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Notes:AI: The Somnium Files

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This page contains notes for the game AI: The Somnium Files.

Software Used In AI:TSF's Development, as specified in Assembly-CSharp.dll

Software Used To Datamine

  • Unity Assets Explorer
  • AssetStudio (primary)
  • Unity itself is used for viewing models and animations. Just create a new project and add the extracted models and animations. Free if you register for personal use. Just be warned, it is quite large.

Software You Should Use To Render Models In Unity

Character Model File Archive Names

I went through the trouble of documenting the archive names of each character model so that YOU don't have to! Models and animations are in standard Unity format, so any Unity archive exploration tool will function. I mostly use AssetStudio, personally.

(Source: Robotortoise)
Archive Name Character(s)
chara_md_c01_00 Saito
chara_md_c02_00 Real-World Form Aiba
chara_md_c03_00 Somnium Aiba
chara_md_c04_00 Hitomi
chara_md_c05_00 Tesa/Iris/A-set
chara_md_c06_00 Ota
chara_md_c07_00 Mizuki
chara_md_c08_00 So Sejima
chara_md_c09_00 Boss
chara_md_c10_00 Renju
chara_md_c11_00 Mayumi
chara_md_c12_00 Rohan
chara_md_c14_00 Falco
chara_md_c15_00 Manka
chara_md_c16_00 Pewter
chara_md_c17_00 Shoko
chara_md_c18_00 Mama (Marble)
chara_md_c19_00 Moma Kumakura
chara_md_c51_00 Kagami/Coroner
chara_md_c52_00 Tokyo MPD Officer
chara_md_c53_00 Ritsuko (Lemniscate Receptionist)
chara_md_c54_00 Tokyo MPD Officer With Shield (Used towards end of Annihilation Route when "Boss" enters)
chara_md_c55_00 Nurse
chara_md_c56_00 Chinpei Wagai/Yakuza A
chara_md_c57_00 Dokuta Yogano/Yakuza B
chara_md_c58_00 Polar Bear Costume
chara_md_c59_00 Saito's bodyguards
chara_md_c60_00 Sunfish Pocket Mermaids
chara_md_c61_00 Sunfish Pocket Customers Variant 1
chara_md_c62_00 Sunfish Pocket Customers Variant 2
chara_md_c63_00 Hired Hitmen
chara_md_c64_00 Takero Matsushita/Ota's Father
chara_md_c65_00 Young Hitomi
chara_md_c66_00 Young Renju
chara_md_c67_00 Young Iris
chara_md_c68_01 Younger Rohan
chara_md_c68_00 Prototype Boss
chara_md_c69_00 Young Ota
chara_md_c70_00 Taxi Driver
chara_md_c81_10 Shovelforge Zombie