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Persona 4/Unused Voice Clips/Dungeon and Battle

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To do:
Make sure this is complete.

This is a sub-page of Persona 4/Unused Voice Clips.

These voice clips all come from lines during dungeon exploration or battling.

Teddie and Naoto

When Naoto Shirogane joins the Investigation Team as a party member, Teddie is no longer the support member of the team; Rise is. However, support lines were recorded for Teddie relating to Naoto Nao-chan in every circumstance like the other party members. (Some of the subtitles do not match up perfectly to the voice clips when it comes to Teddie's various exclamations.)

There is some evidence that Naoto was planned to join earlier in the game, and Teddie became a Persona user later. Within the game are unused scenes relating to Social Links. These include SL characters approaching you in Junes and having a chat with you during shopping trips with the Dojimas, which in the final game only let you purchase unique items. These scenes were likely meant to help you go closer to each of them. Each character has different lines for summer and winter outfits, and Naoto has one for the former. However, by the time she can become a Social Link, it is after everyone has gone back to winter clothes.

There are alternative 'invitation at Lunchtime' events, which involve the protagonist walking down the 2F hallway until a party member runs up to him. They will suggest going to the other world after school. Each character has two versions of these, and the first involves spending time with Teddie in case he gets lonely in the TV world all alone. Naoto has one of these as well. However, at no point in the story is there an occasion where Naoto is part of the team, yet Teddie is living in that world (he's staying with Yosuke's family at that point).

Further backing this up is the party member slots. Each party member has an internal ID ranging from 0 to 9. 0 is empty, 1 is the protagonist, 2 is Yosuke, and so on. Naoto is 7 and Teddie is 9, further proving that Naoto was going to join the group before Teddie.

Sound File Line
Nao-chan's hurt! You gotta heal her quick!
Nao-chan's in danger! She needs your help!
Ack! Don't give up, Nao-chan!
Nao-chan's dizzy!
Ack! Nao-chan!
Eek, Nao-chan! You're so amazing!
Ooh, Nao-chan came back!
Nao-chan, wake up!
Nao-chan, they lowered your offense!
Watch out, Nao-chan! Your defense is down!
Nao-chan, you're not moving as fast!
Nao-chan's hurt bad! Hurry and heal her!
Nao-chan's confused!
Nao-chan's poisoned!
Nao-chan's scared!
Nao-chan's seeing red!
Nao-chan's dizzy!
Eep! Nao-chan's weakened!
Something's strange about Nao-chan!
Nao-chan's blocked from using her Persona!
Smashing, Nao-chan! All enemies defeated!
Great moves, Nao-chan! Four enemies defeated!
Three enemies defeated! Smooth, Nao-chan!
Hooray, Nao-chan! Two enemies defeated!
Nao-chan beat an enemy! Good job!
All enemies down! You did it, Nao-chan!
Four enemies down! Nice moves, Nao-chan!
Three enemies down! Marvelous, Nao-chan!
Two enemies down! Great job, Nao-chan!
Enemy down! Go, Nao-chan!
That was its weakness! Good job, Nao-chan!
Nice hit! Marvelous, Nao-chan!
You missed! Don't give up, Nao-chan!
Ack, Nao-chan! Don't give up!
No, Nao-chan! Don't leave us!

There are also support quotes that would happen while exploring the dungeon and Naoto was low on HP, SP (see below), or both.

Sound File Line
Teddie: Nao-chan's all limp!
Teddie: Nao-chan's in danger! She's at her limit!
Teddie: Feeling okay, Nao-chan? Are you tired?
Teddie: Nao-chan! Your health's low!
Teddie: Nao-chan! Your health's really low!
Teddie: You're hurt, Nao-chan! Put something on that!
Teddie: Nao-chan, you seem pretty tired.
Teddie: Nao-chan is just about out of energy!
Teddie: Nao-chan's energy! It's almost gone!

Out of Energy

While exploring the dungeons, your party members will occasionally pipe up to comment on their health if it's low. There are also lines that were either intended to be used for party members being low on SP, or indicate that the energy mechanics from Persona 3 were still in at some point.

Sound File Line
Yosuke: I don't have any energy left!
Yosuke: I'm all out of energy, sir!
Yosuke: I really can't go any further...
Chie: My energy's at, like, a new low...
Chie: *pant* I'm all tired...
Chie: I think I'm out of stamina...
Yukiko: I can't go on with such low energy...
Yukiko: *pant* I'm tired...
Yukiko: I-I can't go on! I'm out of energy...
Kanji: Crap...I'm out of energy...
Kanji: Sorry man, I'm all out of energy.
Kanji: No good. I'm totally wiped!
Naoto: I have no energy left. Why don't we go back?
Naoto: Ngh! I've given nearly all I have...
Naoto: This isn't good...I'm out of energy...
Rise: You okay, Senpai? Feeling tired?
Rise: Senpai! You're losing your concentration!
Rise: Oh no, Senpai! Are you out of energy?
Rise: Yosuke-senpai, are you okay? Are you tired?
Rise: Yosuke-senpai, you're low on energy!
Rise: Are you out of energy, Yosuke-senpai?
Rise: How are you doing, Chie-senpai? Are you tired?
Rise: Chie-senpai, you're losing focus!
Rise: Uh-oh, Chie-senpai! You're out of energy!?
Rise: Are you okay, Yukiko-senpai? Feeling tired?
Rise: Yukiko-senpai! You're losing concentration!
Rise: Oh no, Yukiko-senpai! You're out of energy!
Rise: Feeling tired, Kanji? Are you okay?
Rise: Hey, Kanji! You need to get your focus back!
Rise: Oh no, Kanji! Are you out of energy?
Rise: You look tired, Naoto-kun. Are you okay?
Rise: Naoto-kun! You're losing concentration!
Rise: Naoto-kun! I think you're low on energy!
Rise: Aww, are you tired, Teddie? Get better!
Rise: Wake up, Teddie! You're losing concentration!
Rise: Omigosh, Teddie! You're low on energy!
Teddie: You look pretty tired, Sensei.
Teddie: Sensei's just about out of energy!
Teddie: Sensei's energy! It's nearly gone!
Teddie: I think you look tired, Yosuke.
Teddie: Yosuke's energy is about to run out!
Teddie: Yosuke's energy! It's nearly gone!
Teddie: You seem kinda tired to me, Chie-chan.
Teddie: Chie-chan's energy is almost out!
Teddie: Chie-chan's energy! It's nearly gone!
Teddie: Aren't you tired, Yuki-chan?
Teddie: Yuki-chan's energy is nearly dry!
Teddie: Yuki-chan's energy! It's almost gone!
Teddie: I bet you're pretty tired, Kanji.
Teddie: Kanji's energy is just about gone!
Teddie: Kanji's energy! It's almost gone!
Teddie: I don't have any energy left...
Teddie: No more...I don't have a drop of energy left...
Teddie: I have no energy...someone help!

Boss Dialogue

To do:
Definitely unfinished, figuring out if the others are used or not is tricky.

Shadow Yosuke

Sound File Line
So, you want me to get serious?
You dick! You're seriously pissing me off!
Your attacks are nothing!
Ha! What's the matter? You still wanna fight?
It's about time you get crushed!

Shadow Chie

Sound File Line
No matter what, I'm always on top!
Ahahaha! I'm the best, got it?
Haha! Is she really worth all this?
You think you understand?
Th-that won't work on me!
How dare you!

Shadow Yukiko

Sound File Line
Hahaha! Not bad, but we're just getting started!
Ooh, looks like you haven't had your fill of dancing!
Such bothersome princes! The dance isn't over yet!
Aha, what hopeless princes! Shall I destroy you all? *giggle*
I'll have nothing to do with you! Die, imposters!
*giggle* That's how my prince should be!
I don't understand! You won't lift a finger for me!

Shadow Kanji

Sound File Line
I'll be in a fix if you get in my way!
Stay away, or I'll crush you!
I...I won't forgive you for that!
My...my pal!
Y'know, I can be very gentle towards boys!
Girls...don't interest me, thank you.

Shadow Rise

Sound File Line
*giggle* Looks like you're having fun. How long will it last?
Ahh, looks like you're not satisfied yet!
I think you need severe punishment!

Shadow Teddie

Sound File Line
What is that I see in your eyes? Inescapable fear? *laughs*
The world needs me...not you!
You are unnecessary in this world!
The only truth given to you is death. That's all.

Shadow Mitsuo

Sound File Line
It's useless...I'm always rejected...
I won't disappear...I'll always...exist...
The only thing that can prove I exist...is your deaths!
Fill this void...with your deaths!
Come on... if you try and fight you'll die...

Shadow Naoto

Sound File Line
So, are you ready for the operation? *laughs*
Let's get started! No need to be scared!
What's wrong? There's no need to be afraid...
Tch tch tch...what a bothersome patient! Do you want to die?!
Why...why won't you acknowledge me?!?
If you'd have stayed quiet, you could have died painlessly!
Now...you'll all become your new selves!


Sound File Line
(unused death scream)

There is an unused voice clip for Yukiko intended to play at the intro to the fight. This line doesn't make much sense since he already let go of Nanako before the fight started. The corresponding message box says "Stay away from Nanako-chan!" which is more appropriate. Not that it matters much; neither the voice clip nor the message box show up.

Sound File Line
Yukiko: Let go of Nanako-chan!


Sound File Line
There's no place for you here! Get lost!
I left you alone because you're brats, but I guess I was too nice!
You keep getting in my way! I'll kill you all!
What can brats like you do? *laughs* Fight all you want! See if I care!
You're all such a pain in the ass! It's about time I taught you a lesson!
You little brats...
Wipe that smile off your face!
Don't underestimate me!
*laughs* Let's end this!
What's wrong? Scared? *maniacal laughter*
Now...let's get this over with!
This may be too much for brats like you! *laughs*
Just shut up and die!


Sound File Line
You will accomplish nothing. That is the truth.
Why face me when you know that it is useless?
Your wishes will never be fulfilled, just as this fog shall never lift.
You will not reconsider? Then I shall grant you death!
I shall grant you a suitable death...one from which there is no escape!
Death to those who have chosen to walk the fool's path.
It seems your end has come!


Sound File Line
Are you done already? Then let me release you from your suffering!