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Notes:Blast Corps

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This page contains notes for the game Blast Corps.


Text Dump
Blast Corps has a Debug mode?

Interesting Notes

* Blast Corps' files are ZLib compressed
* Event 0x01 seems to be attached to replay data

Game ID

NBCJ  Blast Dozer NTSC-J
NBCE  Blast Corps NTSC v1.0 / v1.1
NBCP  Blast Corps PAL

Rank IDs

00 Rookie Wrecker
01 Trained Crusher
02 Experienced Ravager
03 Decorated Damager
04 Professional Razer
05 Expert Destroyer
06 Gifted Ruiner
07 Accomplished Conqueror
08 Master Despoiler
09 Deomolition Fanatic
0A Grand Eradicator
0B Heavy Duty Waster
0C Total Pulveriser
0D Champion Ransacker
0E Mechanical Maestro
0F Chief Obliterator
10 Commanding Desolator
11 Supreme Devastator
12 Ultimate Annihilator
13 Leveling Legend
14 Destructive Psychopath
15 Mindless Desecrator
16 Hysterical  Claustrophobe
17 Uncontrollable Madman
18 World Class Megalomaniac
19 Captain Of Carnage
1A Single Minded Chaosmonger
1B Grand High Slaughtermaster
1C Lunatic Lord Of Havoc
1D Armageddon Adept
1E You Can Stop Now.

Event IDs

This IDs are used with the Eventblock "D1" (e.g. 00364AD1 000C activates the Platinum Mode in Save #1)

00 invalid
01 Shuttle Clear "FT" countdown
02 Easy levels finished
03 Medium levels finished
04 Hard levels finished
05 Hard levels finished + all scientists found
06 All scientists found
07 Shuttle Description
08 Unlock Normal mode
09 Moon to Mercury
0A Shuttle Clear Ending
0B Unlock Time Attack mode
0C Unlock Platinum Medal mode
0D ?
0E Shuttle Clear Intro
0F CMO Intro Part 1 (Situation & Solution)
10 CMO Intro Part 2 (Agents & Chances)
11 CMO Intro Part 3 (Mission 1)
12 CMO Intro Part 4 (Mission 2)
13 CMO Intro Part 5 (Mission 3)
14 CMO Intro Part 6 (Mission 4)
15 CMO Intro Part 7 (Blast Corps: Leaders in the field of...)
16 CMO Intro Part 8 (Since its birth...)
17 CMO Intro Part 9 (A far cry from the...)
18 CMO Intro Part 10 (While demonstrating a great natural flair...)
19 CMO Intro Part 11 (So when Wesley was cruelly rejected...)
1A CMO Intro Part 12 (Blast Corps came into being...)
1B CMO Intro Part 13 (A pair of defective nuclear missiles...)
1C CMO Intro Part 14 (Bad memories resurface for the Blast Corps team...)
1D CMO Intro Part 15 (The flood of radiation prevents)
1E CMO Intro Part 16 (Standing as the world's final hope......)
1F invalid
20 All Carrier levels finished
21 Intro - End Sequence
22 Time Clear Bonus
23 All RDUs found
24 All survivors rescued 
25 All buildings destroyed
26 Level finished
27 Path cleared ("Nice Work!" Sound)
28 CMO Intro Part 17 (Emergency...!)
29 Level Intro - Clear Path
2A Level Intro - Danger Zone!
2B Level Intro - Backlash
2C Level Intro - Sideswipe
2D Level Intro - Thunderfist
2E Level Intro - Skyfall
2F Level Intro - J-Bomb
30 Message - RDU
31 Message - Communication Points
32 Message - Survivors
33 Message - Warning (first time)
34 Message - Bonus Car
35 Message - Path cleared (first time)
36 Message - Exit vehicel
37 Message - Buildings + colored arrows
38 Message - Buildings 2
39 Message - Clear path (First time)
3A Message - Switch vehicel
3B Message - Crane
3C Message - Boxes
3D Message - Train
3E Message - TNT
3F Message - Pause
40 Message - Train (Ebony Coast)
41 Message - Carrier View
43 Error - No Controller
44 Error - Controller Pak
45 Error - Wrong Controller Pak
46 Error - Controller Pak Error
47 Error - Load save file
48 Menu - Mission 1
49 Menu - Mission 2
4A Menu - Mission 3
4B Menu - Mission 4
4C Menu Intro
4D Menu Intro
4E Menu Intro
4F Menu Intro
50 Menu Intro
51 Menu Intro
52 Menu Intro
53 Menu Intro
54 Menu Intro

Music IDs

00 No Music
01 Tempest City, Angel City
02 Shuttle Gully, Morgan Hall, Silver Junction
03 LEVEL - Preview
04 Cromlech Court, Venus, Neptune, Thunderfist
05 Ironstone Mine, Outland Farm, Glander's Ranch
06 Carrick Point, Ebony Coast, Oyster Harbor
07 Sleek Streets, Cobalt Quarry, Falchion Field
08 Simian Acres, Beeton Tracks, Diamond Sands, Crystal Rift
09 FANFARE - Moon
0A LEVEL - Replay
0B Argent Towers, Blackridge Works,Ember Hamlet, Obsidian Mile, Backlash
0C MAP - World Screen
0D End Sequence
0E MENU - Stats
0F FANFARE - Promotion
10 Skyfall, Baboon Catacomb, Gibbon's Gate, Bison Ridge, Cooter Creek
11 Glory Crossing / Title
12 Twilight Foundry, Kipling Plant, Geode Square, Shuttle Clear
13 MAP - Solar Screen
14 Simian Acres, Beeton Tracks, Diamond Sands, Crystal Rift X
15 CMO Intro X, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Magma Peak
16 Argent Towers, Blackridge Works,Ember Hamlet, Obsidian Mile X
17 Ironstone Mine, Outland Farm X
18 FANFARE - Scientist
19 Shuttle Gully X
1A Cromlech Court X
1B Glory Crossing X
1C Echo Marches, Havoc District X
1D MENU - Vehicle Select
1E Carrick Point, Ebony Coast, Oyster Harbor X
1F Jade Plateau, Skerries, Marine Quarter, Corvine Bluff, Moraine Chase
20 Tempest City, Angel City, Shuttle Clear X
21 MENU - Name Enter
22 Lizard Island
23 Orion Plaza
24 CMO Intro X (Unused)
25 FANFARE - Hard level finished
26 Shuttle Island
27 MENU - Missile Clear Bonus
28 FANFARE - Easy / Medium level finished
29 Sideswipe, Salvage Wharf
2A Havoc District, J-Bomb, Dagger Pass, Saline Watch
2B Simian Acres, Beeton Tracks, Diamond Sands, Crystal Rift End 1
2C Argent Towers, Blackridge Works,Ember Hamlet, Obsidian Mile, Backlash End 1
2D Orion Plaza End
2E Echo Marches, Havoc District, J-Bomb, Dagger Pass, Lizard Island, Saline Watch End 1
2F Jade Plateau, Skerries, Marine Quarter, Corvine Bluff, Moraine Chase End
30 Shuttle Gully, Morgan Hall, Silver Junction End 1
31 Ironstone Mine, Outland Farm, Glander's Ranch End 1
32 Carrick Point, Ebony Coast, Oyster Harbor, Sideswipe, Salvage Wharf End
33 Cromlech Court, Venus, Neptune, Thunderfist End 1
34 Skyfall, Baboon Catacomb, Gibbon's Gate, Bison Ridge, Cooter Creek End
35 Tempest City, Angel City, Twilight Foundry, Kipling Plant, Geode Square, Shuttle Clear End 1
36 Sleek Streets, Cobalt Quarry, Falchion Field End
37 CMO Intro, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Magma Peak End 1
38 Glory Crossing End 1
39 Tempest City, Angel City, Twilight Foundry, Kipling Plant, Geode Square, Shuttle Clear End 2
3A Shuttle Gully, Morgan Hall, Silver Junction End 2
3B Argent Towers, Blackridge Works,Ember Hamlet, Obsidian Mile, Backlash End 2
3C Cromlech Court, Venus, Neptune, Thunderfist End 2
3D Glory Crossing End 2
3E Ironstone Mine, Outland Farm, Glander's Ranch End 2
3F CMO Intro, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Magma Peak End 2
40 Echo Marches, Havoc District, J-Bomb, Dagger Pass, Lizard Island, Saline Watch E2
41 Simian Acres, Beeton Tracks, Diamond Sands, Crystal Rift End 2

Vehicle IDs

00 Player (Menu: Missile Carrier Icon)
01 Sideswipe (Menu: Sideswipe Icon)
02 Thunderfist (Menu: Thunderfist Icon)
03 Skyfall (Menu: Skyfall Icon)
04 Ramdozer (Menu: Ramdozer Icon)
05 Backlash (Menu: Backlash Icon)
06 Crane (Menu: Glitch)
07 Train (Menu: Glitch)
08 American Dream Car (Menu: American Dream Icon)
09 J-Bomb (Menu: J-Bomb Icon)
0A Ballista (Menu: Ballista Icon)
0B Boat (Menu: Glitch)
0C UNKNOWN (Menu: Glitch)
0D Police Car (Menu: Police Car Icon)
0E A-Team Van (Menu: A-Team Van Icon
0F Hotrod (Menu: Hotrod Icon)
10 Cyclone Suit (Menu: Cyclone Suit)

Level Menu Icon IDs

00 Missile Carrier
01 Sideswipe
02 Thunderfist
03 Skyfall
04 Ramdozer
05 Backlash
06 Crane (glitchy)
07 Train (glitchy)
08 American Dream Hotrod
09 J-Bomb
0A Ballista
0B Boat (glitchy)
0C UNKNOWN (glitchy, unused)
0D Police Car
0E A-Team Van
0F Hotrod
10 Cyclone Suit
11 Rank Star
12 Bronze Medal
13 Silver Medal
14 Gold Medal
15 Platinum Medal
16 Communication Point
17 Large Missile Carrier
18 Large Sideswipe
19 Large Thunderfist
1A Large Skyfall
1B Large Ramdozer
1C Large Backlash
1D Large Crane (glitchy)
1E Large Train (glitchy)
1F Large American Dream Hotrod
20 Large J-Bomb
21 Large Ballista
22 Large Boat (glitchy)
23 Large UNKNOWN (glitchy, unused)
24 Large Police Car
25 Large A-Team Van
26 Large Hotrod
27 Large Cyclone Suit (unused)
28 Question Mark
E2 EXIT (animated)
E4 Menu - building
E5 Menu - damage counter
E6 Menu - survivors
E7 Menu - RDU
E8 Menu - time counter
E9 Menu - time counter (no CP)
EB Missile Carrier
EC Large building
ED Large damage counter
EE Large RDU counter
EF Large time counter
F5 HUD - $
F6 HUD - Scientist
F7 HUD - Flag
F8 HUD - Raft
F9 HUD - Gas
FA HUD - Oyster Harbor Container (unused)
FB HUD - Sphere
FC HUD - Sphere (alternate, unused)
FD HUD - Building
FE HUD - Crate
FF HUD - No Sign (unused)

Medal IDs

00 Not finished
01 Bronze
02 Silver
03 Gold
04 Platinum
05 Finished - No medal
06 Red Medal
07 Green Medal
08 Not finished - Carrier Level
>> No Icon

Level IDs

00 Simian Acres
01 Angel City
02 Outland Farm
03 Blackridge Works
04 Glory Crossing
05 Shuttle Gully
06 Salvage Wharf
07 Skyfall
08 Twilight Foundry
09 Crystal Rift
0A Argent Towers
0B Skerries
0C Diamond Sands
0D Ebony Coast
0E Oyster Harbor
0F Carrick Point
10 Havoc District
11 Ironstone Mine
12 Beeton Tracks
13 J-Bomb
14 Jade Plateau
15 Marine Quarter
16 Cooter Creek
17 Gibbon's Gate
18 Baboon Catacomb
19 Sleek Streets
1A Obsidian Mile
1B Corvine Bluff
1C Sideswipe
1D Echo Marches
1E Kipling Plant
1F Falchion Field
20 Morgan Hall
21 Tempest City
22 Orion Plaza
23 Glander's Ranch
24 Dagger Pass
25 Geode Square
26 Shuttle Island
27 Mica Park
28 Moon
29 Cobalt Quarry
2A Moraine Chase
2B Mercury
2C Venus
2D Mars
2E Neptune
2F CMO Intro
30 Silver Junction
31 End Sequence
32 Shuttle Clear
33 Dark Heartland
34 Magma Peak
35 Thunderfist
36 Saline Watch
37 Backlash
38 Bison Ridge
39 Ember Hamlet
3A Cromlech Court
3B Lizard Island