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Notes:Silent Hill 2 (PlayStation 2)

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This page contains notes for the game Silent Hill 2 (PlayStation 2).

Miscellaneous Codes

The below codes will only work on the USA Greatest Hits version of the game.

Force Load Map (Hold R3 while map is loading from New game or Load game)
D104CB02 0000FFFB
201CD130 240300??
D104CB02 0000FFFB
201CD0D8 240300??
D104CB02 0000FFFF
201CD130 80236F60
D104CB02 0000FFFF
201CD0D8 80236FD8

Values for ?? are listed in the Internal Map Names section.

New Game Music Modifier (only works in LETTER FROM SILENT HEAVEN)
0019A968 000000??

RAM Addresses:

byte at 0x01101B84 controls major game state (0x00 logos 0x04, unused warning screen, 0x09 main menu, 0x0F in game state)
byte at 0x01101B88 controls sub game mode related to major game mode. While main game mode is 0x0F, set sub to 0x0C for unused "Coming Soon" message
Function at 0x001DA3D0 is responsible for the mini map combination and save anywhere combo.
byte at 0x012361E4 determines the "ending points" to activate the mini map combo. This needs to be and equal to 0x10 for it to be active.
byte at 0x012361E5 determines the amount of clear times.

Internal Map Names

These are to be used with the Force Load Map code.

00 = null
01 = tgs_trial
02 = toliet
03 = observation
04 = forest
05 = town_east
06 = apart_e1f
07 = apart_e2f
08 = apart_e3fw
09 = apart_e3fe
0A = apart_w1f
0B = apart_w2f
0C = apart_stair
0D = apart_out
0E = town_west
0F = bowling
10 = to_heaven
11 = heaven_night
12 = hospital_1f_f
13 = hospital_2f_f
14 = hospital_3f_f
15 = hospital_rf_f
16 = hospital_1fw_b
17 = hospital_1fe_b
18 = hospital_2f_b
19 = hospital_3f_b
1A = hospital_bf_b
1B = hospital_pass
1C = society
1D = delusion_2
1E = delusion_3
1F = prison_n
20 = prison_s
21 = prison_bf
22 = labyrinth_w
23 = labyrinth_e
24 = labyrinth_n
25 = eddie_boss
26 = lake
27 = hotel_bf_f
28 = hotel_1f_f
29 = hotel_2f_f
2A = hotel_3f_f
2B = hotel_bf_b
2C = hotel_1f_b
2D = hotel_2f_b
2E = hotel_3f_b
2F = hotel_fire
30 = end_recovery
31 = end_maria
32 = end_suicide
33 = end_rebirth
34 = end_dog
35 = x_heaven
36 = x_mansion_1f
37 = x_mansion_2f
38 = x_mansion_bf
39 = x_town
3A = x_apart

Ending Points

This is information to determine if the mini map button combination check is passed. It is passed if you have "ending points" that are and equal to 0x10. The below information is how it generally works. Thanks to Bigmanjapan for gathering this information.

These are the value ranges for "ending points" in which minimap combo becomes active: 

1. Normal/Normal 1/4 Leave ending - 0x01 
2. Hard 1/4 (+1) Born from A Wish scenario - 0x41 
3. Beginner/Easy 2/4 (+1) Rebirth ending - 0x49 
4. Beginner/Hard 2/4 (+2) UFO ending - 0x69 
5. Hard/Extra 2/4 (+3) Dog ending - 0x79 minimap combo active 
6. Beginner/Easy 3/4 (+3) In water ending - 0x7D minimap combo active 
7. Beginner/Easy 4/4 (+3) Maria ending - 0x7F minimap combo active 
8. Beginner/Easy 4/4 (+3) Dog ending - 0x7F minimap combo active 
9. Normal 4/4 (+3) BFAW - 0x7F minimap combo active 
10. Normal/Normal 4/4 (+3) In water ending - 0x7F minimap combo active

Only obtaining a Dog Ending 4/4+2 grants you 0x1F ending points.

Blender add-on

Github Page

The info is in the README.md file.