHFT       Debug brush select
* CTRL+LMOUSE     Debug draw material
* CTRL+RMOUSE     Debug destroy material

* H               Huge explosion
* P               Creates a peasant
* SHIFT + P       Creates a test wand
* Y               Creates a barrel
* M               Creates a vegetation sprite
* R               Loads a ragdoll
* T               Loads a pixel scene (clears scene rect)
* SHIFT + T       Loads a pixel scene
* Z               Loads a zombie
* SHIFT + Z       Loads a shotgunner
* SHIFT + ALT + Z Loads an SMG scavenger
* X               Loads a worm
* ,               Material picker
* K               Load an image with mouse material
* SHIFT + K       Convert all materials to mouse material
* J               Physics joint

* CTRL + U        Pause simulation
* SHIFT + U       Save player's current item

* B               Toggle Debug draw Box2D
* SHIFT + B       Toggle Debug draw update rects
* V               Toggles smooth rendering on and off
* N               Toggle CollsionChecker debug drawings

* L               Open weather / parallax background config

-- profiler
* CTRL + P           Open Profiler window, list of all the things
* CTRL + SHIFT + P   Open Profiler Bars
* CTRL + ALT + P     Open Frame Viewer