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Notes:Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
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This page contains notes for the game Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Debug Functions).
- 1 - Breath spray
- 2 - Wallet
- 3 - Apple
- 4 - Ring
- 5 - Shot of whiskey
- 6 - Remote control
- 7 - Rose
- 8 - Condom
- 9 - Candy
- 10 - Disco pass
- 11 - Pocket knife
- 12 - Box of wine
- 13 - Dirty magazine
- 14 - Hammer
- 15 - Pills
- 16 - Ribbon (rope)
- 17 - Password
AGI original
- 1 - Title
- 2-7 - Intro and credits
- 8 - Larry factory
- 9 - Side alley of death
- 10 - Taxi
- Lefty's Bar
- 11 - Outside
- 12 - Back alley
- 13 - Bathroom
- 14 - Hallway (rose)
- 15 - Bar
- 16 - Storage / bottom of stairs
- 17 - Bedroom
- 18 - Lady close-up
- 19 - Out of time bad ending
- 20 - Boss key 1
- 21 - Inside Quik-E-Mart
- 22 - Outside Quik-E-Mart
- 23 - Outside disco
- 24 - Inside disco
- 25 - Fawn close-up
- 26 - Faith close-up
- 27 - Eve close-up
- 28 - Blow-up doll close-up
- 29 - Boss key 2
- 30 - Boss key 3
- Casino hotel area
- 31 - Casino floor
- 32 - Outside
- 33 - Outside chapel
- 34 - Inside wedding chapel
- 35 - Bottom of elevator
- 36 - Cabaret
- 37 - Slot machine game
- 38 - Blackjack game
- 40 - Floors 2-7
- 41 - Honeymoon suite
- 42 - Floor 8
- 43 - Penthouse hot tub
- 44 - Penthouse living room
- 45 - Penthouse bedroom
SCI remake
- Lefty's Bar
- 100 - Outside
- 110 - Bar
- 120 - Hallway (rose)
- 130 - Bathroom
- 140 - Storage / bottom of stairs
- 150 - Bedroom
- 160 - Back alley (pills, hammer)
- 170 - Side alley of death
- 190 - Larry factory (restart game)
- 200 - Taxi
- Casino hotel
- 250 - Video blackjack
- 300 - Outside
- 310 - Casino floor
- 320 - Cabaret
- 330 - Back hallway
- 340 - Floors 2-7
- 350 - Floor 8
- 355 - Faith close-up
- Penthouse
- 360 - Living room
- 370 - Bedroom
- 375 - Blow-up doll close-up
- 380 - Hot tub
- 385 - Eve close-up
- 390 - Honeymoon suite
- 400 - Outside chapel
- 410 - Inside chapel
- 500 - Outside Quiki-Mart
- 505 - Phone close-up
- 510 - Inside Quiki-Mart
- 600 - Outside disco
- 610 - Inside disco
- 615 - Fawn close-up
- 710 - Title screens
- 720 - Age test
AGI original
Flags start at 30. There is no Flag 31, 39, 51, 86, 99
- 30 - Debug mode active
- 32 - Related to status line???
- 33 - Related to blackjack???
- 34 - Larry is doing an animation. Can't move
- 35 - Larry's movement stopped?
- 36 - Larry automatically moving to a location
- 37 - Clears "onWater" state (what??)
- 38 - Keyboard input disabled
- 40 - SFX for falling / toilet flush
- 41 - Unclear. Not used??
- 42 - Pushed boss key?
- 43 - Sound off (on?)
- 44 - Larry's breath stinks | wearing used condom | related to suite radio?
- 45 - Changing speeds
- 46 - Unclear. Not used??
- 47 - Unclear. Not used??
- 48 - HandsOff active? Sets when Larry can't move or type
- 49 - edgeEgoHit = NOT_HIT??
- 50 - Larry's dead
- 52 - SFX for???
- 53 - SFX for winning at casino
- 54 - Larry's not close enough to whatever you're trying to do
- 55 - You already have an inventory item you're trying to get
- 56 - Turned on TV
- 57 - Learned graffiti password
- 58 - Dog peed on Larry
- 59 - Stood up after using toilet, toilet paper stuck to shoe
- 60 - Looked at cab driver
- 61 - Close to Lefty's front door | Close to cab door at v64=4
- 62 - Wearing condom
- 63 - Had sex with professional
- 64 - Opened window
- 65 - Smashed window with hammer?
- 66 - Related to breath spray??
- 67 - Opened suite door from inside | Sitting in hot tub, not looking at Eve close-up | Entered cab
- 68 - You don't have item you're trying to use
- 69 - Got close to someone with bad breath
- 70 - Fawn left disco without Larry giving her $100
- 71 - Gave rose to Fawn
- 72 - Gave candy to Fawn
- 73 - Gave ring to Fawn
- 74 - Finished dancing with Fawn
- 75 - Room animation about to trigger: entered dark alley, entered Larry factory, entering or exiting dumpster, told cabbie destination, paid cabbie, gave pills to Faith, elevator doors opening, gave apple to Eve, entering or exiting hot tub, entering penthouse rooms while following Eve to bed,
- 76 - Faith left station
- 77 - Saw message about Eve first time entering hot tub balcony
- 78 - Took phone survey
- 79 - Gave Fawn $100. Unlocks wedding
- 80 - Ordered wine
- 81 - Cut ropes
- 82 - Fawn left chapel after marriage, OR Larry entered honeymoon suite. Unlocks suite, and makes Ajax Liquor available to call
- 83 - Tried to get married without $100
- 84 - Gave apple to Eve
- 85 - Some kind of transition happening? Can't move?
- 87 - Seeing casino game animation (dealing blackjack, rolling slots). Prevents going bankrupt, and saving
- 88 - Gave apple to Eve
- 89 - Had sex with professional without condom
- 90 - Changed channel to distracting show, OR turned on TV and re-entered room
- 91 - Wore condom
- 92 - Sat with Fawn for first time
- 93 - Similar to Flag 87, but only for slots. Prevents going bankrupt
- 94 - Bought glass of whiskey
- 95 - Looked at Fawn
- 96 - Talked to Fawn
- 97 - Finished dance with Fawn and gave her candy, rose, and ring. Unlocks giving her $100
- 98 - Got points for distracting pimp
- 100 - Exited cab for first time
- 104 - Heard Ajax commercial (1)
- 107 - Larry's breath stinks
- 110 - Paid $100 for wedding
- 111 - Fawn told Larry about cute wine delivery boy
- 113 - Took phone survey (2)
- 114 - Got sexy phone call (5)
- 115 - Ordered wine
- 121 - Called Sierra
- 122 - Asked Fawn to dance
- 125 - Fawn left disco
- 200 - Getting murdered by cab driver for not paying | Sitting in hot tub
- 201 - Poured wine
- 202 - Fawn is in chapel | Penthouse elevator open
- 203 - Eve is in hot tub | Inside penthouse closet
- 204 - Inside casino elevator? | Radio on | Looking at Eve close-up
- 206 - Looking at Faith close-up?
- 208 - Hot tub bubbles are on
- 209 - Looking at blow-up doll close-up
- 211 - Left Eve close-up??
- 232 - Activates next cab state (v64). Sets every time cab timer (v233) hits 1
- 30 - Larry's state (0: normal, 3: getting beat up?, 5: ?? falling?, 7: sitting (at Lefty's?), 8: drunk, 9: sitting on toilet, 11: having sex with professional?, 12: looking at close-up?, 13: hanging from railing by rope, 14: in dumpster, 16: dancing, 17: sitting (at disco?), 18: riding elevator?, 20: didn't have enough money for cab, 21: peeing in toilet, 22: chasing sex doll, 23: following Eve to bed, 25: riddled with syphilis, 26: naked, 27: dead?, 30: left cab without paying)
- 38 - Larry's X position
- 39 - Larry's Y position
- 52 - Cab price increase for changing destination
- 64 - Street cab state
- 65 - Room state (very important, used in every room)
- 67 - Cab timer: gets shorter (--v99) each time you enter cab, timer minimum 6 seconds. | Eve timer: spaces out apple sequence | Dance timer: spaces out dance sequence
- 70 - Number of breath sprays used. On 10th, it's empty and Larry tosses it away
- 76 - New room number
- 79 - Elevator destination floor
- 80 - Breath spray animation spray countdown (starts at 5)
- 90 - Larry's money amount
- 99 - Additional cab trip timer. Gets added to v67 each ride, and increments down by 1 each time you enter cab
- 119 - Game time
- 200 - Money currently owed (cab, store) | hotel elevator level
- 202 - Times cab destination set this session (2 max)
- 204 - Cab ride timer?? Maybe not? (starts at 11)
- 206 - Cab destination
- 207 - Close-up reaction face type (1: smile, 2: frown). Also used in cab somehow, and in Eve's bedroom
- 233 - Taxi street timer
222 total:
- 94 - Buy glass of whiskey (1)
- Get rose (1)
- Give whiskey, get remote control (2)
- Crap in toilet (1)
- Read graffiti password (2)
- Get ring (3)
- Use remote to turn on TV (3)
- 98 - Change channels for distraction (8)
- Get candy (2)
- Get hammer (3)
- 100 - Exit taxi (1)
- Buy apple (3)
- Get disco pass (1)
- Sit in cabaret (1)
- Show disco pass to bouncer (5)
- Sit with Fawn (1)
- 95 - Look at Fawn (1)
- 96 - Talk to Fawn (1)
- Give rose to Fawn (5)
- Give candy to Fawn (5)
- Dance with Fawn (5)
- Give ring to Fawn (5)
- Give $100 to Fawn (7)
- Talk to flasher (1)
- Marry Fawn (12)
- Hear Ajax Liquor commercial (1)
- Read number on pay phone (1)
- Answer phone survey (2)
- 121 - Call Sierra (5)
- Get cheap wine (1)
- Get magazine (1)
- Look at magazine centerfold (1)
- Get condom (4)
- Answer pay phone (5)
- Give wine, get knife (5)
- 115 - Order wine to suite (5)
- Use knife to cut rope (10)
- Get rope (3)
- 91 - Wear condom while nude (10)
- Have sex with professional (11)
- Dispose of used condom (1)
- Get bottle of pills (8)
- Give pills to Faith (5)
- Enter penthouse elevator (5)
- Get blow-up doll (5)
- Blow up doll (5)
- Have sex with blow-up doll (8)
- Give apple to Eve (15)
- Get in bed with Eve (25)
SCI remake
There is no flag 25, 30, 33, or 47.
- 0 - Smashed window with hammer
- 1 - Prevents dying from having 0 dollars. Debug only
- 2 - Talked to Eve twice and got invited in to hot tub
- 3 - Danced with Fawn
- 4 - Blow-up doll sprung a leak. Sets chase sequence
- 5 - Using breath spray
- 6 - Gave apple to Eve
- 7 - Introduced yourself to Eve
- 8 - Didn't have $100 when getting married, asked to come back with it
- 9 - Faith left her post
- 10 - Fawn asked for $200 to reserve honeymoon suite
- 11 - Finished marriage ceremony
- 12 - Paid $100 for wedding. Required for honeymoon suite access
- 13 - Fawn left disco
- 14 - Gave $200 to Fawn. Triggers her leaving disco
- 15 - Didn't wear condom with professional
- 16 - Opened window upstairs at Lefty's
- 17 - Turned off hot tub bubbles
- 18 - Looked at Eve's towel
- 19 - Got call with sex survey response
- 20 - Larry's breath stinks
- 21 - Used breath spray near someone complaining about breath. Never set??
- 22 - Related to taxi, but never set??
- 23 - Opened penthouse closet door
- 24 - Called Ajax and ordered wine
- 26 - Pay phone is ringing
- 27 - Paid pimp $200
- 28 - Distracted pimp with TV
- 29 - Blow-up doll sprung a leak. Removes doll from bedroom
- 31 - Asked Fawn to dance
- 32 - Gave $200 to Fawn. Lets Larry get married
- 34 - Entered taxi
- 35 - Had sex with professional
- 36 - Fawn mistook Larry for wine delivery guy when answering suite door
- 37 - Dog pissed on you
- 38 - Getting murdered on next screen by cabbie for not paying
- 39 - Finished sex survey phone call
- 40 - Used toilet and got paper stuck to your shoe
- 41 - Radio playing first song
- 42 - Used remote to turn on TV
- 43 - Wore condom before sex
- 44 - Playing in EGA
- 45 - Looked at Fawn
- 46 - Saw ending and finished Ken's speech
- 97 - Saw dizzy message after elevator ride
- 98 - Entered cabaret once and saw dancers. Triggers comedian next time
- 99 - Will meet drunk guy in front of convenience store this time. Flag toggles each time you enter this screen
- 100 - Debug flag to trigger apple seller
222 total:
- 48 - Use pay phone (5)
- 49 - Meet Fawn (1)
- 50 - Enter penthouse elevator (5)
- 51 - Buy apple (3)
- 52 - Get whiskey shot (1)
- 53 - Cut ribbon restraints (10)
- 54 - Dance with Fawn (5)
- 55 - Call Ajax Liquor (5)
- 56 - Call Sierra (5)
- 57 - Call sex line (2)
- 58 - Have sex with blow-up doll (8)
- 59 - Give apple to Eve (15)
- 60 - Give rose to Fawn (5)
- 61 - Give ring to Fawn (5)
- 62 - Give candy to Fawn (2)
- 63 - Give $200 to Fawn (7)
- 64 - Give pills to Faith (5)
- 65 - Get candy (2)
- 66 - Open penthouse closet (5)
- 67 - Get hammer (3)
- 68 - Give wine to street drunk (5)
- 69 - Buy condom (4)
- 70 - Get magazine (1)
- 71 - Marry Fawn (12)
- 72 - Get disco pass (1)
- 73 - Get pills (8)
- 74 - Change TV to erotic channel (8)
- 75 - Give whiskey to drunk at Lefty's (2)
- 76 - Get ribbon (3)
- 77 - Get ring (3)
- 78 - Get rose (1)
- 79 - Get wine (1)
- 80 - Hear Ajax Liquor commercial (1)
- 81 - Inflate doll (5)
- 82 - Get password (2)
- 83 - Have sex with Eve (25)
- 84 - Take crap (1)
- 85 - Read magazine (1)
- 86 - Look at pay phone graffiti (1)
- 87 - Put used condom in trash (1)
- 88 - Exit cab after paying (1)
- 89 - Sit on whoopie cushion at cabaret (1)
- 90 - Have sex with professional (11)
- 91 - Start conversation with Fawn (1)
- 92 - Talk to flasher (1)
- 93 - Use remote on TV (3)
- 94 - Turn on radio (1)
- 95 - Show disco card to bouncer (5)
- 96 - Wear condom (10)
- 158 - gLarryDollars: amount of money in wallet. Starts at 94. Going below 0 does not flip to positive right away