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Notes:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (PlayStation)
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This page contains notes for the game Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (PlayStation).
Map File List
These files are located within POTTER.DAT, the filenames, offsets and sizes are stored in POTTER.DIR.
Filename | Internal name |
T0I0M999.WAD | "Default new map" |
T1I0M000.WAD | "Default new map" |
T1I0M001.WAD | "Default new map" |
T1I0M002.WAD | "Default new map" |
T1I0M003.WAD | "Default new map" |
T1L1M000.WAD | "Storyteller Room" |
T1L1M001.WAD | "111CastleHub" |
T1L1M002.WAD | "Rescue Hedwig" |
T1L1M003.WAD | "113 Broomstick Training" |
T1L1M004.WAD | "114Charms Class" |
T1L1M005.WAD | "115HPDoor" |
T1L1M006.WAD | "116CrabbeAndGoyle" |
T1L1M007.WAD | "Storyteller Room" |
T1L1M008.WAD | "Rescue Hedwig" |
T1L1M009.WAD | "119common room" |
T1L2M001.WAD | "121CastleGroundsHub" |
T1L2M002.WAD | "122CastleGroundsExtra" |
T1L2M003.WAD | "123Gargoyle" |
T1L2M004.WAD | "124HagridsHut" |
T1L2M005.WAD | "Broomstick Chase" |
T1L2M006.WAD | "126FireSeeds" |
T1L2M007.WAD | "Quidditch 1" |
T1L2M008.WAD | "Quidditch 2" |
T1L2M009.WAD | "Quidditch 3" |
T1L3M001.WAD | "131DungeonHub" |
T1L3M002.WAD | "4 room Puzz" |
T1L3M003.WAD | "133 Trolls" |
T1L3M004.WAD | "134 DADA classroom" |
T1L3M005.WAD | "Quidditch training" |
T1L3M008.WAD | "The Great Hall" |
T1L4M001.WAD | "141UpperCastleHub" |
T1L4M002.WAD | "Upper Castle" |
T1L4M003.WAD | "Voldermort Boss" |
T1L4M004.WAD | "Troll Boss" |
T1L4M005.WAD | "Fluffy" |
T1L4M006.WAD | "Devil's Snare" |
T1L4M007.WAD | "The Flying Keys Section" |
T1L4M008.WAD | "chess and potions" |
T1L4M009.WAD | "Sleeping Troll, Potions" |
T1L6M001.WAD | "Diagon Alley" |
T1L6M002.WAD | "Ollivander's Wands." |
T1L6M003.WAD | "Eeylops Owl Emporium" |
T1L6M004.WAD | "Magical Menagerie" |
T1L6M005.WAD | "Forbbiden Forest" |
T1L6M006.WAD | "Voldermort and The Unicorn." |
T1L7M001.WAD | "Gringotts Bank" |
T1L7M002.WAD | "Mine Cart Knut" |
T1L7M003.WAD | "Mine Cart Sickle" |
T1L7M004.WAD | "Mine Cart Galleon" |
T1L8M001.WAD | "181 Dungeon Cauldron Secret" |
T1L8M002.WAD | "182 Secret bulb outdoor section" |
T1L8M003.WAD | "Tuck Shop Secret" |
T1L8M004.WAD | "Troll Boss" |
T1L9M001.WAD | "QuidditchCup v Hufflepuff" |
T1L9M002.WAD | "Quidditch Cup vs. Ravenclaw " |
T1L9M003.WAD | "Quidditch Cup vs. Slytherin" |
T1L9M004.WAD | "Quidditch Cup vs. Hufflepuff " |
T1L9M005.WAD | "Quidditch Cup vs. Ravenclaw " |
T1L9M006.WAD | "Quidditch Cup vs. Slytherin " |
Encoded Strings
Potter.dat contains most of the game data, and a large amount of strings for the game. Starting towards the top of the Potter.dat file, there are a large group of strings like the following:
Sbgnnk Rdbnqc Thld: C`khaq`sd Cnmsqnkkdq Lnnj Mncd Cdmsdq Sbqddm @ Cdmsdq Sbqddm
It turns out that these strings are ROT-1 encoded, but only the lowercase letters are. The uppercase letters are left as-is. After decoding, these strings are:
School Record Time: C`libr`te Controller Look Mode Center Screen @ Center Screen
Further, it looks like all instances of the letter 'a' are replaced with a backtick character (`). That'd make the second line in the example "Calibrate Controller".