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Notes:Dokodemo Issho (PlayStation Portable)

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This page contains notes for the game Dokodemo Issho (PlayStation Portable).


Most of the game's assets including textures, models and Pokepi dialogue are bundled into one file located at PSP_GAME/USRDIR/data/DATA.BP. BP and BPM is a proprietary file packaging format used in some BeXide developed games, including other PSP and PS3 Doko Demo Issyo titles and Paint Park (Plus) for PlayStation Vita, with the file layout being changed slightly between different games.

DATA.BP does not use any file compression or encryption, so contents can be easily read and modified using a hex editor, or more conventionally with the bpar archiving program from ddi-tools.

File formats

Dialogue spoken by Pokepi is stored in KSC and DIC files. The Japanese text is stored using Shift-JIS encoding, so you will need a hex or text editor that supports this encoding to decode it correctly.

Textures are stored in the GIM image format with the file header MIG.00.1PSP and can be extracted using common GIM conversion software.

Internal Pokepi names

Pokepi creatures are referenced inside the code using their romanized Japanese animal species. For example, you can find NEKO.KSC inside of DATA.BP which contains most dialogue for the Pokepi character Toro the cat.

Internal name English meaning Pokepi name
NEKO cat Toro
ROBO robot Suzuki
USAGI rabbit Jun
INU dog Pierre
KAERU frog Ricky