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Notes:Super Mario Galaxy
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This page contains notes for the game Super Mario Galaxy.
This is a list of stages in the StageData directory. Unused zones are in bold.
- AsteroidBlockZone.arc
- AstroDome
- AstroDomeScenario.arc
- AstroDome.arc
- AstroGalaxy
- AstroGalaxyScenario.arc
- AstroGalaxy.arc
- AutumnMysteryRoomZone.arc
- BattleShipGalaxy
- BattleShipGalaxyScenario.arc
- BattleShipGalaxy.arc
- BattleShipKillerPlanetZone.arc
- BeamerRushZone.arc
- BeamGunChaindPlanetZone.arc
- BeltConveyerExGalaxy
- BeltConveyerExGalaxyScenario.arc
- BeltConveyerExGalaxy.arc
- BirthdayCakeZone.arc
- BlueStarZone.arc
- BombheiLectureZone.arc
- BombTimeAttack2Zone.arc
- BombTimeAttackZone.arc
- BossBazookaTowerZone.arc
- BreakDownPlanetGalaxy
- BreakDownPlanetGalaxyScenario.arc
- BreakDownPlanetGalaxy.arc
- BreakDownPlanetZone.arc
- BrokenKillerPlanetZone.arc
- CannonFleetGalaxy
- CannonFleetGalaxyScenario.arc
- CannonFleetGalaxy.arc
- CannonGCaptureZone.arc
- CanonTurnOverZone.arc
- CaveChangeSizeZone.arc
- CaveMysteryRoomZone.arc
- ChoConveyorZone.arc
- ClimbMysteryRoomZone.arc
- CocoonExGalaxy
- CocoonExGalaxyScenario.arc
- CocoonExGalaxy.arc
- CocoonEXZone.arc
- CocoPoihanaZone.arc
- CoCoTwinZone.arc
- ColdTwinFallZone.arc
- CosmosGardenGalaxy
- CosmosGardenGalaxyScenario.arc
- CosmosGardenGalaxy.arc
- CrossRingZone.arc
- CubeBubbleEXAZone.arc
- CubeBubbleEXBZone.arc
- CubeBubbleEXCZone.arc
- CubeBubbleExDZone.arc
- CubeBubbleExLv1Galaxy
- CubeBubbleExLv1GalaxyScenario.arc
- CubeBubbleExLv1Galaxy.arc
- CubeBubbleExLv2Galaxy
- CubeBubbleExLv2GalaxyScenario.arc
- CubeBubbleExLv2Galaxy.arc
- CubeBubbleExSZone.arc
- DandelionHillZone.arc
- DarknessRoomZone.arc
- DarkRoomGalaxy
- DarkRoomGalaxyScenario.arc
- DarkRoomGalaxy.arc
- DesertConvectionZone.arc
- DesertDiskZone.arc
- DesertInsideZone.arc
- DinoPackunBattleLv2Zone.arc
- DinoPackunBattleZone.arc
- DiskGardenZone.arc
- DorayakiFortressZone.arc
- DoughnutZone.arc
- DropOfWaterZone.arc
- EggStarFlipPanelZone.arc
- EggStarGalaxy
- EggStarGalaxyScenario.arc
- EggStarGalaxy.arc
- ElectricBegomanSpikeZone.arc
- ElectricUfoLevel2Zone.arc
- ElectricUfoZone.arc
- EpilogueDemoStage
- EpilogueDemoStageScenario.arc
- EpilogueDemoStage.arc
- EringiPlanetZone.arc
- FactoryGalaxy
- FactoryGalaxyScenario.arc
- FactoryGalaxy.arc
- FileSelect
- FileSelectScenario.arc
- FileSelect.arc
- FishTunnelGalaxy
- FishTunnelGalaxyScenario.arc
- FishTunnelGalaxy.arc
- FlagDiscZone.arc
- FlipPanelExGalaxy
- FlipPanelExGalaxyScenario.arc
- FlipPanelExGalaxy.arc
- FlipPanelExZone.arc
- FloaterLandZone.arc
- FloaterOtaKingGalaxy
- FloaterOtakingGalaxyScenario.arc
- FloaterOtakingGalaxy.arc
- FlowerPlanetZone.arc
- FlowerRoadZone.arc
- ForestBossZone.arc
- ForestHomeZone.arc
- FortressCliffClimbZone.arc
- FortressEntranceZone.arc
- FortressJumpBeamerZone.arc
- GCaptureTutorialZone.arc
- GhostShipCaveZone.arc
- GlassyTwinsPlanetZone.arc
- HeavenlyBeachGalaxy
- HeavenlyBeachGalaxyScenario.arc
- HeavenlyBeachGalaxy.arc
- HeavenlyBeachZone.arc
- HeavensBlackHoleZone.arc
- HeavensDoorGalaxy
- HeavensDoorGalaxyScenario.arc
- HeavensDoorGalaxy.arc
- HeavensDoorInsideZone.arc
- HeavensDoorLargeZone.arc
- HeavensDoorMiddleZone.arc
- HeavensDoorMysteriousZone.arc
- HeavensDoorSmallZone.arc
- HellBallZone.arc
- HellGcapZone.arc
- HellHomeZone.arc
- HellJKillerZone.arc
- HellLavaBallRisingPlanetZone.arc
- HellLavaFloatingZone.arc
- HellMeteoZone.arc
- HellPoolAZone.arc
- HellPoolBZone.arc
- HellProminenceGalaxy
- HellProminenceGalaxyScenario.arc
- HellProminenceGalaxy.arc
- HellRotateGround2DPlanetZone.arc
- HellShellZone.arc
- HellTypeCDossunPlanetZone.arc
- HoneyBeeExGalaxy
- HoneyBeeExGalaxyScenario.arc
- HoneyBeeExGalaxy.arc
- HoneyBeeKingdomGalaxy
- HoneyBeeKingdomGalaxyScenario.arc
- HoneyBeeKingdomGalaxy.arc
- HoneyMysteryRoomZone.arc
- HoneyQueenZone.arc
- HopperBonusZone.arc
- HopperBottleZone.arc
- HopperTutorialZone.arc
- IceLavaIslandZone.arc
- IceMichihikiZone.arc
- IceMountainZone.arc
- IceRingAZone.arc
- IceRingBZone.arc
- IceVolcanoGalaxy
- IceVolcanoGalaxyScenario.arc
- IceVolcanoGalaxy.arc
- KoopaBattleVs1BossZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs1Galaxy
- KoopaBattleVs1GalaxyScenario.arc
- KoopaBattleVs1Galaxy.arc
- KoopaBattleVs2BossZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs2Galaxy
- KoopaBattleVs2GalaxyScenario.arc
- KoopaBattleVs2Galaxy.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3ArigaAZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3ArigaBZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3ArigaCZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3AZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3BossZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3BZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3CZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3DZone.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3Galaxy
- KoopaBattleVs3GalaxyScenario.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3Galaxy.arc
- KoopaBattleVs3StartZone.arc
- KoopaJrShipBattleLv1Tmp1Zone.arc
- KoopaJrShipLv1Galaxy
- KoopaJrShipLV1GalaxyScenario.arc
- KoopaJrShipLV1Galaxy.arc
- KuriboThirtyZone.arc
- LibraryRoom
- LibraryRoom.arc
- LibraryRoom.arc
- MarblePlanetZone.arc
- MarioLancherLecture2Zone.arc
- MarioLancherLecture3Zone.arc
- MechanicKoopaZone.arc
- MiniKuriZone.arc
- MiniMechanicKoopaZone.arc
- MysteryGravityRoomZone.arc
- ObjNameTable.arc
- OceanFloaterLandGalaxy
- OceanFloaterLandGalaxyScenario.arc
- OceanFloaterLandGalaxy.arc
- OceanPhantomCaveGalaxy
- OceanPhantomCaveGalaxyScenario.arc
- OceanPhantomCaveGalaxy.arc
- OceanPuddingZone.arc
- OceanRingGalaxy
- OceanRingGalaxyScenario.arc
- OceanRingGalaxy.arc
- OceanRingZone.arc
- OceanTwinPiratesZone.arc
- OnimasuZone.arc
- OtaKingStageZone.arc
- PeachCastleFinalGalaxy
- PeachCastleFinalGalaxyScenario.arc
- PeachCastleFinalGalaxy.arc
- PeachCastleGardenGalaxy
- PeachCastleGardenGalaxyScenario.arc
- PeachCastleGardenGalaxy.arc
- PeanutZone.arc
- PhantomBossSpiderZone.arc
- PhantomDarknessRoomZone.arc
- PhantomGalaxy
- PhantomGalaxyScenario.arc
- PhantomGalaxy.arc
- PhantomIceMazeZone.arc
- PhantomNestZone.arc
- PhantomSpaceGraveyardZone.arc
- PoihanaPlanetZone.arc
- PoleUnizoZone.arc
- PoyoPoyoPlanetZone.arc
- PuffballBZone.arc
- PuffballCZone.arc
- PuffballZone.arc
- PukupukuGambolZone.arc
- QuestionBoxZone.arc
- QuestionFlowerGardenZone.arc
- QuickSand2DZone.arc
- RabbitMazeZone.arc
- RabbitMoonZone.arc
- ReverseForestHomeZone.arc
- ReverseGravityTowerZone.arc
- ReverseKingdomGalaxy
- ReverseKingdomGalaxyScenario.arc
- ReverseKingdomGalaxy.arc
- SandChangeSizeZone.arc
- SandClockGalaxy
- SandClockGalaxyScenario.arc
- SandClockGalaxy.arc
- SandIslandSamboZone.arc
- SandIslandZone.arc
- SandKillerZone.arc
- SandRingZone.arc
- SandStormJumpZone.arc
- SandStreamZone.arc
- SandTowerZone.arc
- SandUpDownZone.arc
- ScrewFleetZone.arc
- SeaVolcanoZone.arc
- SkullSharkGalaxy
- SkullSharkGalaxyScenario.arc
- SkullSharkGalaxy.arc
- SnowCapsuleGalaxy
- SnowCapsuleGalaxyScenario.arc
- SnowCapsuleGalaxy.arc
- SnowCapsuleZone.arc
- SoramameBZone.arc
- SoramameCZone.arc
- SoramameZone.arc
- SpaceMineGCaptureZone.arc
- SpaceStationZone.arc
- SphereInsideZone.arc
- SpringWaterPlanetZone.arc
- StarDustAssemblyBlockZone.arc
- StarDustGalaxy
- StarDustGalaxyScenario.arc
- StarDustGalaxy.arc
- StarEggRoadZone.arc
- SubmarineVolcanoPlanetZone.arc
- SurfingLv1Galaxy
- SurfingLV1GalaxyScenario.arc
- SurfingLV1Galaxy.arc
- SurfingLV1Zone.arc
- SurfingLv2Galaxy
- SurfingLv2GalaxyScenario.arc
- SurfingLv2Galaxy.arc
- SweetsAsteroidZone.arc
- TamakoroExAZone.arc
- TamakoroExBZone.arc
- TamakoroExLv1Galaxy
- TamakoroExLv1GalaxyScenario.arc
- TamakoroExLv1Galaxy.arc
- TamakoroExLv2Galaxy
- TamakoroExLv2GalaxyScenario.arc
- TamakoroExLv2Galaxy.arc
- TearDropGalaxy
- TearDropGalaxyScenario.arc
- TearDropGalaxy.arc
- TeresaHouseZone.arc
- TeresaMario2DGalaxy
- TeresaMario2DGalaxyScenario.arc
- TeresaMario2DGalaxy.arc
- TeresaRaceZone.arc
- ThrowTutorialZone.arc
- ToySphereInsideZone.arc
- TransformationExGalaxy
- TransformationExGalaxyScenario.arc
- TransformationExGalaxy.arc
- TridentZone.arc
- TriLegLv1Galaxy
- TriLegLV1GalaxyScenario.arc
- TriLegLV1Galaxy.arc
- TriPodBossZone.arc
- TwinFallLakeZone.arc
- TwinPeanutsZone.arc
- UfoBegomanChainedPlanetZone.arc
- UfoFleetLv1Zone.arc
- UfoFleetLv3Zone.arc
- UfoGravityTurnOverZone.arc
- UnderseaTunnelZone.arc
- VanVanVanishLv2Zone.arc
- VolcanoPlanetZone.arc
- VolMichihikiZone.arc
- VsHugeBattleShipLv2Zone.arc
- VsHugeBattleShipZone.arc
- WallClimbEXAZone.arc
- WallClimbEXBZone.arc
- WallClimbEXCZone.arc
- WaterRoadCaveExZone.arc
- WaterShellZone.arc
- WormEatenZone.arc
Here is a list of strings found in the game's main.dol. Many of these strings are from the Wii SDK and are not unique to Super Mario Galaxy. This is only a very small portion of the strings, you can download the full list below if you're interested.
![]() |
Download Super Mario Galaxy Executable Strings
File: SMG_Strings.7z (151KB) (info)
TYPE: %d (COD [%02x%02x%02x], clkoff 0x%04x) : sec: 0x%x, service name [%s] (up to %d chars saved) txbw 0x%x, rxbw 0x%x, lat 0x%x, voice 0x%x, retrans 0x%02x, pkt 0x%04x len = %d, addr = %04x txbw 0x%08x, rxbw 0x%08x, max_lat 0x%04x, voice 0x%04x, pkt 0x%04x, rtx effort 0x%02x GAP Discovery Complete Event(SDP Result: 0x%04x) GAP Discovery Successfully Completed GAP Inquiry Complete Event (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d) GAP Remote Name Complete Event (status 0x%04x) GAP: FindAddrByName Inq Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d) GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x) GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Name [%s]) LAST: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x [%08X]: .%s [%08X: %XH] %s addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x key : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x no information no register which seem to address. result = %d status: %d max_keys: %d num_keys: %d status: %d num_keys: %d ! ! ! C A U T I O N ! ! ! 0 / 0 ==> 2045 firmware ver.002.003.014.%d ==>this error means that the firmware is for NDEV %s Base: 0x%08x Cur: 0x%08x(0x%06x) FPE: Inexact result FPE: Invalid operation FPE: Overflow FPE: Underflow FPE: Zero division GetAsciiStrAsync: Not enough memory Infinity * 0 Infinity - Infinity Infinity / Infinity Invalid compare Invalid integer convert Invalid square root MSR:%08XH\t FPSCR:%08XH NONE PORT 0-3: 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x PORT 4-7: 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x PORT 8-B: 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x PORT C-F: 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x REG_A: 0x%04x REG_B: 0x%04x REG_S: 0x%04x REG_X: 0x%04x REG_Y: 0x%04x REG_F: 0x%04x SNaN Software request addr = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, status = %d attr address: size gid aln prev_ptr next_ptr bta_dm_disable_timer_cback bta_dm_pin_cback() -> Failed to start Remote Name Request bta_dm_search_timer_cback free handle : %d, addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x handle : %d in \%s\ on line %d. temp timer stopped verificato un errore.Premi il pulsante EJECT, estrai il discoe spegni la console. Per maggioriinformazioni, consulta il manuale diistruzioni della console Wii. !!! L2CAP - buffer dropped !O;`start WUDiInitSub() (%s) Error: NULL pointer argument (%s) certificates memory is unaligned (%s) eTicket memory is unaligned (%s) eTicket parameter cannot be NULL (%s) eTicketView memory is unaligned (%s) eTicketView parameter cannot be NULL (%s) numTmdBytes memory is unaligned (%s) pointer argument is unaligned (%s) tmd memory is unaligned (%s) tmd parameter cannot be NULL (DVDLowFinish) Error: IOS_Close failed (DVDLowGetCoverReg): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks (DVDLowGetCoverStatus): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - calling thread lacks permission (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - connection limit has been reached (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - pathname '/dev/di' does not exist (DVDLowInit) IOS_Open failed, errorcode = %d (DVDLowOpenPartition) certificates memory is unaligned (DVDLowOpenPartition) eTicket memory is unaligned (DVDLowRead): ERROR - destAddr buffer is not 32 byte aligned (DVDLowSetSpinupFlag): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks (Free Blocks) (Used Blocks) (ddrAllocAligned32) Not enough space to allocate %d bytes (doCoverCallback) Error - context mangled! (doTransactionCallback) Error - context mangled! (indirect) (newContext) ERROR: freeDvdContext.inUse (#%d) is true (newContext) Now spinning in infinite loop (newContext) Something overwrote the context magic - spinning ***** MX PN while disconnecting ***** ******* ******** EXCEPTION OCCURRED! ********FrameMemory:%XH ******** USER HALT ********FrameMemory:%XH ********************************************************* *************************************** +---------------End +---------------JKRExpHeap +F-SIDEFALL +MESS +R-SIDEFALL +SIDEFALL ---- WARNING: USB FATAL ERROR! ---- ----- --------------- JASTrack (%8x) dump ---------------- ------------------------- Context 0x%08x ------------------------- -------------------------------- FPR -------------------------------- GPRMAP -------------------------------- GPR -------------------------------- SRR0MAP -------------------------------- TRACE -------------------------------- TRACE -------------------------------- -L-SIDEFALL 0000000000000000 01:59:06 02:06:24 0G: accX = %d, accY = %d, accZ = %d 0G: fsaccX = %d, fsaccY = %d, fsaccZ = %d 0non-group 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x0p0 11102230246251565404236316680908203125 152587890625 15625 179769313486231580793728714053034151 1G: accX = %d, accY = %d, accZ = %d 1G: fsaccX = %d, fsaccY = %d, fsaccZ = %d 2.1 or later 2004/02/01 23283064365386962890625 2D_PAUSE_IGNORE 2PGuidance 2PGuidance%03d 2PGuidanceIcon 2PGuidanceTitle%03d 2bytes/flag 2ndDamage 2ndDemo 2ndDemo 2ndDemo 2ndDemo 390625 4 links exist 542101086242752217003726400434970855712890625 78125 7MESS 8ccccc/Bcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc@ :::Cannot alloc memory :::Heap may be broken. (block = %x) :::addr %08x: bad block size (%08x) :::addr %08x: bad heap signature. (%c%c) :::addr %08x: bad next pointer (%08x)abort :::addr %08x: bad previous pointer (%08x) :::addr %08x: bad used list(REV) (%08x) :::address not 32Byte aligned. :::bad total memory block size (%08X, %08X) :::cannot alloc memory (0x%x byte). :::there is some error in this heap! ::ACTOR_TRANS ::BASE_MATRIX ::FIX_POSITION ::OTHER_MATRIX ::OTHER_TRANS << NW4R - LYT \tfinal build: Jul 31 2007 17:22:11 (0x4199_60831) >> << REX-PPC (RevoEX-2.0RC2) REL 070808183204 >> << RVL_SDK - AI \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 01:58:12 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - DSP \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 01:59:06 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - DVD \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 01:59:13 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - EXI \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 01:59:22 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - GX \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:05:28 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - KPAD \trelease build: Aug 29 2007 11:54:56 (0x4200_60422) >> << RVL_SDK - NAND \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:08:58 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - NWC24 \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 19:23:17 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - OS \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:06:24 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - RFL \trelease build: Aug 22 2007 11:53:43 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - SC \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:09:03 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - SI \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:07:10 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - THP \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 01:31:54 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - VI \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:07:17 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - WPAD \trelease build: Aug 8 2007 02:07:23 (0x4199_60831) >> <Anonymous> =MESS >>> L2 INVALIDATE : SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN >>> OSINIT: exception %d commandeered by TRK >>> OSINIT: exception %d vectored to debugger ??? bad sequence ??? bad sequence ??? bad sequence @24:/mb/r%07d.msg @24:/mb/s%07d.msg @@@ (%s) IOS_IoctlvAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowAudioBufferConfig) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowClearCoverInterrupt) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowClosePartition) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowEnableDvdVideo) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowGetCoverReg) IOS_Ioctl returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowGetCoverStatus) IOS_Ioctl returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowInquiry) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowNotifyReset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowOffset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowOpenPartition) IOS_IoctlvAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowPrepareCoverRegsiter) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowPrepareStatusRegsiter) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRead) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDVD) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDVDConfig) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDiskBca) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDiskID) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdCopyright) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdDiscKey) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdPhysical) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReportKey) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestDiscStatus) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestError) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestRetryNumber) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSeek) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSerMeasControl) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSetMaxRotation) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowStopLaser) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowStopMotor) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowUnencryptedRead) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowWaitForCoverClose) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@@@@ WARNING - Calling DVDLowReadDiskId with NULL ptr ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= AFTER_IMAGE_EFFECT AFTER_INDIRECT AI DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x ALIGNMENT AM|PM APP ERROR: Not enough IPC arena ARAM DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x ARCInitHandle: bad archive format ARInit : Dummy ARAM enabled (RVL), area %p -> %p (size 0x%x) Acc is broken. Acc is ok. AccelRateToBckPos Access to extension register. Address: BackChain LR save Address: BackChain LR save Allocation of diCommand blocks failed Allocation of pathBuf failed Already inited prior DSP task Alt key not pressed Alt key pressed App_MEMalloc App_MEMfree Audio Resumed Audio Yield Finish Audio Yield Start AudioRes/SMR.baa Aug 8 2007 Aug 8 2007 B-WING BD_ADDR: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BT.SENS BTA got event 0x%x BTA got unregistered event id %d BTA_DISABLE_EVT BTA_DM_AUTHORIZE_EVT BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT BTA_DM_PIN_REQ_EVT BTA_DM_SIG_STRENGTH_EVT BTA_DmAddDevice(): %d BTA_DmRemoveDevice(): %d BTA_ENABLE_EVT BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_API_CLOSE_EVT BTA_HH_API_DISABLE_EVT BTA_HH_API_ENABLE_EVT BTA_HH_API_GET_ACL_Q_EVT BTA_HH_API_GET_DSCP_EVT BTA_HH_API_MAINT_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_API_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_API_WRITE_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_CLOSE_EVT BTA_HH_CONN_ST BTA_HH_DISABLE_EVT BTA_HH_DISC_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT BTA_HH_GET_DCSP_EVT BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_IDLE_ST BTA_HH_INT_CLOSE_EVT BTA_HH_INT_CTRL_DATA BTA_HH_INT_DATA_EVT BTA_HH_INT_HANDSK_EVT BTA_HH_INT_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_NULL_ST BTA_HH_OPEN_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_RMV_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_SDP_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_VS_UNPLUG_EVT BTA_HH_W4_CONN_ST BTA_HhAddDev() BTA_HhParseKeybdRpt: Cannot interpret scan code 0x%02x BTA_HhRemoveDev() BTA_Init() is done BTA_Init() is started BTM Event: Received a vendor specific event from controller BTM Inq Compl Callback: status 0x%02x, num results %d BTM Link Quality Complete: Link Quality %d, hci status 0x%02x BTM RSSI Complete: rssi %d, hci status 0x%02x BTM Warning: Set Event Filter Failed (HCI returned 0x%x) BTM: BTM_DeleteStoredLinkKey: delete_all_flag: %s BTM: BTM_EnableTestMode BTM: BTM_ReadStoredLinkKey: Read_All: %s BTM: BTM_VendorSpecificCommand: Opcode: 0x%04X, ParamLen: %i. BTM: BTM_WritePageTimeout: Timeout: %d. BTM: BTM_WriteStoredLinkKey: num_keys: %d BTM: BTM_WriteVoiceSettings: Settings: 0x%04x. BTM: Unable to send vendor specific command (controller is busy). BTM: p_flow->delay_variation: 0x%02x BTM_CB_EVT_DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEYS BTM_CB_EVT_READ_STORED_LINK_KEYS BTM_CB_EVT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS BTM_CB_EVT_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEYS BTM_CancelInquiry called BTM_CancelRemoteDeviceName() BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> SCO Link for handle 0x%04x, pkt 0x%04x BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> eSCO Link for handle 0x%04x BTM_CreateSco -> (e)SCO Link for ACL handle 0x%04x, Desired Type %d BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] BTM_ReadClockOffset: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadEScoLinkParms -> sco_inx 0x%04x BTM_ReadLinkPolicy: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadLinkQuality: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadRSSI: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadRemoteDeviceName: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] BTM_SEC_REG: Out of Service Records (%d) BTM_SEC_REG[%d]: id %d, is_orig %d, psm 0x%04x, proto_id %d, chan_id %d BTM_Sec: application registered BTM_SecBond -> Already Paired BTM_SecBond BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTM_SecBond: Authen Enable -> TRUE BTM_SecBond: Illegal Pin len:%d BTM_SecBond: no buffer BTM_SecBond: no device block BTM_SetAfhChannels first: %d (%d) last: %d (%d) BTM_SetAfhChannels() : %d BTM_SetConnectability: mode %d [NonConn-0, Conn-1], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x BTM_SetDiscoverability: mode %d [NonDisc-0, Lim-1, Gen-2], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x BTM_SetEScoMode -> mode %d BTM_SetEScoMode -> mode SCO (eSCO not supported) BTM_SetLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy sniff not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy switch not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetPinType: pin type %d [variable-0, fixed-1], code %s, length %d BTM_SetQoS: BdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> FALSE BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> TRUE BTM_SetSecurityMode: mode:%d BTM_StartInquiry: mode: %d, dur: %d, rsps: %d, flt: %d BTU HCI command timeout - cmd opcode = 0x%02x Bad Block Bad Buf QId Bad DISC Bad DM Bad Length1: %d Bad Length2 %d %d Bad MSC frame Bad MX frame Bad PN frame Bad RPN frame Bad SABME Bad UA Bad UIH - FCS Bad UIH - invalid DLCI Bad UIH - response Boundary-NWC24-%08X%05X CAUTION! Unexpected error code [%d] was found. CL: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d CL: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d CLOSE CLOSE CMESS CONTEXT:%08XH (%s EXCEPTION) CONTEXT:%08XH CONT_01 CONT_10 CONT_10_2 CPUFifo: %08X - %08X CPosition1 CPosition2 CPosition3 CR: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d CR: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d Calendar/Calendar_index.html Cancel searching because 4 connections exist. CharStrmReader.h CharWriter.h Character Check the update of WiFi using channel CloseDevice returned: %d CloseDeviceAsync: Not enough memory CloseDevice Cmd timeout; no cmd in queue Command len bad pkt_len: %d cmd_len: %d code: %d CommandStream Common CommonPathInfo CommonPathPointInfo.%d CommonPath_ID CommonPath_ID CommonPath_ID Console Type : Content-Disposition: attachment;\r filename=%c%07d.%s\r\r Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\r\r Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r Content-Type: %s;\r name=%c%07d.%s\r Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r boundary=\ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\r Ctlr H/w error event Ctrl DATA received w4: event[%s] Ctrl Msg async returned: %d Ctrl Msg: Not enough memory CtrlJointNumMax CtrlMsgInt (async): Not enough memory CustomTagProcessor.cpp D-Wait end DATA\r DBExceptionDestination DECREMENTER DI DMA Address = 0x%08x DISCOVER COMPLETED DISCOVER RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s (%04x) DISC_01 DISC_02 DISC_03 DISC_04 DMAErrorHandler(): An error occurred while processing DMA. DPDHit DPDHitDown DPDHitDownWait DPDPointer DPDPointerNumber DPDPointerSub DSISR: %08XH DAR: %08XH DSP InitCallback DSP is booting task: 0x%08X DSP-MAIN DSP-Task Buffer is full ( %d, %d) DSPInit(): Build Date: %s %s DSPMIX DVDChangeDisk(): FST in the new disc is too big. DVDConvertEntrynumToPath(possibly DVDOpen or DVDChangeDir or DVDOpenDir): specified directory or file (%s) doesn't match standard 8.3 format. This is a temporary restriction and will be removed soon DVDLowGetNoDiscBufferSizes DVDLowGetNoDiscOpenPartitionParams DVDLowNoDiscOpenPartition DVDLowOpenPartitionWithTmdAndTicket DVDLowOpenPartitionWithTmdAndTicketView DVDOpen() failed DVDRead(): specified area is out of the file DVDReadAsync(): specified area is out of the file Daiya_v Date: %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d -0000\r DeadLeaves Decode!!!! Default Delete DeleteButton DeleteFlushCallback() : %d, Delete: %d Deleting attr_id 0x%04x for handle 0x%x Deleting bad pool Deregister allocators because of fatal error. DeviceRemovalNotifyAsync Devkit set to : %ld Display/Display_index.html DisplayInformationForResult Done DSP Task %x Dpd Setting is broken. Dpd Setting is ok. DpdHit Dummy DummyItem DummyPoly Duplicate btm_acl_created: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x E3HeavenlyBeachGalaxy ERROR : No buffer available ERROR: incorrect R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 data. EXTERNAL INTERRUPT Empty Emulation platform (%08x) Enable Erase Erase Erase Erase Error on STM state event handler Error: The firmware doesn't support reboot feature. Error: The firmware doesn't support shutdown feature. Error:: Not finish task ErrorMessage Escape EuEnglish EuFrench EuGerman EuItalian EuSpanish Event mismatch opcode=%X cmd opcode=%X Exceptions initialized... ExecTrySuspendScheduler F%02d: 0.0 F%02d: Nan F%02d:%+.3E F%02d:+Inf F%02d:-Inf FALSE FALSE FLOATING POINT FOR_2D_MODEL FPU-unavailable handler installed FS: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d FS: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d Failed __CtrlMsg: %d Failed to convert buffer from unicode 2 ascii Failed to convert unicode 2 ascii Failed to register network shutdown function. %d Failed to run app Failed to set home directory. Failed to suspend the WiiConnect24 scheduler. %d Failed to synchronize time with network resource managers. %d File isn't exist. FileInfo FileInfo FileName FileNumber FileRipper.cpp Finish %d Firmware : %d.%d.%d Font.h Free - Buf Corrupted FreeStyleUnplagged.bti Freeing clean[%d] = %x GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP Is Congested (%d), CID: 0x%x GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, CID: 0x%x GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x GCN_Mem_Alloc.c : InitDefaultHeap. No Heap Available GEN-REQ HALT (Task %x) GKI_get_buf_start:: bad addr GOT CONNECTIONLESS DATA PSM:%d GP Fifo: %08X - %08X GetDescrCb returned: %d GetDevDescr - _GetDescrCb GetDevDescr: %d GetDevDescr: Not enough memory GetDevDescrAsync: Not enough memory GetDevDescr GetStr - _GetStrCb GetStrCb returned: %d GetStrCb: buf = 0x%x buflen = %u H4A should not be cleared because of Broadway errata. HANDSHAKE received for: event = %s data= %d HBMCalcRSO HBMCreateRSO HBMDrawRSO HBMGetSelectBtnNumRSO HBMInitRSO HBMSetAdjustFlagRSO HBMStartBlackOutRSO HCIS: Invalid length for incoming HCI message. HCIS: Unable to allocate buffer for incoming HCI message. HH State Change: [%s] -> [%s] after Event [%s] HID - INTR Originate failed HID - Originate failed HID - Originate failed HID - Originate started HID - Originator security pass. HID - Rcvd CTL L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, but no CTL channel HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d HID - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, CID: 0x%x Cong: %d HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP data, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x Result: %d HID - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd unexpected conn cnf, CID 0x%x HID - disconnect HID - got CTRL conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x HID Control Registration failed HID Interrupt Registration failed HID Parser reports: %d HID2 = 0x%x SRR1 = 0x%x HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION dev_handle %d HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE HID_HDEV_EVT_CTRL_DATA HID_HDEV_EVT_CTRL_DATC HID_HDEV_EVT_HANDSHAKE HID_HDEV_EVT_INTR_DATA HID_HDEV_EVT_INTR_DATC HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN HID_HDEV_EVT_RETRYING HID_HDEV_EVT_VC_UNPLUG HID_HostWriteDev Error %d INDIRECT INFINITY INQUIRY RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %02x%02x%02x %d INQUIRY_COMPLETED IPCCltInit returned error: %d IPL.AR IPL.CB IPL.SADR ISFS error code: %d ISFS unexpected error code: %d IUSB_IsoMsgAsync: Not enough memory Illegal MX Frame ea:%d len:%d InitCore InitFlushCallback() : %d, Init: %d Installing OSDBIntegrator IntBlkMsgInt (async): Not enough memory Internet/Internet_index.html Interpolate Invalid app_id [%d] Invalid parameters for ISO transfer request Invalid path or devClass in insertion notification call Invalid It cost %d steps to prepare Sound(ID:%08x, Address%08x). JKRAram.cpp JKRAramArchive.cpp JKRAramPiece.cpp JKRAramStream.cpp JKRCompArchive.cpp JKRDvdArchive.cpp JKRDvdFile.cpp JKRDvdRipper.cpp JKRExpHeap.cpp JKRHeap.cpp JKRMemArchive.cpp JUTPalette.cpp JUTTexture: TLUT is NULL Jan|January|Feb|February|Mar|March|Apr|April|May|May|Jun|June|Jul|July|Aug|August|Sep|September|Oct|October|Nov|November|Dec|December Kernel built : %s %s L1 d-caches initialized L1 i-caches initialized L2 cache initialized L2CAP - Calling Config_Req_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure: %d L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Uncongested L2CAP - Calling ConnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Status: %d L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure Code: %d L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Success L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Timeout L2CAP - Calling Connect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Connect_Pnd_Cb() L2CAP - Calling DataInd_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling DisconnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Conf Needed L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x No Conf Needed L2CAP - Congested(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - L2CA_conn_req() returned CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - L2CA_ping rejected - link disconnecting L2CAP - MTU rej Handle: %d MTU: %d L2CAP - PSM: 0x%04x not found for deregistration L2CAP - bad cmd code: %d L2CAP - bad id in L2CA_conn_rsp. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CAP - bad length in pkt. Exp: %d Act: %d L2CAP - cannot send buffer, offset: %d L2CAP - cannot send message bigger than peer's mtu size L2CAP - cfg rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CAP - con rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CAP - dropping incomplete pkt L2CAP - dropping too long pkt L2CAP - expected pkt start, got: %d L2CAP - got incorrect hci header L2CAP - holding ACL for unknown handle:%d ls:%d cid:%d opcode:%d cur count:%d L2CAP - invalid PSM value, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_DataWrite, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_Flush, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_SetIdleTimeout, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_req, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_rsp, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_req L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_rsp L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_req, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_rsp, CID: %d L2CAP - no CCB for conn rsp, LCID: %d RCID: %d L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_SetAclPriority L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_rsp L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_ping L2CAP - no RCB available, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no RCB for L2CA_conn_req, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no buffer cmd_rej L2CAP - no buffer for cfg_rej L2CAP - no buffer for conn_req L2CAP - no buffer for echo_req L2CAP - no buffer for l2cu_create_conn L2CAP - no cb registering PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - ping timeout L2CAP - rcvd cfg rsp for unknown CID: %d L2CAP - rcvd conn req for unknown PSM: %d L2CAP - rcvd segment complete, unknown handle: %d L2CAP - rej with CID invalid, LCID: %d RCID: %d L2CAP - rejected second L2CA_ping L2CAP - st: CLOSED evt: %d L2CAP - st: CONFIG evt: %d L2CAP - st: OPEN evt: %d L2CAP - st: ORIG_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d L2CAP - st: TERM_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_CON_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_DISC_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_CON_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - unable to allocate CCB L2CAP - unknown CID: %d L2CAP API - L2CA_conn_req rejected - link disconnecting L2CAP HOLD CONTINUE L2CAP HOLD TIMEOUT L2CAP connect req - BTU not ready L2CAP failed to allocate LCB L2CAP got conn_comp for unknown BD_ADDR L2CAP got conn_comp in bad state: %d status: 0x%d L2CAP got conn_req while connected L2CAP got sec_comp for unknown BD_ADDR L2CA_ConfigReq() CID: 0x%04x L2CA_ConfigRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d L2CA_ConnectReq() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CA_ConnectReq() PSM: 0x%04x L2CA_ConnectRsp() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CA_ConnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d Status: %d L2CA_DataWrite() CID: 0x%04x Len: %d L2CA_DisconnectReq() CID: 0x%04x L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x L2CA_Flush() CID: 0x%04x flushed %d buffers L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x abmormally returning 0 L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x returning %d L2CA_Ping() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CA_SetAclPriority() bdaddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x L2CA_SetCompression() local cid %d, direction %d, pe_type %d, mem_level %d, wbits %d, enable %d LArm01 LArm02 LCB %d Priority:%d XmitWindow:%d Congestion Start:%d End:%d Discard:%d LFoot001 LINKKEY: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x LR = 0x%08x CR = 0x%08x LR: L = %d, R = %d Library is already initialized. Heap Id = %d Local supported ACL packet types: 0x%04x Local supported SCO packet types: 0x%04x Locked cache machine check handler installed MACHINE CHECK MAIL FROM: MEM1 Arena : 0x%x - 0x%x MEM2 Arena : 0x%x - 0x%x MIME-Version: 1.0\r MODULE FATAL ERROR MONO(W)-MIX MONO-MIX MStaffRollTexture Machine check received Machine check was not DMA/locked cache related Memory %d MB MenuFont64.brfnt Message-Id: < MetroTRK : Defaulting to GDEV Hardware MetroTRK : Invalid hardware ID passed from OS MetroTRK : Set to BBA MetroTRK : Set to NDEV hardware MetroTRK : Set to UNKNOWN hardware. (%ld) MetroTRK : Sizeof Reply - %ld bytes MetroTRK for Revolution v0.1 Metrowerks CW runtime library initializing default heap Mii%02d MiiButton MiiConfirmIcon MiiConfirmIcon MiiFaceDatabase MiiIcon MiiIcon MiiName MiiSelect MiiSelect MiiSelect Module Moive File NOT found. Move0%d MoviePlayerSimple.cpp Mx error state %d event %d NANDError NAND_02 NAND_05 NAND_06 NAND_07 NAND_08 NAND_11 NAND_11_2 NAND_11_2 NBackDown NBackDown NBackUp NBackUp NDEV 1.0 NDEV 1.1 NDEV 1.2 NDEV 2.0 NDEV 2.1 NET.PROF NO NAME NULL pointer detected: line %d in %s NULL port event %d NW4R:Alignment Error(0x%x)stream must be aligned to 2 bytes boundary. NW4R:Failed assertion mReadFunc == ReadNextCharUTF16 NW4R:Failed assertion newVal < HORIZONTALPOSITION_MAX NW4R:Failed assertion newVal < VERTICALPOSITION_MAX NW4R:Failed assertion texMapIdx < mGXMemNum.texMap NW4R:Failed assertion texMapIdx < mGXMemNum.texMap NW4R:Pointer Error& font(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer ErrorGetFont()(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorcontext.str(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorstr(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorstream(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer ErrortagProcessor(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer Errorthis(=%p) is not valid pointer. NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NW4R:Pointer must not be NULL (p) NWC24Config.c NWC24Messenger NWC24ResumeScheduler NWC24Shutdown_: Give up! NWC24SuspendScheduler NWC24iGetTimeDifference NWC24iPrepareShutdown NWC24iPrepareShutdown NWC24iRequestGenerateUserId NWC24iRequestShutdown NWC24iRequestShutdown NWC24iSetRtcCounter NWC24iSetRtcCounter_ NWC24iSetScriptMode NearLimitRate NextMii Nintendo RVL-CNT Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 Nintendo RVL-WBC No Alloc: Nothing to do!!! No Free: Nothing to do!!! No resource to send HID host Connect request. Non-recoverable Exception %d Not enough IPC arena Not enough heaps Not support SZP with offset read OMMENT OMMENT OMMENT OMMENT OS ERROR: apploader[D].img is not for RVL target. Please use correct apploader[D].img. OS ERROR: boot program is not for RVL target. Please use correct boot program. OSExec.c OSLaunchDisk(): Specified id is different from one specified to DVDPrepareDisk. OSLaunchDisk(): You can't call this API from DVD application. OSLaunchDisk(): You must call DVDPrepareDisk before launching disc. OSLaunchPartition(): Specified title ID is not DISC application. OSLaunchPartition(): You can't call this API from NAND application. OSLaunchTitle(): Company code is not correct OSLaunchTitle(): Country code is not correct OSLaunchTitle(): Firmware is not installed OSLink: unknown relocation type %3d OSPlayTime.c OSReset.c OSResetSystem() is obsoleted. It doesn't work any longer. OSReturnToDataManager(): Falied to boot system menu. OSReturnToMenu(): Falied to boot system menu. OSReturnToSetting(): You can't specify %d. OSSetBootDol() is obsoleted. It doesn't work any longer. OSStateTM.c OffsetX OffsetY OffsetY%d OffsetZ Old Firmware uses default values because it has no Dpd Setting. Open(%s) failed OpenCondition%1d OpenDamage OpenDevice - %s OpenDevice returned: %d OpenDeviceIds: Not enough memory OpenDeviceIdsAsync: Not enough memory OpenDevice PAUSE_IGNORE PERFORMACE MONITOR PORT_CloseInd PORT_ControlCnf PORT_ControlInd DTR_DSR : %d, RTS_CTS : %d, RI : %d, DCD : %d PORT_ControlInd PORT_DataInd Data reached HW. Sending FC set. PORT_DataInd with data length %d PORT_DataInd. Buffer over run. Dropping the buffer PORT_DlcEstablishCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d result:%d PORT_DlcEstablishInd dlci:%d mtu:%d PORT_DlcReleaseInd PORT_FlowInd fc:%d PORT_LineStatusInd PORT_ParNegCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d cl: %d k: %d PORT_ParNegInd dlci:%d mtu:%d PORT_ParNegInd: port not found PORT_PortNegCnf Control Already sent PORT_PortNegCnf no port PORT_PortNegCnf PORT_PortNegInd PORT_StartCnf failed result:%d PORT_StartCnf result:%d PORT_StartInd PROGRAM PROTECTION Pairing Done Parental_Control/Parental_Control_index.html Path_ID Photo PicDummy PicMiiDummy PicMiiShine PlayTime: %d seconds left Port error state %d event %d Port error state Orig Wait Sec event Data Port error state Term Wait Sec event Data Port state closed Event ignored %d Port state disc_wait_ua Event ignored %d Port state opened Event ignored %d Port state orig_wait_sec_check Event ignored %d Port state sabme_wait_ua Event ignored %d Port state term_wait_sec_check Event ignored %d Port_TimeOutCloseMux Pre-production board 1 Pre-production board 2-1 Pre-production board 2-2 PressStart PressType PressY Press[A][B] Pressed PreviousMii Priority R%02d: %08XH R%02d:%08XH R%02d:%08XH R%02d:%08XH R%02d:%08XH R%02d:%08XH R(create) RCPT TO: RFCOMM MX ignored - evt:%d in state:%d RFCOMM_BufDataInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_ConfigCnf LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_ConfigInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_CongestionStatusInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_CongestionStatusInd dropped LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_ConnectCnf LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_DisconnectInd LCID:0x%x RFL_01 RFL_02 RVA 1 Received ack! Received report 20 Reconnect Start!! Record Retail %d RetryButton Return Revolution Emulator Role Switch Event: new_role 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x Role change request declined since the previous request for this device is not completed SDP - Bad len in attr_rsp %d SDP - Bad type: 0x%02x or len: %d in attr_rsp SDP - CCB timeout in state: %d CID: 0x%x SDP - DB full SDP - Ignored L2CAP data while in state: %d, CID: 0x%x SDP - Originate failed SDP - Originate started SDP - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, CID 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP data, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd ServiceSearchRsp, no matches SDP - Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x Result: %d SDP - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd conn cnf for unknown CID 0x%x SDP - Rcvd conn cnf with error: 0x%x CID 0x%x SDP - Unexp. PDU: %d in state: %d SDP - Wrong type: 0x%02x in attr_rsp SDP - attr nesting too deep SDP - bad len in UUID attr: %d SDP - bad len in boolean attr: %d SDP - disconnect CID: 0x%x SDP - got conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x SDP - no buf for err msg SDP - no buf for search rsp SDP - no spare CCB for orig SDP - sdpu_build_n_send_error code: 0x%x CID: 0x%x SDP - server got unknown PDU: 0x%x SDP Registration failed SDP_AddAttribute: attr_len:%d too long. truncate to (%d) SDP_AddUuidSequence - too long, add %d uuids of %d SDP_InitDiscoveryDb Illegal param: p_db 0x%x, len %d, num_uuid %d, num_attr %d SEARCH CANCEL SFR-UPDATE SFR_DSP SISetSamplingRate: unknown TV format. Use default. SRR0 = 0x%08x SRR1 = 0x%08x SRR0: %08XH SRR1:%08XH SRR0: %08XH SYSTEM CALL SYSTEM INTERRUPT SYSTEM RESET Security Manager: Attempting Authorization of Unknown Device Address [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption already encrypted Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption busy Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption not connected Security Manager: MX service not found PSM:%d Proto:%d SCN:%d Security Manager: Start authentication Security Manager: Start authorization Security Manager: Start encryption Security Manager: Start get name Security Manager: access granted Security Manager: auth_complete status:%d State:%d Security Manager: authorized status:%d State:%d Security Manager: btm_sec_connected handle:%d status:%d enc_mode:%d Security Manager: connect request from not paired device Security Manager: encrypt_change status:%d State:%d Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no application registerd Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no resources Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d postponed for multiplexer Security Manager: mkey comp status:%d State:%d Security Manager: rmt_name_complete status:%d State:%d Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x Flags:0x%x Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x Security Registration 1 failed Security Registration 2 failed Security Registration 3 failed Security Registration 4 failed Security Registration 5 failed Security Registration 6 failed Security Registration Server failed Security Registration for Client failed Select Select_%s_No Select_%s_Yes Send - Buffer corrupted Send - buffer linked Sending RFCOMM_DataReq Sending to unknown dest SensorHeight SensorMin Service Discovery SetPacketType Mask -> 0x%04x ShutFlushCallback() : %d, Shutdown: %d Sorry, not applied SZP archive. Sorry, not applied for SZP archive. Sorry, not applied for SZP archive. Sound Sound/Sound_index.html Sound_code Start StartButton StartDemo StartEvent StartFrame StartScenario%d.canm StartSmoke StartTalk StartWait Starting Status Steam Strap Subject: Sun|Sunday|Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday Suppress trace. Switch SyncFlushCallback() : %d, Sync: %d SyncShow SysInfoWindow SysInfoWindowMini SysPALInfo SysPALInfo SystemSe TB = 0x%016llx TCS accept SCO: Packet Types 0x%04x TCounter TDEV-based emulation HW%d THERMAL INTERRUPT TITLE_MAIN TITLE_SUB TPL.c TRACE Table Setup TennisRun TennisShotAir TennisShotL TennisShotM TennisShotR TennisWait Text00 TextColor TextComet TextTitle TextWriterBase.h ThankYou The following errors have been detected and cleared : This TV format \DEBUG_PAL\ is only for Title TitleAppear TitleEnd TitleLogo TitleLogoAppear TitleLogoLight TitleLogoLightB TitleLogoLightC TitleLogoLightD TitleLogoLightE TitleLogoLightF TitleLogoLightG TitleLogoWait TitleWait Touch Trans UFOBattleStageA UFOBattleStageABloom UFOBattleStageC UFOBattleStageC UFOBattleStageD UFOBattleStageD UFOBattleStageE UFOBlueStarCupsule UFOBlueStarCupsule UFOBlueStarCupsule UFOKinoko UFOKinokoLanding UFOKinokoLandingAstro UFOKinokoLandingAstro UFOKinokoLandingBlackSmoke UFOKinokoLandingBlackSmoke UFOKinokoLow UFOKinokoUnderConstruction UFOKinokoUnderConstruction UFONormalB UFONormalB UFONormalD UFOSandObstacleA UFOSandObstacleA UFOSandObstacleAEffect UFOSandObstacleAEffect UFOSandObstacleB UFOSandObstacleB UFOSandObstacleBEffect UFOSandObstacleBEffect UFOSandObstacleC UFOSandObstacleC UFOSandObstacleCEffect UFOSandObstacleCEffect UFOStrongA UPDATE-DAC USB ERR: USB: Undifined Unhandled Exception %d UniqueName Unknown HID event Unknown device is connected and changes the connection type!!!! Unknown event Unknown event Unknown Unused Update/Update_index.html UsEnglish UsFrench UsSpanish VIConfigure(): Tried to change mode from (%d) to (%d), which is forbidden VRSandwichSun VSE:- DELETE_ALL_KEYS VSE:- INITIATE_PAIRING VSE:- SI_PORT_STATUS status = %d VSE:- WATCH_DOG_RESET HW error = %d Valve Volume: %d, Motor: %d WARNING: GAP Conn Indication for Unexpected Bd Addr...Disconnecting WARNING: Illigal status WARNING: USB_CLOSE_FAILURE! WARNING: disconnection for device handle not assigned to channel. WARNING: link num count is modified. WARNING: link num count is reset. WARNING: no entry is deleted WC24_01 WC24_02 WC24_03 WC24_04 WC24_08 WC24_09 WC24_10 WC24_SENDLIMIT WPADInit() WPADSetAutoSamplingBuf() WPADSetConnectCallback() WPADSetExtensionCallback() WPADSetSamplingCallback() WPADiRecvCallback(): Unknown channel %d WUD.c WUDCancelSyncDevice() WUDDeviceStatusCallback WUDPowerManagerCallback WUDSecurityCallback: WUDSetClearDeviceCallback WUDSetDisableChannel() WUDSetHidConnCallback() WUDSetHidRecvCallback() WUDSetSyncDeviceCallback WUDShutdown() WUDStartClearDevice() WUDStartSyncDevice() WUDStartSyncSimple() WUDStartSyncSpDevice() WUDStopSyncSimple() WUDiAppendRuntimePatch() WUDiAutoSync() WUDiCancelSync() WUDiDeleteAllLinkKeys() WUDiRemoveDevice : Wait for %d ms until start reconnect! Warning Warning: ARCOpen(): file '%s' was not found under %s in the archive. Warning: DVDOpen(): file '%s' was not found under %s. Warning: DVDOpenDir(): file '%s' was not found under %s. Warning: Search Callback returns invalid event Warrning! .ctors section[%d]! size=%x Warrning! .dtors section[%d]! size=%x Warrning! unknown section[%d]! size=%x WiFi uses channel = %d WiiConnect24/Wiiconnect24_index.html WiiMessageFromKinopio WiiMessageSending WiiMessageStarList WiiMessageTitle WiiMessageTitle WiiRemoteStrap WinBattery1 WinBattery2 X-Wii-AltName: X-Wii-AppId: X-Wii-Cmd: %08X\r X-Wii-DWCId: %08X\r X-Wii-IconNew: %08X\r X-Wii-MB-Delay: %02X\r X-Wii-MB-NoReply: -\r X-Wii-MB-RegDate: %04X\r X-Wii-Tag: %08X\r X-WiiFace: [change Wave Data] [destroy Scene: %s] [empty scene] [initialize Scene: %s] [system setup] \\%rSE_SY_FILE_SEL_MIISEL_SCRL Address: Back Chain LR Save Address: Back Chain LR Save Attempted to fetch instruction from invalid address 0x%x (read from SRR0) DSISR = 0x%08x DAR = 0x%08x GQRs---------- Instruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access invalid address 0x%x (read from DAR) Instruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access unaligned address 0x%x (read from DAR) Last interrupt (%d): SRR0 = 0x%08x TB = 0x%016llx MetroTRK Option : SerialIO - OSExec(): Failed to exec %d in %d OSExec(): The specified game doesn't exist in the disc Program exception : Possible illegal instruction/operation at or around 0x%x (read from SRR0) Revolution OS FPRs---------- PSFs---------- An error has occurred.Press the EJECT Button, remove theGame Disc, and turn the power off.Please read the Wii Operations Manualfor more information. An error has occurred.Press the Eject Button, remove theGame Disc, and turn the power off.Please read the Wii Operations Manualfor more information. Er is een fout opgetreden.Druk op de EJECT-knop, verwijder dedisk en zet het Wii-systeem uit. Leesde handleiding voor meer informatie. Error #001,unauthorized device has been detected. Error 001:Se ha detectado un dispositivo noautorizado. Errore #001:rilevato un dispositivo non autorizzato. Fout #001:ongeoorloofd onderdeel gevonden. \rMESS \r--%s \t- DMA attempted to access normal cache \t- DMA missed in data cache \t- DMA queue overflowed \t- Requested a locked cache tag that was already in the cache \t\t\t attr_mask[%04x] state [%d] sub_class[%02x] index = %d \t{%d,%d,%d,%d} \t{%ff,%ff,%ff,%ff} ]#[mappartsinfo _SDA2_BASE_ _SDA_BASE_ _WUDDeleteStoreDevice() _WUDEnableTestMode _WUDStartSyncDevice() __CtrlMsgInt failed %d __DSP_add_task() : Added task : 0x%08X __DSP_boot_task() : DRAM MMEM ADDR: 0x%08X __DSP_boot_task() : IRAM DSP ADDR : 0x%08X __DSP_boot_task() : IRAM LENGTH : 0x%08X __DSP_boot_task() : IRAM MMEM ADDR: 0x%08X __DSP_boot_task() : Start Vector : 0x%08X __IntrBlkMsgInt: Not enough memory __OSHotReset(): Falied to reset system. __OSLaunchTitlelForSystem(): only system can call this function __OSLaunchTitlevForSystem(): only system can call this function __OSReturnToMenu(): Falied to boot system menu. __intrBlkCtrlIsoCb: got invalid nclean _default _intrBlkCtrlIsoCb returned: %d _intrBlkCtrlIsoCb: nclean = %d abort ack --> report ID = %02x, error code = %d ack error --> report ID = %d, error code = %d : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x alloc allocFromHead: cannot alloc memory (0x%x byte). allocFromTail: cannot alloc memory (0x%x byte). already disconnected already initialized angleA angleB ans : %d %d %d %d %d %d apanese appearance application/octet-stream application/x-wii-minidata application/x-wii-msgboard arc.c bad appendUsedList banner.bin base addr: %08x base64 brlan bta_dm_act no more connected service cbs bta_dm_act no more pm timers bta_dm_compress_cback close app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d bta_dm_compress_cback open app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d bta_dm_l2cap_server_compress_cback, BTA ID %d bta_hh_cback::HID_event [%s] bta_hh_co_close() bta_hh_co_open() bta_hh_find_cb:: index = %d while max = %d bta_hh_hdl_event:: handle = %d dev_cb[%d] bta_hh_open_act: Device[%d] connected bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt: (report=%p, report_len=%d) called bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt: bta_keybd_rpt_rcvd(report=%p, report_len=%d) called bta_hh_sdp_cback: p_cb: %d result 0x%02x, attr_mask 0x%02x bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: HID_HostOpenDev failed: Status 0x%2X bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: status 0x%2X bta_hh_sm_execute: State 0x%02x [%s], Event [%s] bta_hh_start_sdp: HID_HostGetSDPRecord failed: Status 0x%2X bta_hh_start_sdp:: skip SDP for known devices bta_hh_trace_dev_db:: Device DB list******************** bta_hh_write_dev_act:: cmd type = %d btm BEFORE SCO setting to 1 slot; hci hdl 0x%x btm last SCO removed; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x btm last SCO removed; unsniffing hci hdl 0x%x btm mode change AFTER unsniffing; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x btm_esco_conn_rsp -> No Resources btm_esco_proc_conn_chg -> handle 0x%04x, status 0x%02x btm_reset_complete btm_restore_mode: Authen Enable -> %d btm_sco_chk_pend_unpark -> (e)SCO Link for ACL handle 0x%04x, Desired Type %d btm_sco_conn_req: No one wants this SCO connection; rejecting it btm_sec_collision_timeout() btm_sec_execute_procedure: Required:0x%x Flags:0x%x State:%d btm_sec_link_key_notification() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x btm_sec_link_key_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x btm_sec_pin_code_request bonding sending reply btm_sec_pin_code_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x btm_sec_pin_code_request(): Pairing disabled:%d; PIN callback:%x, Dev Rec:%x! btm_sec_pin_code_request: Authen Enable -> %d btm_sec_pin_code_request_timeout() buttBody c:%04x calibX = %lf, calibY = %lf calling cb 0x%x with arg 0x%x calling iso callback camendint camera_id camint cannon cannon cannon cannot close DVD file cannot new Se %08x. cb = %x cbArg = %x centX = %lf, centY = %lf change check sum error. check check check check: bad total memory block size (%08X, %08X) check: bad total memory block size (%08X, %08X) childobjinfo circle circle_end cke den Ausgabeknopf, entnimm dieDisc und schalte die Wii-Konsole aus.Bitte lies die Wii-Bedienungsanleitung,um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. clean up command queue close closed collision common.h common.h config config%1d config1 connection is closed connection is opened ctrlmsg: bad data buffer ctrlmsgint: cb = 0x%x cbArg = 0x%x deltaX = %lf, deltaY = %lf destination = %x detaching extension during initialization. dev number = %d devId: %d, subId: %d device handle : %d status = %d difaveX = %lf, difaveY = %lf dir_x dir_x dir_y dir_y dir_z dir_z direction = %x dummy dup-non-group dutch dvd.c dvdfs.c eflag.enableEndErpFrame eflag.enableErpFrame embeddedfont.arc en_name enc = %d end_frame erman error code: %d errormessagearchive.rodata errormessagewindow.arc euc-jp euenglish eufrench eugerman euitalian euspanish evpriority ex-eye force Trans force Trans force Trs2 force Trs3 found kdev_cb[%d] hid_handle = %d fr%d \t= %d \t fr%d \t= %d free: cannot free memory block (%08x) ft : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d g:%s:%d:%d getDeviceList: Not enough memory getSize: cannot get memory block size (%08x) getbuf: Size is too big getbuf: Size is zero gflag.camendint gflag.enableEndErpFrame gflag.thru gland_front_l gland_front_l gland_front_r gland_front_r gland_rear_l gland_rear_l gland_rear_r gland_rear_r gndint gqr%d = 0x%08x \t gqr%d = 0x%08x group%02d handle = %d, repid = %02x handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x hci_revision : %04x hci_status = %d hci_version : %02x head %08x: %08x hidd_proc_repage_timeout host : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x i2c = %04x illegal address. abort. illegal archive. illegal resource. image/jpeg image/x-wii-picture in_use ? [%d] kdev[%d].hid_handle = %d state = [%d] index out of range of bitset::reset index out of range of bitset::set index out of range of bitset::test initNameObjOnMainThread initialize attachment interpole intr/blk ioctl returned: %d intrblkmsg: cb = 0x%x cbArg = 0x%x invalid transaction type for DATA payload: 4_evt[%s] invalid ack! invalid command invalid version number for texture palette iosAllocAligned(%d, %u) failed: %d iosFree(%d, 0x%x) failed: %d is available. Please do NOT use this iso-2022-jp iso-8859-1 iso-8859-10 iso-8859-15 iso-8859-2 iso-8859-3 iso-8859-5 iso-8859-7 iso-8859-9 iusb size: %d lo: %x hi: %x joint3 jp_name jpjapanese kdev[%d] in_use[%d] handle[%d] key : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x key : %d %d %d %d %d %d kill DSP channel killer_terget koura l2cu_create_conn - btm_is_sco_active_by_bdaddr() is_sco_active = %s lambert141_v lambert5_v layoutdata leg_left leg_left leg_right leg_right length : %d length = %x length is out of bounds(%d)%d <= length not satisfied. lmp_subversion: %04x lmp_version : %02x loffset loffsetv manufacturer : %04x material.h material.h mice button: 0x%2x mice move: x = %d y = %d mind_eye mode : %d mode in real games!!! multipart/alternative multipart/mixed multipart/related name : %s new entry index is %d no-g(back) normal normal nosefrhdfacehaircap_berdnslnmaskglas not paired not-initialized objinfo openDevice: Not enough memory original arenaLo = %p arenaHi = %p ormal pActorAnimCtrl packet %u too big: %u path_arg0 path_arg0 path_arg1 path_arg1 path_arg2 path_arg2 path_arg3 path_arg3 path_arg4 path_arg4 path_arg5 path_arg5 path_arg6 path_arg6 path_arg7 path_arg7 play_frame pnt0_x pnt0_y pnt0_z pnt1_x pnt1_y pnt1_z pnt2_x pnt2_y pnt2_z point_arg0 point_arg0 point_arg1 point_arg1 point_arg2 point_arg2 point_arg3 point_arg3 point_arg4 point_arg4 point_arg5 point_arg5 point_arg6 point_arg6 point_arg7 point_arg7 polySurface1 polySurface2 port_open_continue no mx channel port_open_continue port_rfc_closed in OPENING state ignored port_rfc_closed state:%d sending events:%x port_select_mtu application selected %d port_select_mtu bad packet size port_select_mtu credit_rx_max %d, credit_rx_low %d, rx_buf_critical %d port_select_mtu selected %d based on connection speed port_select_mtu selected %d based on l2cap PDU size pos_x pos_x pos_y pos_y pos_z pos_z powerstarget progress ps%d \t= 0x%x \t ps%d \t= 0x%x pulloutgraspend push1 push2 push3 push4 pushdelay pushdelaylow pushed_rail r%-2d = 0x%08x (%14d) r%-2d = 0x%08x (%14d) radiate rand: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d read error happens! received data is out of range! remove device info from database. rench resize: cannot resize memory block (%08x: %d) result: %d, handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x result: %d rfc_find_lcid_mcb LCID reused LCID:0x%x current:0x%x rfc_find_lcid_mcb LCID:0x%x rfc_inc_credit:%d rfc_mx_conf_cnf p_cfg:%08x res:%d rfc_mx_conf_ind p_cfg:%0x rfc_mx_send_config_req rfc_mx_sm_sabme_wait_ua - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_configure - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_connected - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_disc_wait_ua - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_idle - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_wait_conn_cnf - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_wait_sabme - evt:%d rfc_port_closed DONE rfc_port_closed rfc_port_timer_start - timeout:%d rfc_port_timer_stop rfc_timer_start - timeout:%d rfc_timer_stop right rolag = %lf roupName s:%04x sb : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d scale_x scale_y scale_z search search selectinw setupAramHeap %x, %x, %x shell shell shift_jis shock sleep source = %x ssige Komponenteentdeckt. stalk star_piece start start_frame stopped. string subclass = 0x%2x sysconf system.arc t0 : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d tail %08x: %08x tails. temporary solution until PAL DAC board text/html text/plain this device in not paired this device is not stored in NAND this_char = %02x trample trample trample tungue type : %d unknown HID Host event code unknown HID Host state unknown transaction type unknown uplay upper upper_jaw us-ascii usage usenglish usfrench usspanish utf-16be utf-32be utf-8 version vital_spot_c vital_spot_c vital_spot_l vital_spot_l vital_spot_r vital_spot_r vpanaxis vpanuse waist wait0 wait1 wait2 windows-1252 woffset world_root wpoint write stored link key wrong device handle: [%d]