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Operation: Desert Storm

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Title Screen

Operation: Desert Storm

Developer: Bungie
Publisher: Bungie
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1991

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Operation: Desert Storm is a "realistic battle simulation" of the 1991 Gulf War.

Specifically, the phase wherein a lone tank vanquished Saddam's entire military, picking up fuel cans and dollar signs on its way to a showdown with the dictator's giant disembodied head.

In the O:DS demo, DLOG/DITL 100 and PICT 100 make up this welcome screen:

Operation Desert Storm (Mac OS Classic) - Welcome.png

The monochrome version of the full game retains all these resources (although PICT 100 is renumbered PICT 1, breaking the connection between them). The color version has the DLOG and DITL but not the PICT.