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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door/Unused Text/Unused Tattles

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This is a sub-page of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door/Unused Text.

In Battle (Goombella)

Internal Name Enemy Tattle Notes
btl_hlp_faker_mario Doopliss (Transformed) 『本物のマリオ』よね?
That's the real Mario... right?

よく見ると マリオじゃないような・・・
まさか 気のせいよね?
Now that I look at it, that's not Mario at all...
Maybe it was just my imagination.

A duplicate appears under the name
btl_hlp_gesso_left L. Tentacle 『左ゲソ』よ
ヒラヒラと さそっているようね
That's the Left Tentacle.
Looks like it's waving us over, doesn't it?

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is 2,
Attack is 1, Defense is 0.

モタモタしていると 二人とも
ゲソに ペシッと やられるわよ
それほど たいしたことは ないけどね
If we're not quick, it'll smash
its tentacle down on both of us.
Not that big a deal, though.

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
まずは 2本のゲソを こうげきして
よわらせてからに しましょう
We can't attack the Blooper's body
right away, so let's go after those
tentacles first to weaken it.

Max HP is 3 in the final version.
btl_hlp_gesso_right R. Tentacle 『右ゲソ』よ
見ているだけで ヨダレが 出そうよ
That's the Right Tentacle.
Just looking at it is making me drool!

こうげき力は『1』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is 2,
Attack is 1, Defense is 0.

モタモタしていると 二人とも
ゲソに ペシッと やられるわよ
ま たいしたことは ないけどね
If we're not quick, it'll smash
its tentacle down on both of us.
Not that big a deal, though.

いきなり 本体を こうげきできないから
まずは 2本のゲソを こうげきして
よわらせてからに しましょう
We can't attack the Blooper's body
right away, so let's go after those
tentacles first to weaken it.

Max HP is 3 in the final version.
btl_hlp_gundan_zako_group2 X-Nauts (Group Type 2) 『ぐんだんザコしゅうだん』よ
That's an X-Naut platoon.
This is type 2.

こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is XX,
Attack is X, Defense is 0.

btl_hlp_gundan_zako_group3 X-Nauts (Group Type 3) 『ぐんだんザコしゅうだん』よ
That's an X-Naut platoon.
This is type 3.

こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is XX,
Attack is X, Defense is 0.

btl_hlp_kamec_bunsin Magikoopa (Fake) 『カメック』よ
ニセモノって わかったら つまらないよ
That's a Magikoopa.
It's pretty boring when you know which ones are fake.
Early version of an existing tattle,
btl_hlp_kanbu1 Lord Crump (1st Fight) 『ペケダー』よ
That's Lord Crump. This is type 1.

こうげき力は『X』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is 5,
Attack is X, Defense is 0.

btl_hlp_mario Mario (Duped Goombella) 『マ~リオで~す』よ
That's Maaariooo!
At some point, Goombella was able to tattle
while she was tricked by Doopliss.
btl_hlp_ranperu Doopliss. That's Doopliss.
Global #796.
Tattle for the second Doopliss fight,
which should be impossible to get.
btl_hlp_rocket_punch X-Fist Unused Message
btl_hlp_rocket_punch_mkII X-Punch ロケットパンチ マーク2
Rocket Punch Mark 2
btl_hlp_tentakc11 Smorg Miasma 『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ
That's a Smorg Miasma.

こうげき力は『5』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is 6,
Attack is 5, Defense is 0.

Stats are 4 HP, 4 Attack, and 1 Defense
in the final version.
btl_hlp_tentakc12 Smorg Miasma 『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ
That's a Smorg Miasma.

こうげき力は『7』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よ
Max HP is 7,
Attack is 7, Defense is 0.

Stats are 4 HP, 4 Attack, and 1 Defense
in the final version.
btl_hlp_tentakc13 Smorg Miasma 『モアモアの しょくしゅ』よ
That's a Smorg Miasma.

こうげき力は『6』 ぼうぎょ力は『0』よよ
Max HP is 8,
Attack is 6, Defense is 0.

Stats are 4 HP, 4 Attack, and 1 Defense
in the final version.
btl_hlp_vivian_party Vivian (Duped Goombella) 『ビビアンで~す』よ
That's Viviaaan!
(Duped Goombella's tattle)
At some point, Goombella was able to tattle
while she was tricked by Doopliss.

Tattle Log

Internal Name Enemy Log Entry Notes
Full Entry
menu_enemy_019 Test Char. さいだいHP『?』
こうげき力『?』 ぼうぎょ力『?』
Max HP: ?  Attack: ?
Defense: ?

リーテ ラトバリタ ウルス
アリアロス バル ネトリール
Lato barita Uruth
Ariaroth Bal Netoreel

『われを たすけよ
  ひかりよ よみがえれ』
Help me!
Bring back the light!

This is a reference to a scene
in Castle in the Sky.
menu_enemy_146 X-Naut Platoon さいだいHP『6』
こうげき力『5』 ぼうぎょ力『0』
Max HP: 6  Attack: 5
Defense: 0

ペケダーの 部下たち
しょせんは 下っぱ
Lord Crump's minions.
Ultimately just low-level goons.

ユメは エリートに なること
They get pushed around a lot, but
their dream is to become Elites.

menu_enemy_153 Shadow Queen
(Possessed Peach)
こうげき力『7』 ぼうぎょ力『0』
Max HP: 150  Attack: 7
Defense: 0

ピーチ姫の 体が うばわれたもの
その正体は 『カゲの女王』
The creature who stole Princess Peach's body.
Her true identity is the Shadow Queen.

世界を やみに おおおうとしたが
マリオによって たおされる
She tried to cover the world in darkness,
but was defeated by Mario.

ピーチ姫も 無謀ぎもとに もどって
めでたし めでたし
Peach returned to her old, reckless self,
and everyone lived happily ever after.

Similar to the log entry used for
the Shadow Queen's true form.
name Only
menu_enemy_072 Wizzerd (Fake) マホマホのぶんしん
Wizzerd Doppelganger
menu_enemy_087 Magikoopa (Fake) カメックぶんしん
Magikoopa Doppelganger
menu_enemy_119 Smorg Miasma (Type 1) しょくしゅ
menu_enemy_120 Smorg Miasma (Type 2) しょくしゅ
menu_enemy_121 Smorg Miasma (Type 3) しょくしゅ
menu_enemy_128 Goombella (Duped) だまされクリスチーヌ
Duped Goombella
Goombella's Japanese name, Christine,
is actually misspelled here.
menu_enemy_129 Koops (Duped) だまされノコタロウ
Duped Koops
menu_enemy_130 Yoshi (Duped) だまされヨッシー
Duped Yoshi
menu_enemy_131 Flurrie (Duped) だまされクラウダ
Duped Flurrie
menu_enemy_133 Bone Pile ほねづか
Bone Pile
menu_enemy_134 Cortez Hook コルテスクロウ
Cortez Claw
menu_enemy_135 Cortez Rapier コルテスレイピア
Cortez Rapier
menu_enemy_136 Cortez Sword コルテスソード
Cortez Sword
menu_enemy_137 Cortez Sabre コルテスサーベル
Cortez Sabre
menu_enemy_143 Lord Crump (Type ?) ペケダー
Lord Crump
menu_enemy_145 Lord Crump (Type ?) ペケダー
Lord Crump
menu_enemy_147 X-Naut Platoon (Type 2) たいぐんぐんだんいん
X-Naut Platoon
menu_enemy_148 X-Naut Platoon (Type 3) たいぐんぐんだんいん
X-Naut Platoon