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King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human

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Title Screen

King's Quest III: To Heir is Human

Developer: Sierra On-Line
Publisher: Sierra On-Line
Platforms: DOS, Mac OS Classic, Apple IIGS, Atari ST, TRS-80 Color Computer 3, Amiga
Released in US: October 1, 1986

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

King's Quest III is a Sierra adventure game. It uses a parser interface, but you can also use the arrow keys to walk Gwydion around the map. You are Gwydion, a slave boy to the wizard Manannan who will kill you soon if you don't do something about him.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Functions

Like most of the games that Al Lowe programmed for Sierra, King's Quest III has a giant amount of debugging functions.

Main Debug Commands

Press ALT+D or type FAST TALK to enable some debugging functions. These features are disabled upon entering a new room.

Here's the complete word list:

  • SET PRIORITY: Sets Gwydion's priority variable.
  • RELEASE PRIORITY: Sets Gywdion's priority variable to 0.
  • TP: Teleport to the appropriate room.
  • POSITION: Change Gwydion's X and Y positions.
  • SHOW POSITION or SP: Displays Gywdion's X and Y positions at the bottom of the screen.
  • GET OBJECT: Puts the appropriate object by ID in the player's inventory.
  • FIND: Gives the current status (X, Y, Priority, Stepsize) on the player object.
  • OBJECT or SP: Gives the current status on the appropriate object.
  • SET VAR: Sets a chosen variable to a given value.
  • SHOW VAR or SV: Displays the value of a variable.
  • SET FLAG: Sets the appropriate flag.
  • RESET FLAG: Resets the appropriate flag.
  • SHOW FLAG or SF: Displays info on a flag (can be either set or not set).
  • AREA: Displays the current room ID.

Special Commands

Currently due for a reboot that people won't shut up about.

  • WIZARD STATUS: Displays a screen full of useful stats for Manannan.
  • SLEEP WIZARD: Puts Manannan to sleep.
  • HERE WIZARD: Teleports Manannan to the current room.
  • BYE BYE WIZARD: Turns Manannan into a cat.
  • DO CHORE: Completes Gwydion's current chore.
  • GIMME GIMME or SET UP SPELL: Puts every item (except for the ones obtained through spellcrafting) in the player's inventory.
  • GIMME SPELL: Puts every spellcrafting component into the player's inventory.
  • SET UP MOUNTAIN: Puts the player into "End-Game" mode on the shores of Daventry, and adds the appropriate items to the player's inventory.
  • SET UP BOAT: Puts the player on the pirate ship section of the game, and adds the appropriate items to the player's inventory.

Engine Debugging

Sierra Memory Debug Count: 5

  • Press F8 (Version 1.01) or ALT+M (Versions 2.00 and up) to display info on memory use.

Now even pinker than before!

  • Press F6 (Version 1.01) or ALT+P (Versions 2.00 and up) to display priority settings for the current room.

Trade secrets!

  • Press Scroll Lock to toggle the AGI engine's trace debugger. Press Enter to advance the debugger by one line.


  • While debug mode is active, the text for handling unknown words is simplified.
Unknown word: "<word>"
  • In Version 1.01 only, the current room number is displayed on the bottom of the screen.
  • If player input is disabled, an 'H' is displayed on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • All roaming enemies (Medusa, Manannan, Bandits, Sharks) will have their coordinates displayed on-screen.

I get knocked down.

  • While debug mode is on, the player can't actually die from falling. Instead, the point of descent is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the player's position is reset.
  • If the player is on a looping screen (Desert or Ocean), the Exit Edge ID will be displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Unused Graphics

That's one of them there Sbarros.
While generating the endless desert, the game randomly places four types of cacti. A fifth cactus type, the largest of them all, isn't referenced by the landscape generator.

Vultures are like buzzards except...I'll get back to you on that.
More randomly placed elements that weren't. These vultures would, presumably, be placed on top of the cacti.

Really Old Yeller.
This battered yellow flag should appear atop Castle Daventry, but a purple flag is used instead.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Items

One item in the game, the Empty Lard Jar, is unobtainable. Well, technically, you get the item through crafting the invisibility ointment, but since the jar is filled with the ointment, you never get to examine it in your inventory.

Use the debug command GET OBJECT with a value of 35 to get this item. Since the graphics for the object aren't in the game, trying to examine it through the F4 menu will cause a "View not found" error, exiting the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

ID Message Notes
Logic 2 - Manannan's Bedroom
16 You hurriedly return the key
to the top of the closet.
Returning the golden key to the top of the closet is not possible or necessary.
Logic 4 - Gwydion's Bedroom
33 The hallway is uninteresting,
except for the tapestry on
the wall.
Some combination of location and LOOK AREA would produce this message.
Logic 6 - Manannan's Kitchen
2 Near the fireplace is a crude
broom made of straw.
This message draws unneeded attention to the broom.
Players might have confused the broom for an obtainable item.
53 Using your fingers? Completely unknown. Please don't ask.
Logic 8 - Manannan's Dining Room
17 Evidently, Manannan has
important things on his mind.
Two messages for LOOK WIZARD that aren't used for unknown reasons.

Manannan is old and cantankerous.
20 Oh, Manannan is here! You
wonder what mood he's in, as
you never know from one
minute to the next what he
will do. To your relief, he
is preoccupied. He's
muttering mumbo-jumbos you
don't understand.
Logic 11 - Desert (Snakeskin Room)
3 It is an old, dried snakeskin. For some reason, LOOK SKIN and LOOK GROUND give the same message.
Logic 13 - Rushing Stream
4 There is a rushing stream
flowing through the forest
There's a message in the General River Logic for examining the creek.
This room-specific message isn't used, and it's less interesting.
Logic 22 - Acorn Tree
18 You are much too big to fit
into that small hole.
Trying to enter the hole in the tree would prompt this text.
Logic 32 - Endless Desert
7 The snake scurries around
without noticing you.
While a snake can appear in the desert randomly, the player can't interact with it.
8 That is not a wise idea. The
snake is probably dangerous.
9 What snake?
Logic 36 - Cave of The Oracle
4 Silence again...then, "Behold
the crystal ball!" Within the
ball, the medley of colors
swirl together to form a
vision of a dragon with three
hideous heads. Then, the
image changes to reveal a
beautiful blond girl, crying.
Your heart goes out to her.
The existence of this message alludes to an earlier version of the Oracle sequence.

In the earlier sequence, this sequence is five messages long.
The crystal ball would do nothing for the first three messages.
Then, with this fourth message, the entire crystal ball animation would play.

In the final version, this sequence is four messages long.
Messages two and three are timed with animations on the crystal ball:
A closeup of the three-headed dragon, and a closeup of Rosella, respectively.
15 DELETE Obviously, they didn't.
Logic 37 - Outside of Bandits' Hideout
4 It's hard to tell without
Thankfully, it's possible to see any bandits in the house from outside.
Logic 39 - Llewdor Shop
9 "I'll be right with you sir,"
the storekeeper tells you.
The shopkeeper is never busy enough to warrant this text.
14 The shopkeeper offers, "Let
me know if I can be of any
help to you, sir."
Should be used after waiting some amount of time without buying anything.
20 "That will be one gold coin." This'd be used after typing BUY <item> but before actually receiving it.
Look, you've been in a store before, right? You know how this works.
Logic 40 - Llewdor Bar
6 "There ya go, boys. Now,
drink up an' behave yer
This should pop up after the barmaid gives drinks to the bandits / pirates. It doesn't.
40 You signal the barmaid, "I'd
like to buy these two
gentlemen a round." When she
brings the drinks, you
discover that you only have
one coin. With a look of
scorn, she takes your last
coin and leaves one drink for
the two oafs to fight over.
Two things here. One, it's possible to buy a round of drinks, but it only costs one coin.
Two, even if you buy a round, the bandits won't actually get the drinks.
So, both of these messages will never appear. Ever.
41 You signal the barmaid, "I'd
like to buy these two
gentlemen a round." "If ya
says so, sir," she replies.
"That'll be two gold, if ya
please." The bandits down the
drinks with nary a thank you.
Logic 41 - Bears' House (First Floor)
18 You ate it all. At one point it might have been possible to eat all three bowls of porridge.
23 There are only two bowls on
the table; one is too hot,
and the other too cold.
Trying to take a second bowl after taking the "just right" porridge, maybe.
Logic 42 - Bears' House (Second Floor)
24 I'm not asleep, are you? Trying to wake up while awake won't do anything. And don't think too hard about that.
Logic 49 - Daventry Shores (East Coast)
13 He doesn't understand you. Talking to sharks is a fool's endeavor. They only know of cards, loans, and the street.
Logic 60 - Snowman's Cave
6 Horrors! You have just
entered the awful cave of the
Abominable Snowman, and to
your extreme bad luck he
happens to be home!
Two messages for entering the Abominable Snowman's cave.
The message for entering without the Abominable Snowman present was never written.
7 No message.
Logic 66 - Room of the Dragon
6 That was a mistake; now he
knows you're here!
Text for doing something to alert the dragon of your presence.
Use your imagination as to what that might be.
Logic 69 - Gnome Home
6 It is a little too high to
Would be used after struggling to climb the fence.
Logic 75 - Ship Dock
15 <Message 14>
You notice the captain
looking at you and laughing
with one of the crew, and you
decide they are as happy to
be starting this voyage as
you are.
These two messages reference an earlier version of Message 14.
The final message has the captain ordering his men to take all of your loot.

Anyways, these messages would be used while walking down the ship dock.
16 <Message 14>
You have this dreadful
feeling that you've missed
something important as you
walk down the now-deserted
Logic 80 - Pirate Ship (Stern)
1 Darn that flimsy ladder! An unused death message for falling off of the rope ladder.
Logic 84 - Pirate Ship (Sleeping Quarters)
17 Poofing in. An oddly placed message for warping here via the Magic Map. Perhaps.
Logic 109 - Pirate Ship Storage Logic
2 You try to jump up on the
large crates, but they are
too tall!
In the final game, typing JUMP in any part of the room will not return an error message.
You'll just jump. Simple, right?
Logic 110 - General Stream Logic
6 You only need one spoonful of
An unused response for trying to GET MUD twice.
12 You need a spoon to get mud. An alternate response for trying to GET MUD without a spoon.
Logic 118 - Medusa Handler
12 You need to move closer. At one point you'd need to get up close to Medusa to use the mirror on her.
Thankfully, this isn't necessary in the finished product.
Logic 121 - Understanding Animals Spell
15 You have two feathers. Which
do you mean?
As a gesture of geniality, the game chooses which feather to add for you.
The chicken feather takes precedences over the eagle feather...if you were wondering.
Logic 124 - Sleeping Powder Spell
14 You pour the contents of the
cup into the bowl.
This intermediary step was skipped, which is appreciated.
26 You must grind the acorns
An error message for trying to put whole acorns in the mix.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Early Draft

Early Final Notes
Logic 23, Message 2
The many beautiful trees
bring a sense of peace to
this forest.
Logic 13, Message 2
The many beautiful trees
bring a sense of peace to
this forest. You see an
impassable mountain to the
A sentence was added to explain why heading south is impossible.
Logic 28, Message 25
The cottage is too dimly lit
to make out any details.
Logic 28, Message 5
You peer through the window,
but the inside is dimly lit
and you cannot make out any
Reworded to clarify what, exactly, is dimly lit.
Logic 70, Message 1
Dark storm clouds gather
until you are completely
enveloped. You hear the loud
reports of thunderclaps, and
lightning flashes
frighteningly close.
Logic 87, Message 1
Dark storm clouds begin to
gather around until you are
enveloped by them. You hear
loud reports of thunderclaps
and lightning flashes
frighteningly close.
Some minor rewording for improved sentence flow.
Logic 83, Message 24
Adding insult to injury, all
of your belongings have been
taken from you again.
Logic 85, Message 8
Adding insult to injury, all
of your belongings have been
taken from you again!
Sierra games love adding exclamation points to otherwise staid sentences.
Logic 84, Message 6
You already have the shovel.
Logic 108, Message 2
You already have it.
This message was shortened through advanced pronoun alchemy.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sounds & Music

Standard PC Tandy PC

Sound 14 isn't used. It's, uh...it definitely has the qualities of a sound. It has volume and length and you can hear it.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Version Differences

Version 1.01 to 2.00

Text Changes

Situation V1.01 V2.00 Notes
Logic 34 - Chicken Pen
Listening to the hens "The poor boy," clucks one of
the speckled hens. "He thinks
his name is Gwydion."
"The poor boy," clucks one of
the hens. "He thinks his name
is Gwydion."
This change fixed a discrepancy between text and graphics.
The hens aren't speckled. The hens aren't speckled at all!
Logic 45 - Game Intro
Kim Covert
Linda Bye
Two names were added to the Quality Assurance credits.
N/A Gaffer: Key Grip: Ken Williams' fake title was changed to a different fake title.
Logic 57 - Snowman Labyrinth
Completing the puzzle You congratulate yourself on
succesfully eluding the
abominable snowman.
You congratulate yourself on
successfully eluding the
abominable snowman.
The spelling of "successfully" was corrected in Version 2.00.
Logic 66 - Room of the Dragon
Falling off the screen
(Invisibility has worn off)
While you have regained
...you'll never regain
There's only one response for falling off of the cliff in 1.01,
and it assumes that the player is invisible.
Gettin' scorched Hypnotized by it's baleful
glare, you stand frozen in
your tracks!!
Hypnotized by its baleful
glare, you stand frozen in
your tracks!!
A minute change, but an appreciated one.
Logic 74 - Ending
N/A We're sure you'll enjoy the
other three-dimensional,
graphic animated adventure
games from Sierra: "King's
Quest," "King's Quest II,"
"The Black Cauldron," "Space
Quest, Chapter One," and
(coming soon) "Police Quest."
We're sure you'll enjoy the
other three-dimensional,
graphic animated adventure
games from Sierra: "King's
Quest," "King's Quest II,"
"The Black Cauldron," "Space
Quest, Chapter One," and
(coming soon) "Police Quest,"
and "Space Quest, Chapter
More advertising opportunities means more text!
N/A N/A And, just for the adults in
your family, we recommend
"Leisure Suit Larry in the
Land of the Lounge Lizards,"
Sierra's first PG13-rated
Of course, Al Lowe's very own game gets mentioned in Version 2.00.
Logic 89 - Magic Map
Listening to squirrels F6 = teleport F8 = put map away Press F6 to teleport.

Press F8 to put the map away.
In version 1.01, this text appears directly below the map.
In Version 2.00+, this is displayed in a standard message box.
Logic 111 - General Forest Logic
Listening to squirrels Chatters one gray squirrel to
the other, "Manannan's
terrorizing the countryside
again. I'm afraid for my
Chatters one squirrel to the
other, "Manannan's
terrorizing the countryside
again. I'm afraid for my
The squirrels can be either gray or red, so this message was changed.

Parser Changes

Logic 10 - Manannan's Lab
Action: Manipulating the books / bookshelf.
Version 2.00 Adds: MOVE BOOK SHELF
Logic 118 - Medusa Handler
Action: Using the mirror on Medusa.

Bug Fixes

  • In Version 1.01, there's no cycle limit on the opening credits. As a consequence, the credits will go by at lightning speed on faster computers.
  • Three infinite score bugs were fixed for Version 2.00.
    • In Version 1.01, every time the player obtains the Purse & Gold Coins, they will get 4 points. Since the bandits can steal this item from you, this can be done an unlimited number of times.
    • In the pirate ship, getting all your possessions back earns you 3 points. Your possessions can get stolen again if you get caught.
      In Version 1.01, you are rewarded points each time you get your stuff back. In Version 2.00 and up, you only get the points the first time.
    • It's possible to get the Treasure Chest (and the points) multiple times in Version 1.01.
  • You can open the front door and leave Manannan's house as a snail in Version 1.01. That makes no damn sense.
  • In the Llewdor village, the falling logic is never properly called. If the player falls, no falling sound is played, and they're simply warped to the next screen.


  • In Version 1.00, the chance of having a bandit in the hideout is 50%. In Version 2.01, this was increased to ~75%.
Version 1.01 Version 2.00
Colors and shapes and colors. Buy a teal carpet to simulate the appearance of ocean water!
  • The priority settings in Manannan's Study were changed to limit the cat's movements.
    • In Version 1.01, the cat can move wherever it wants.
    • In Version 2.00, the cat is limited to moving in the teal-colored field.
Version 1.01 Version 2.00
Where cat? There cat.
  • The cat's initial position was changed as well.

Version 2.00 to 2.14

Word Groups

Group 109 "Jar"
Words Added: Empty Jar

Group 129 "Cup"
Words Added: Empty Cup

Object Names

Several item names were changed in Version 2.14. Some names were shortened, and some ampersands were taken out. No big deal.

2.00 2.14
Fish Bone Powder Powdered Fish Bone
Thimble & Dew Thimble and Dew
Three Acorns Acorns
Cup & Ocean Water Ocean Water
Spoonful of Mud Mud
Purse & Gold Coins Purse and Gold Coins

Text Changes

By far the biggest change between 2.00 and 2.14 is the ending text. All but one line of the ending were changed in some way.

Additionally, the plugs for other Sierra games were removed entirely.

V2.00 V2.14
Shyly, nervously, you enter
the throne room with your
sister, Princess Rosella.
You nervously enter the
throne room with your sister,
Princess Rosella.
Before the twin thrones at
the far end of the room stand
your parents, King Graham and
Queen Valanice.
Before the twin thrones stand
your parents, King Graham and
Queen Valanice.
Graham and Valanice are
overjoyed to see you.
"Alexander, is that truly
you? Where have you been all
these years?" your mother
exclaims. Adds your father,
"I'm so proud of both of you!"
Graham and Valanice are
overjoyed to see you.
"Alexander, where have you
been all these years?" your
mother exclaims. Adds your
father, "I'm so proud of both
of you!"
Hugs and kisses abound. What
a joyous family reunion!
You are home at last!
What a joyous family reunion!
You are home at last!
King Graham points toward the
mirror. "That was once a
magic mirror, son," he tells
you sadly. "But, on the night
you disappeared from your
cradle, it clouded up; and
has remained that way ever
King Graham points to the
mirror. "That was once a
magic mirror, son," he says
sadly. "But, it has been
clouded ever since the night
you disappeared from your
Before your astonished eyes,
the magic mirror clears, and
shines anew with brilliant
clarity. Queen Valanice cries
in delight, "The terrible
dragon is dead, our children
are home, and the future
looks happy for us all!"
Before your astonished eyes,
the magic mirror clears, and
shines anew with brilliant
clarity. Queen Valanice cries
in delight, "The terrible
dragon is dead, our children
are home, and the future
looks bright for us all!"
King Graham lovingly
retrieves his old
adventurer's hat with the red
King Graham lovingly
retrieves his adventurer's
hat with the red feather.
His voice is choked with
emotion as he tells you,
"Alexander, Rosella, believe
it or not, this old hat and I
have been through a lot
together. Now, it's time he
had a new travelling
companion." He flings his
adventurer's hat in your
With emotion he tells you,
"Alexander, Rosella, this old
hat and I have been through a
lot together. Now, it's time
he had a new travelling
companion." He flings it in
your direction.
Up and up it gently arcs. You
raise your arms to catch it,
and, at the same time, so
does Princess Rosella! Down
it comes, nearer and
Up and up it gently arcs. You
raise your arms to catch it,
and, so does Princess
Rosella! Down it comes,
nearer and nearer...
The End

The End

The End

Congratulations on your
successful completion of
"King's Quest III!!" We hope
you have enjoyed playing as
much as we enjoyed creating
it for you.
Congratulations on your
successful completion of
"King's Quest III!!" We hope
you have enjoyed playing as
much as we enjoyed creating
it for you.
We're sure you'll enjoy the
other three-dimensional,
graphic animated adventure
games from Sierra: "King's
Quest," "King's Quest II,"
"The Black Cauldron," "Space
Quest, Chapter One," and
(coming soon) "Police Quest,"
and "Space Quest, Chapter
And, just for the adults in
your family, we recommend
"Leisure Suit Larry in the
Land of the Lounge Lizards,"
Sierra's first PG13-rated
Again, congratulations, and
may the adventuring continue
with "King's Quest IV!
May the adventuring continue
with "King's Quest IV!"

Parser Changes

Logic 4 - Gywdion's Bedroom
Action: Hiding the Fish Bone Powder.
Version 2.14: HIDE FISHBONE
Action: Hiding the Rose Essence.
Version 2.00: HIDE ESSENCE
Version 2.14 Adds: HIDE MAGIC ESSENCE
Action: Hiding the Ocean Water.
Version 2.14 Adds: HIDE CUP
Action: Hiding the Spoonful of Mud.
Version 2.00: HIDE MUD
Version 2.14 Adds: HIDE SPOON

Bug Fixes

An error with the rope ladder outside of the bandits' hideout was fixed.
In earlier versions, the player must be moving strictly left to land on the ledge by the ladder. Moving up-left or down-left will NOT work.
In Version 2.14, the player can go in any leftward direction and reach the ledge.

(To Source is Human: Original TCRF research)

Uncompiled source code

During production of version 2.14 of King's Quest III, the master copy of disk 1 was not properly formatted before use, meaning that all of the "empty" space on the disk was merely set as unused instead of erased. As a result, the sectors of disk 1 not taken by King's Quest III contain a significant chunk of the original source code for Sierra On-Line's AGI interpreter. The same mistake would be made producing disk 1 of versions 2.0D and 2.0F of Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge the following year. A repository of the code extracted from both games can be found here.

(Source: Lance Ewing)