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Notes:Pac-Man World 2 (Game Boy Advance)
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This page contains notes for the game Pac-Man World 2 (Game Boy Advance).
Most of this is not terribly interesting. A lot of errors and debugging text.
Offset | Text |
0x9E730 | InitialiseWindows - Memory allocation failure SetWindowZeroPosition : Windows not initialised SetWindowOnePosition : Windows not initialised MoveWindowZero : Windows not initialised MoveWindowOne : Windows not initialised MoveWindowZeroLeftX : Windows not initialised MoveWindowZeroRightX : Windows not initialised MoveWindowZeroUpperY : Windows not initialised MoveWindowZeroLowerY : Windows not initialised SetWindowInsideControl : Windows not initialised SetWindowOutsideControl : Windows not initialised ActivateWindow : Windows not initialised MoveWindowOneLeftX : Windows not initialised MoveWindowOneRightX : Windows not initialised MoveWindowOneUpperY : Windows not initialised MoveWindowOneLowerY : Windows not initialised InitialiseFade - Memory allocation failure Some pretty standard error messages for various display issues. |
0x9EE28 | (%s) %d cleanMainMenu |
0x9F7D0 | backgroundReplace - invalid pointer passed backgroundReplace - invalid background size Riveting error messages. |
0x9FBA0 | unable to add Tutorial Triggers in initTutorialManagement() (%s) over by %d characters Looks like an error display for when the dialogue for the tutorial text is too long. |
0xA71E4 | Error allocating %i bytes for buffer in %s() initTaskManagement %s: Unrecognised task key %d Error allocating %i bytes for snow field Error allocating %i bytes in newSpriteTrail unable to allocate sprites in newSpriteTrail() %s: sprite set queue full InsertSpriteSet More error displays. |
0xA7360 | eMusic_trees4 eMusic_trees2 eMusic_snow1 eMusic_ocean4 eMusic_ocean3 eMusic_ocean1 eMusic_lava1 eMusic_ghost eMusic_forest1 play music track %d %s Looks like debug display for the music system. |
0xA7408 | prep dynamic areas updateRider (pac) maze loc updateRider (other) |
0xA746C | Block Z No state function for player %X! Player state unresolved! Error allocating memory for newProjectileSystem() Failed to allocate %d bytes for sprite palette management %s: Insufficient secondary actor structures remaining. createActorSecondaries No sprites left! (%s) vz %d z %d hurtPacMan Persistence bit overflow! New area won't persist. %d bits assigned to new area. %d bits retrieved for area (%d expected). %d bits stored for area (%d expected). deallocatePersistence not called? %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes for persistence management. initPersistence %s: more areas in this level than anticipated. onEnteringAreaPersistence Error allocating %d bytes for particle systems %s: Attempt to release unlisted particle system %X. releaseParticleSystem %s: unable to allocate particle sprite newParticle %s: no particles available %s nullParticleSystemUpdate nullParticleSystemSuspend More error/debugging text. |
0xA789C | WARNING : PacDot field not big enough on X. WARNING : PacDot field not big enough on Y. WARNING : PacDot field not big enough on X. WARNING : PacDot field not big enough on Y. deallocatePacDotFields not called? %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes for pac-dot field management. initPacDotFields %d pac-dot fields; containing %d dots and %d nodes. px %d py %d ghost exit area index %d ghost exit node %d %s: Visible pac-dot limit hit! copyPacDotFieldsToOam %s: Pac-dot sprite allocation failed! %s: Visible pac-dot sprite sets limit hit! display x%d y %d ox%d oy %d initPacDotFieldsNonGrid copyPacDotFieldsToOamNonGrid deallocatePacDotChains not called? ERROR : curved spline have a subdivision of 0, change the referenceIndex field curved spline found with %d subdivide %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes for pac-dot chain management. initPacDotChains %s: Visible chain sprite limit hit! copyPacDotChainsToOam %s: Pac-dot chain sprite allocation failed! %s: named chain not found. focusToPacDotChainWithReferenceKey 4 control point minimum are required %d found : %s generateBSplineCurvature error allocating memory in (%s) line %d initMapScreenHud (%s) level %d time trial %d displayMapScreenLevelText (%s) type %d convertMazeGhostIndicatorToNormalByType Warning, unable to add multiplayer event to cue Error, no Sprites in SpriteBlock, in newMotionGroup() Unable to allocate %i bytes in newMotionGroup(), elements = %i Ghost run away %X: N %d E %d S %d W %d (%d, %d: %d->%d) Best dir %d (rev dir %d) Ghost chase turn %X: N %d E %d S %d W %d (%d, %d: %d->%d) Ghost turn %X: N %d E %d S %d W %d %d power pellet found (%s) couldn't allocate %d bytes for masking initMasking Mask %d by %d %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes for mask map cache 0123456789ABCDEF Massive glob of error text/debug displays/etc. |
0xA800C | exram : addr 0x%x iwram : addr 0x%x Error allocating %i in newIconMenu() Error; unable to attach actor to Spline: Spline with matching name not found Error allocating %i bytes for CurrentGameState (%s) initGameState resetGameState EXRAM %s doGameLoop IWRAM %s Trace Interrupt Stack intr stack start %x end %x Trace User Stack user stack start %x end %x TRACK 2 TRACK 1 PAUSA PAUSE pause menu respond to exit game exit to map screen exit to main menu Entering %d.%d: Error allocating %i bytes for riders in initGameLoop() Warning; named entry point not found in %s() using default level start point getPlayerStartBoundingAreaIndex Warning; unable to locate start points for level, no supplied collision data, in initRiders() Warning; no starting point located in initRiders() Warning; no collision script detected in initRiders() %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes to decompress level collision data getCollisionDataForLevel Background decompression for character set: %d (top) bytes %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes to decompress level background character set initBackgrounds Background decompression for map: %d (full top size) bytes Background decompression for map: %d (reduced top) + %d (middle) + %d (bottom) = %d bytes %s: Failed to allocate %d bytes to decompress level background maps (%s) %s initCollisionData EXIT_TYPE_RESPAWN EXIT_TYPE_GAME_OVER EXIT_TYPE_COMPLETION EXIT_TYPE_MAP_NEXT_LEVEL return to world map EXIT_TYPE_TO_MAP FRONTEND_MAIN_MENU %d alpha-blending disabled. %s: Ceiling area not found! %d warpDoorUpdate HorizontalDoorUpdate Error creating list of event listeners, local array size of %i too small Error allocating %i bytes in initEventListeners() instruction %i Error; unable to attach actor to Spline: Spline with matching name not found actorCount exceeds temporary array size in initLevelEnvironmentActors() Error allocating %i bytes for buffer in initLevelEnvironmentActors() Unrecognised furniture bounding area key %d %s: Couldn't allocate cork management block initCorks No available corks Error allocating %i bytes for decompression buffer in getDecompressorData() Error allocating %i bytes for buffer in %s() initColourControllerManagement Player %X collision queue is full. Error adding withinBoundingArea message to list stop time found Unrecognised power-up name! %s: Unrecognised fruit name! getFruitLabelActorIndex %s: Fruit number out of range! collectingFruitByNumber %s: Letter number out of range! collectingLetterByNumber losingFruit haveFruit nbFruit %d collected (timetrial) level %d elapsed %d max %d current %d eMazeIce eMazeVolcano eMazeGhostIsland eMazeForest eBossSpookyFinalBoss eBossGhostIsland eGhostBayou eNightCrawling eGhostIsland eBossVolcano eMagmaOpus eVolcanoPanic eIntoTheVolcano eBossIce eBladeMountain eAvalanche eRiverRun eBossVillage eTreeTops eBearBasics ePacVillage eWorldMap double fruit in (%s) area %d position x %d y %d z %d bell found in (%s) area %d double powerUp in (%s) area %d %s: Couldn't allocate cannonball actor block initCannonBalls No available cannon balls Not enough contiguous free secondary actors for compound cannonball (%s) cpIndex %d moveActorToSplineControlPoint player->npcData[ pm_nativeLevel ] %d nativeLevel %d idx %d GlobalStatus->currentLevelIndex %d And another. |
0xA8E08 | (%s) initMapPath (%s) spline found %d cp %d Cannot allocate %d bytes in (%s) cannot allocate %d bytes for new_heap no memory left for heap_insert %d |
0xA8ED4 | value %d adress 0x%X extracted value %d Unable to locate a suitable hardware background, in newLayerManagement() (%s) no agbmapdata provided manageCompressedBackground (%s) unable to allocate %d byte for compressed background manageCompressedSlicedBackground That's not even how you spell address. |
0xA996C | levelDescription 0x%X originalPalette 0x%X string count %d net enough memory for (%s) initCinematicText palette %d > %s ERROR: Not enough sprites for string '%s' Error allocating %i bytes for Cinematic stack controller Error allocating %i bytes for Cinematic task manager controller Warning; unable to locate start points for level, no supplied collision data, in %s initAI Error allocating %i bytes for AI secondary actor buffer in initAI() %s More AI riders in level than allowed for by MAX_AI_RIDERS. %d AI setup Not enough contiguous free secondary actors for compound AI actor threaten code run code %d (%s) AiRGBWaitForHurt AiRGBWaitForDead (%s) : state %d not found setBossState (%s) %d ReadAttachmentDescs Couldn't allocate %d bytes for mechanical ghost boss status. repeat %d (%s) JumpingFish_Init GHOST_PIERO GHOST_KIBA GHOST_KOMON GHOST_MEHEARTY GHOST_BLINKY GHOST_INKY GHOST_PINKY GHOST_CLYDE (%s) : %s AiGhost_Init set ghost to exit his home AiGhost_Wander AiGhost_Chase AiGhost_RunAway AiGhost_GetBackToStart (%s) teleportGhostToNode look for exit node exit timer %d (%s) : %s %d AiGhost_ExitHome Unrecognised ghost variant %d Warp area level hash key doesn't match any level! Left teleport bounding area! Can't locate teleport target bounding area by hash key %s: no water bounding area! PacGetWaterSurfaceZ PacGetVerticalWaterFlowSpeed %s: Can't identify rev wheel bounding area! PacIntoRevWheel %s PacAnimateDying (%s) %d PacDyingUpdate (%s)vx %d vy %d PacHurtShove %s: no bdoing actor! PacIntoFullBDoing Left b-doing bounding area! Bored yet? |