King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow |
Developer: Sierra On-Line
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King's Quest VI is widely regarded by fans as the highest point in the series, for reasons ranging from an excellent storyline, to the then-groundbreaking quality (like the opening CG movie), to rather clever puzzles.
To do:
Notes |
Debug Mode
Script 911, which handles debugging functions, seems to have been accidentally left in the Spanish and Italian releases of the final game; these functions can be activated by having an extracted copy of the script file in the game's directory.
Alternatively, the following patch files can be used to enable the debug functions in an English copy of the game.
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Download kq6.en.debug_scripts
File: (4 KB) (info)
When active, upon opening the game or choosing to restart, the following menu appears:
These buttons can be used to warp the player to the first room of their respective areas, while specific rooms can be warped to by entering their internal ID number in the text box.
The following debug commands can be used during gameplay:
Keys | Name | Notes |
Alt + A | show Cast | Crashes the game. |
Alt + B | Polygon Editor | This editor has enough surviving code to at least load in successfully (see below), but trying to create a new polygon with it crashes the game. |
Alt + C | Control map | Shows the Control layer of the current room. |
Alt + D | DebugOn toggle | Displays a textbox saying "On" (or "Off" if you select it a second time). It's unknown if this has any actual effect; the debug functions seem to still work even with this set to Off. |
Alt + F | Flag set/clr | Sets a given flag, or clears it if it's already been set. |
Alt + G | Global set | Changes the value of a given global variable. Trying to make an invalid change crashes the game. |
Alt + I | Inv items | Crashes the game. |
Alt + L | Log file | Activates script 952, a form for QA testers to file bug reports. |
Alt + M | Memory | Displays the amount of bytes free in memory. |
Alt + P | Priority map | Shows the Priority layer of the current room. |
Alt + Q | show Cursor Coords | Crashes the game. |
Alt + R | Room info | Crashes the game. |
Alt + S | Updating cast elements | Function currently unknown. |
Alt + T | Teleport | Brings up the same warp menu as upon game start. Doesn't work on the Isle of Wonder or during some cutscenes (exactly which rooms are affected can be found on the Notes page). |
Alt + U | return User control | As implied by the name, can be used to regain control of Alexander during cutscenes that would normally lock it (though this seems to not always work; more testing might be needed to determine the exact mechanics). |
Alt + V | Visual map | Shows the Visual layer of the current room (aka., the default view). |
Alt + W | feature Writer | This editor appears to be more functional than the Polygon Editor, and can be used to add simple map features to the current room. |
Alt + Y | Vanishing point adj | Crashes the game. |
Alt + Z | QUICK QUIT | Immediately quits the game. |
Additionally, the game checks for the presence of a file named g (with no file extension) in the game's directory, and if present, warping to certain rooms will have additional effects:
Room | Function |
205 (Tutorial) | Function currently unknown. |
470 (Isle of Wonder, swamp) | Adds the dagger, the skull, the hunter's lamp, the teacup, and Rotten Tomato to Alexander's inventory. |
480 (Isle of Wonder, garden) | Adds the flute and the milk bottle to Alexander's inventory. |
740 (Castle of the Crown, main hall) | Shows text boxes with dialogue prompts to set story flags for the current game state (see below). Also adds the mirror and the peppermint leaf to Alexander's inventory, making it possible to complete the game from here regardless of your choices. |
750 (Castle of the Crown, final vizier confrontation room) | Shows text boxes with Yes/No dialogue prompts asking "Does Jollo have lamp?" and "Does Cassima have dagger?", and sets the corresponding story flags accordingly. Also adds the peppermint leaf to Alexander's inventory, making it possible to complete the game from here regardless. |
The full sequence of dialogue prompts for room 740 (if "V wedding" is selected for the first prompt, only it and the second prompt are used):
Prompt | Options | ||
select: | V wedding | A wedding | |
Are Cassima's parent's alive? | No | Yes | |
genie status? | Killed with peppermint | Saved | |
Found missing treasure? | No | Yes | |
Befriended Court Clown? | No | Yes | |
Which ring? | Cassima has a ring | Alex has a ring | Left ring at pawn shop |
Unused Dialogue
Unused Death Messages
These lines are stored in the same file (message 916) as other death messages, but are never used in-game.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Caught in the act! Alexander's in the doghouse now! | |
Timing is everything.... | ||
Perhaps Alexander should have introduced himself when he had the chance! | ||
Don't be taken in by a pretty face, Alexander. | ||
That wasn't berry smart, Alexander! | ||
Too bad Alexander couldn't quiet those ghostly tears! |
This line does have a coded-in use case, for when Alexander is caught by the minotaur in the spying room of the catacombs while the hole-in-the-wall is currently present on the wall... except that the minotaur only appears there if the hole-in-the-wall has already ran off, or wasn't used at all, making the line impossible to trigger.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Sometimes looks ARE everything! |
Removed Background Details
The screen with Beauty's house (room 250) has unused interaction lines for a cat that doesn't appear there in the final game.
Speaker | Action | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Using an item | There's no reason to use that on the poor family cat. | |
Take | Alexander would never be able to catch the cat and wouldn't want to take the family's pet, anyway. | ||
Look | A striped cat lounges in the yard of the private home. It must be a family pet. | ||
Speak | Apparently, the cat has got its own tongue, for it refuses to reply. |
Similarly, the bookshop (room 270) has both actor scripting and interaction lines for a spider that doesn't actually appear in the final game. This spider may have been repurposed into the spider that appears in the castle dungeon later on in the game, which is labeled "ant" internally.
Speaker | Action | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Using an item | Unless Alexander has some flies, the spider is probably not interested. | |
Take | Alexander does not care to get any closer to that spider. | ||
Look | A spider seems to be enjoying the shelves of musty books that the book shop has to offer. | ||
Speak | The spider merely observes and says nothing. |
These lines are from the inside of the ferry (room 290), and presumably were meant for the painting hanging up on the wall there, which is visible but not interactable in the final game.
Speaker | Action | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Take | The woman in the picture probably means something to the ferryman. Alexander decides to leave the picture on the wall. | |
Look | An old oil painting of a pretty girl hangs on the cabin wall. | ||
Speak | The image in the picture does not reply. |
This line is assigned to the carved horse on the wall in the hallway outside Cassima's room in the castle (room 870), but its action type (verb 75) is unused, rendering it inaccessible.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | The horse is unable to carry Alexander away from these guarded halls. |
When talking to the ferryman inside the ferry, one of his repeating dialogue lines at the end of the conversation doesn't play in-game. It was re-enabled in the Amiga release, however.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Ferryman | "The island's currents keep us pretty isolated. I can only recall three visitors in my lifetime. When I was a boy a wanderer came, Alhazred himself arrived many years ago, and now you. We have almost no contact with the outside world, but we're content with our little kingdom. At least, we always were in the past." |
The scripting for this line (from the Isle of Wonder beach, room 450) indicates that it would've been an alternate line for presenting the flower of stench to Tom Trow, perhaps for doing so too late, but in the final game control is taken away from the player as soon as the time limit for successfully presenting an item is up.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | It's no good using that on the gnome now! |
Several of the rooms used for the Cliffs of Logic have lines seemingly for preventing Alexander from backtracking during the climb, but in the final game there is no such restriction.
Speaker | Room | Text | Audio |
Narrator | 21 (general Isle of the Sacred Mountain region) | Alexander has the feeling the tricky granite steps might not approve if he tried to turn back now. | |
Alexander has a feeling the tricky granite steps might not approve if he tried to turn back now. | |||
300 (beach) | Alexander has the feeling that the tricky granite steps would not approve if he tried to go back the way he came! | ||
320 (mid-climb) | Alexander has a feeling the tricky granite steps might not approve if he tried to turn back now. |
The "room" (155) used for the cutscenes of riding Night Mare when entering and leaving the Realm of the Dead has two lines of dialogue associated with it, but these aren't used in the final game.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Alexander clings to Night Mare's back as she flies higher and higher. They enter a darkness so deep and cold that Alexander feels his very bones penetrated by the icy blackness. | |
The three mortals cling to the broad back of Night Mare. At first, there is nothing but blackness all around. But the chill gradually melts into an enticing warmth, as they fly into the life-giving sun of the world of men. |
These lines are assigned to the end of the final confrontation between Alexander and the vizier (in room 750), but don't actually play there in-game.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | The vizier, distracted so well by Cassima's bravery, fails to watch the sword at his back--or the enraged prince who wields it! | |
Alexander | "Leave her alone, Alhazred! You are through harming her--and this kingdom!" | |
Alhazred | "Wha...?" |
Unused Graphics
Shamir has a portrait in the game's data, complete with talking animations and golden eyes shining. In spite of this, it goes completely unused in the game, except in the Amiga release.
Original | Color-corrected |
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An unused background for the Realm of the Dead. The raw background has a color error, however.
Unused Room
Room 605 is an unused duplicate of the first room of the Realm of the Dead (room 600) with none of the usual actors or descriptive text present, possibly used for testing. It has one exit to the north, to room 630 (the second room of the Realm of the Dead), whereas in the used version that exit is to the east instead. Upon entry, three text boxes with Yes/No button prompts appear in succession:
Would you like a ticket? How about a (deadman's) coin? Maybe a mirror? They're great for defeating spirits!
Answering "yes" to any of these questions will grant the player the corresponding item(s), all of which are required to progress through this area in normal gameplay.
Unused Sounds
Early | Final |
Audios 3001 and 3002 are Cassima's voices in the DOS floppy release. However, there is a third pointer that also has the ID of 3002-- it leads to an early version of her lines, which seem to be longer and lower in quality. For obvious reasons, it was removed in future releases.
Unused Voice Lines for Unvoiced Text
Some of the used text lines that are unvoiced in-game have voice files associated with them in the files that are never played.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | NO! I must quest on! | |
Narrator | Yes! I've had it! | |
Narrator | Oops. Cancel restart. | |
Narrator | Yes. Restart already. |
When choosing to quit or restart the game, these options (stored in message 0) are given to cancel or confirm your choice.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Thank you for playing | |
Narrator | Written & Designed by | |
Narrator | Roberta Williams Jane Jensen |
Narrator | Produced by | |
Narrator | Robert W. Lindsley William D. Skirvin |
Narrator | Directed by | |
Narrator | Roberta Williams William D. Skirvin Jane Jensen |
Narrator | Art Designer | |
Narrator | William D. Skirvin | |
Narrator | Composer | |
Narrator | Chris Braymen | |
Narrator | Text & Dialogue | |
Narrator | Jane Jensen | |
Narrator | Senior Artists | |
Narrator | Michael Hutchison John Shroades |
Narrator | Team Artists | |
Narrator | Russell Truelove Deanna Yhalkee |
Narrator | Senior Programmer | |
Narrator | Robert W. Lindsley | |
Narrator | Team Programmers | |
Narrator | Randy MacNeill Robert L. Mallory Victor Sadauskas |
Narrator | Team Quality Assurance | |
Narrator | Robin Bradley | |
Narrator | Guidebook Written by | |
Narrator | Jane Jensen | |
Narrator | Guidebook Illustrated by | |
Narrator | John Shroades | |
Narrator | Guidebook Designed by | |
Narrator | Mark Empey | |
Narrator | Additional Artists | |
Narrator | Darlou Gams Tim Loucks Rick Morgan Jennifer Shontz Cindy Walker Karin A. Young |
Narrator | You received out of points. You've completed approximately percent of the main-path puzzles in King's Quest VI. | |
Narrator | We hope you'll play again! | |
Narrator | Congratulations on your excellent performance! If you want to go "beyond" the ultimate score, we recommend that you try the other, "easier" entrance to the castle. You can do so easily by restoring back to a point just before the Druid's rain storm. DON'T GO BACK TO SEE THE DRUIDS--instead, head for the castle. New puzzle challenges await you! | |
Narrator | Thank you for playing King's Quest VI. | |
Narrator | Opening Cartoon by | |
Narrator | Kronos: Stanley Lui & Albert Co |
Narrator | Cinematography | |
Narrator | Rod Fung Bob Ballew |
Narrator | Musicians | |
Narrator | Dan Kehler Rick Spurgeon |
Narrator | Additional Programming | |
Narrator | Doug Oldfield Carlos Escobar |
Narrator | Additional Testing | |
Narrator | Mike Brosius John Radcliffe |
Narrator | Customer Service | |
Narrator | Rob Koeppel | |
Narrator | Special Thanks | |
Narrator | Tammy Dargan Rebecca Sebastian Mark Seibert ("Girl in the Tower" song) Fresno State University KQVI beta testers |
Narrator | System Development | |
Narrator | Chad Bye Dan Foy J. Mark Hood Brian K. Hughes Ken Koch Jack Magne Terry McHenry Larry Scott Chris Smith Mark Wilden |
These credits (in message 94) are the ones you get upon completing the game.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Written & Designed by | |
Narrator | Roberta Williams Jane Jensen |
Narrator | Produced by | |
Narrator | William D. Skirvin | |
Narrator | Directed by | |
Narrator | Roberta Williams William D. Skirvin Jane Jensen |
Narrator | Art Designer | |
Narrator | William D. Skirvin | |
Narrator | Composer | |
Narrator | Chris Braymen | |
Narrator | Senior Artists | |
Narrator | Michael Hutchison John Shroades |
Narrator | Team Artists | |
Narrator | Russell Truelove Deanne Yhalkee |
Narrator | Senior Programmer | |
Narrator | Robert W. Lindsley | |
Narrator | Team Programmers | |
Narrator | Randy MacNeill Robert L. Mallory Victor Sadauskas |
Narrator | Team Quality Assurance | |
Narrator | Robin Bradley |
These credits (in message 95) are the ones accessible from the About menu.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | Long ago, in the castle of a kingdom called Daventry.... | |
Narrator | A young prince sits alone in the throne room, head in hands, lost in melancholy. | |
Narrator | His mother, Queen Valanice, enters, and hastens to his side. | |
Valanice | "Alexander! Here you are! You're still not thinking about Cassima, are you?" | |
Alexander | "Hmmm? I suppose I am." | |
Valanice | "Son, it's been MONTHS. You've GOT to pull yourself together. After all, you only met her that once...." | |
Alexander | "I know." | |
Valanice | "Have you discovered anything about the Land of the Green Isles?" | |
Alexander | "No! No one's even heard of it! It's like she's just vanished!" | |
Valanice | "I wish I could help. Please try to think about something else, dear." | |
Alexander | "I'll try, Mother." | |
Narrator | With a feeling of helplessness, the Queen turns and leaves her son to his thoughts. | |
Narrator | Suddenly, the magic mirror on the wall flashes to life.... | |
Narrator | The prince leaps to his feet and runs to place his hand against the shimmering glass. | |
Narrator | Beneath his fingers, the mirror dissolves into a scene of a beautiful girl in a tower's window, looking out on a starry night sky. It is Cassima! | |
Cassima | "Alexander.... I feel so alone. I don't know what to do.... Alexander, I wish you were here...." | |
Narrator | The picture fades to glass, the princess to the prince's own reflection. | |
Alexander | "Cassima! Wait!" | |
Narrator | But the image is gone! Prince Alexander turns towards the throne room doors. | |
Alexander | "MOTHER! MOTHER, COME QUICK!" | |
Narrator | Queen Valanice rushes in, her face full of concern. | |
Valanice | "Alexander, what on earth? You're white as a ghost!" | |
Alexander | "Mother, I saw Cassima! She was in the mirror!" | |
Valanice | "In the mirror? The magic mirror?" | |
Alexander | "Yes! And it showed me how to find her!" | |
Valanice | "How?" | |
Alexander | "The stars! I saw the stars outside her window! I can navigate by the stars!" | |
Valanice | "Oh, Alexander.... If you really go...." | |
Alexander | "It will be alright, Mother. I promise." | |
Narrator | And so, the prince leaves his homeland, bound for a land he knows only by the stars. | |
Narrator | Three long months Prince Alexander sails the known seas...and beyond. | |
Narrator | Until finally, on a day like every other day at sea, as the young prince searches through his spyglass. | |
Narrator | He sights land! | |
Alexander | "Land ho! LAND HO! LAND HO!" | |
Narrator | Eagerly, the ship bounds towards the distant shore. | |
Narrator | Day turns to night and the ship nears the shore. As the sky blackens, so too, does the sea. The ship is tossed amidst monstrous currents and whirlpools, as though the land itself were shoving the vessel away. | |
Narrator | The battle is courageous, but the ship, and the prince, are drawn down and down.... | |
Narrator | Down into the sea.... |
The version of the intro that plays on the DOS CD-ROM version without speech enabled (found in message 105), identifiable by its use of extended narration to replace the visuals seen in all other versions.
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | This entire work is Copyright 1992 Sierra On-Line, Inc. All rights reserved. |
The copyright message displayed before the title screen (found in message 905).
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | About King's Quest I-V | |
Narrator | About King's Quest VI | |
Narrator | Tips for playing King's Quest VI | |
Narrator | Beginner Walk-Thru | |
Narrator | "Girl in the Tower" theme song. | |
Narrator | You just heard a sampling of the love ballad, "Girl in the Tower," written for King's Quest VI. If you'd like to hear the entire song, please contact your local radio station and request it. Refer to the station directory included in your game box for call letters and phone numbers of participating stations. (This promotion ends January 31, 1993.) Look for the CD-ROM version of King's Quest VI available in Spring 1993. Thank you for playing King's Quest VI. | |
Narrator | You are unable to hear a sampling of the love ballad from King's Quest VI because your computer does not have voice capabilities. If you'd like to hear this song, please contact any of the radio stations listed on the station directory provided in your game box and request "Girl in the Tower" from Sierra On-Line. (This promotion ends January 31, 1993.) Look for the CD-ROM version of King's Quest VI available in Spring 1993. Thank you for playing King's Quest VI. | |
Narrator | Tips for playing King's Quest VI: |
More About menu text (found in message 908).
Speaker | Text | Audio |
Narrator | "Death...where is thy sting?" Now Alexander knows.... | |
Narrator | Death waits for no man! | |
Narrator | 'Tis a noble thing to have a means of escape, and 'tis a far, far better thing to never get caught at all! |
Two death messages for the Realm of the Dead (in messsage 916) and one for the castle dungeon (in message 820). These particular deaths are the only ones that skip the usual ticket cutscene, as well as being displayed on a plain black background rather than a standard textbox.
Revisional Differences
Character Graphic Portrait versions
Floppy | Enhanced CD |
Alexander's Item Inventory
Floppy | Enhanced CD |
Floppy 1992 Version
- The Windows XP collection of this game plays in DOSBOX mode.
- The graphics are downgraded to play the original DOS game.
- The Windows XP version and the Steam releases feature the low resolution graphic portraits of characters Such as Prince Alexander and other characters.
- The icons and items are featured in low-detail graphics using the pink color palette.
- The items in Alexanders inventory are downgraded to low-detail graphics.
1997 King's Quest Collection CD-ROM Version
- The opening of the King's Quest VI video plays the opening music all the way to the end.
- The Windows 95 version features high-resolution graphics portraits of characters such as Prince Alexander and other characters.
- The icons and items are featured in high-detail graphics using the white color palette.
- The items in Alexander's inventory are upgraded to high-detail graphics.
- At the end of the wedding scene in Speech mode, the game crashes and shows the end credits in the black background. This is due to the decisions not to include "Girl in the Tower".
- While playing the wedding scene in the text version, the instrumental song "Girl in the Tower" will be played and the end credits shows the background scenes from the game.
- This enhanced Windows 95 version won't work in the Windows XP or 7, 8, 10 modes and is often considered a lost PC game.
2006 King's Quest Collection CD-ROM Version
- The opening of the King's Quest VI video doesn't finish and cuts off near the end.
- The Windows XP collection of this game plays in DOSBOX mode.
- The graphics are downgraded to play the original DOS game.
- The Windows XP version and the Steam releases features the low-resolution graphic portraits of characters Smsuch as Prince Alexander and other characters.
- The icons and items are featured in low-detail graphics using the pink color palette.
- The items in Alexanders inventory are downgraded to low-detail graphics.
- The DOSBOX game crashes after about 3 hours of gameplay, which may make it frustrating for those who don't save often.
- At the end of the wedding scene in Speech mode, the game plays the song "Girl in the Tower" which is included in this game.
The King's Quest series
| |
DOS | Quest for the Crown • Romancing the Throne • To Heir Is Human • The Perils of Rosella • Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder • Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow • The Princeless Bride |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Sierra On-Line
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Sierra On-Line
- DOS games
- Windows games
- Mac OS Classic games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1992
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 30
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with revisional differences
- To do
- King's Quest series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Sierra On-Line
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Microsoft > Games published by Activision Blizzard > Games published by Activision > Games published by Sierra Entertainment > Games published by Sierra On-Line
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 30
Games > Games by series > King's Quest series