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Notes:King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human
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This page contains notes for the game King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human.
- 1 - Chicken Feather
- 2 - Cat Hair
- 3 - Dog Hair
- 4 - Snakeskin
- 5 - Powdered Fish Bone
- 6 - Thimble
- 7 - Dew
- 8 - Dough In Ears
- 9 - Eagle Feather
- 10 - Fly Wings
- 11 - Saffron
- 12 - Rose Petal Essence
- 13 - Salt
- 14 - Amber Stone
- 15 - Mistletoe
- 16 - Magic Stone
- 17 - Nightshade Juice
- 18 - Acorns
- 19 - Pouch
- 20 - Sleep Powder
- 21 - Mandrake Root Powder
- 22 - Fish Oil
- 23 - Cat Cookie
- 24 - Porridge
- 25 - Poisoned Porridge
- 26 - Water
- 27 - Mud
- 28 - Toadstool Powder
- 29 - Empty Jar
- 31 - Toad Spittle
- 32 - Lard
- 33 - Knife
- 35 - Empty Lard Jar. If you try to view this item using F4, the game crashes!
- 36 - Invisibility Ointment
- 37 - Magic Wand
- 38 - Key
- 39 - Magic Rose Essence
- 40 - Bowl
- 41 - Spoon
- 42 - Cup
- 43 - Mirror
- 47 - Purse
- 48 - Purse with Gold Coins
- 49 - Bread
- 50 - Fruit
- 51 - Mutton
- 52 - Shovel
- 53 - Treasure Chest
- 54 - Magic Map
- Manannan's house
- 1 - Tower
- 2 - Manannan's bedroom
- 3 - Upper hallway
- 4 - Gwydion's bedroom
- 5 - Manannan's study
- 6 - Kitchen
- 7 - Entry foyer
- 8 - Dining room
- 9 - Stairs
- 10 - Laboratory
- Llewdor
- 11 - Desert with snakeskin
- 12 - Forest with rocks
- 13 - Mountain with waterfall to south
- 14 - Cave with spiderweb
- 15 - Ocean shore
- 16 - Desert
- 17 - Forest with mountain to east
- 18 - Bottom of mountain path
- 19 - Stream through forest with mountain to west
- 20 - Stream enters ocean
- 21 - Desert with cactus
- 22 - Big oak tree / bandit hideout
- 23 - End of path
- 24 - Town with store and tavern
- 25 - Pier start
- 75 - Pier middle
- 76 - Pier end
- 26 - Desert
- 27 - Forest
- 28 - 3 Bears' house
- 29 - Cliffs with mistletoe
- 30 - Ocean Shore
- 31 - Endless Ocean
- 32 - Endless Desert
- 33 - Mountain path
- 34 - Outside of Manannan's house
- 35 - Inside tree as fly
- 36 - Oracle in spiderweb cave
- 37 - Ladder to treehouse
- 38 - Inside treehouse
- 39 - Inside store
- 40 - Inside tavern
- 41 - Lower floor of 3 Bears' house
- 42 - Upper floor of 3 Bears' house
- 43 - Spell book close-up (can't debug warp here)
- Mountains
- 48 - Western beach
- 49 - Eastern beach with palm tree and treasure chest
- 50 - First path screen
- 51 - Second path screen
- 52 - Third path screen
- 53 - Path with waterfall
- 54 - First snowy summit path screen
- 55 - Second snowy summit path screen
- 56 - Third snowy summit path screen
- 57 - Cliff face with 6 caves
- 58 - Second-to-last path screen
- 59 - Last path screen
- 60 - Abominable Snowman's cave
- Daventry
- 61 - Cave into mountain
- 62 - First stair screen in cave
- 63 - Second stair screen in cave
- 64 - Last stair screen
- 65 - Western cloud area
- 66 - Central cloud area with the big dragon
- 67 - Eastern cloud area
- 68 - The well with rocks inside
- 69 - The gnome's house exterior
- 70 - Pirate ship sinking scene
- 71 - Western exterior of Castle Daventry
- 72 - Eastern exterior of Castle Daventry
- 73 - Hallway inside of Castle Daventry
- 74 - Throne room of Castle Daventry. This triggers a buggy ending sequence because Gwydion starts in the wrong spot on the screen
- Pirate ship
- 77 - Sailing on ocean scene. Once the ship reaches the eastern edge of the screen, you're put into its hold.
- 78 - Crow's nest
- 79 - Galley
- 80 - Western part of top deck
- 81 - Eastern part of top deck
- 82 - Captain's balcony
- 83 - Captain's quarters
- 84 - Lifeboat and crew's beds
- 85 - Western hold with ladder
- 86 - Eastern hold with small crate
- 87 - A storm is going on
- 89 - Magic map (warping here is buggy)
- 92 - Wizard status screen
- 93 - Restores magic items
- 94 - Debug ship region
- 95 - Debug mountain region
- 98 - Gives you most of the items
- 35 - Related to ocean. If v44 != 14, 26, 25, or 30, set Flag 35, v44 = 11
- 36 - ?
- 44 - You died (all commands locked)
- 47 - Related to ocean? If set, draw Ego?
- 51 - Entered Room 77 (sailing on ocean scene)
- 52 - Entered Room 48 (western beach near mountains)
- 53 - Entered Room 61 (Daventry mountain cave entrance)
- 54 - Entered Room 11 (desert with snakeskin), 48 or 49 (beach next to mountains), or 62 (first room of mountain cave). Unlocks map rectangle
- 77 - In range of land from pirate ship?
- 79 - Bought passage on ship
- 115 - Destroyed spiderweb
- 201 - Entered a second desert or ocean room?
- 223 - Controls various animations and other triggers, including: entered cave after destroying spiderweb | in endless ocean at v56 = 2 | got night shade juice | close to hole in bandit tree | in water in Room 49, shark chasing Alex | locked in Gwydion's room | related to chicken following you? |
- 44 - Alex state (6: falling, 11: swimming, 13: drowning, 14: lost in ocean?, 15: climbing, 17: turning to stone, 18: dizzy after falling, 20: dead, 22: teleporting to locked Gwydion's room, 25: fly, 26: eagle?, 204: turning into cat, 224: in knee deep water (beach?)
- 52 - Seconds left until next ship timer minute
- 53 - Minutes until land ship timer
- 56 - Region (1: wizard's house, 2: Llwedor, 3: ? , 4: mountains, 5: Daventry cave & clouds, 6: Daventry castle, 7: Pirate ship) If 7, then if v62 =3, prevRoom = 48 (mountains beach)
- 62 - Ship location
- 1 - Anchored at Llewdor (finished oracle speech)
- 2 - No land in sight (boarded ship)
- 3 - Land ho, captain! (14 minutes passed)
- 4 - Anchored at Daventry mountains
- 5 - Ship left mountains
- 71 - Rubbing magic stone sets it to 2
- 173 - Ocean?
- 174 - Ocean room?? Increments some amount every screen transition. Tired at 120, dead over 180
- 176 - Ocean room exit edge (1-4)
- 177 - Desert room?
- 178 - Ocean room? Desert room?
- 192 - Ocean
- 220 - Magic map region
- 131: LLwedor
- 132: ship route (F51 set, F52 not set)
- 133: mountains (F52 set, F53 not set)
- 134: Daventry (F53 set)
210 total
- Get spoon (1)
- Get knife (1)
- Get bowl (1)
- Get bread (1)
- Get fruit (1)
- Get mutton chop (1)
- Get chicken feather (1)
- Get cat hair (1)
- Get brass key (3)
- Get hand mirror (1)
- Get magic wand (4)
- Pull secret lever in Manannan's study (5)
- Get rose essence (1)
- Get fish bone powder (1)
- Get nightshade juice (1)
- Get mandrake root (1)
- Get saffron (1)
- Get toad spittle (1)
- Get toadstool powder (1)
- Hide items under bed (4)
- Get snakeskin (1)
- Get cactus (1)
- Get three acorns (1)
- Get shovel (1)
- Get treasure chest (7)
- Get spoonful of mud (1)
- Get eagle feather (2)
- Get mistletoe (1)
- Get dog hair (1)
- Fill cup with ocean water (1)
- Buy salt (1)
- Buy lard (1)
- Buy fish oil (1)
- Buy pouch (1)
- Overhear bandits at tavern (3)
- Use mirror on Medusa (5)
- Something with spider web? (4) look up f222 and f115
- Pull rope in tree? (4)
- Climb ladder to treehouse (2)
- Get coin purse (4)
- Get magic map (7)
- Fill bowl with porridge (2)
- Get thimble (1)
- Fill thimble with dew (1)
- Enter tree hole as fly (5)
- Finish oracle meeting (3)
- Cast every spell - LIST THESE (10 each, 70 total)
- Pay sailors gold coins for passage (3)
- Board ship (2)
- Exit cargo hold (2)
- Retrieve items from pirate's chest (3)
- Reach western beach after voyage (5)
- Finish cliff face screen (4)
- Cast lightning spell at dragon (7)
- Untie Rosella (3)
- Enter castle Daventry (4)