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Persona 5 Royal/Unused Skills and Cards

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5 Royal.

Persona 5 Royal introduces many new skills to the game, and ups the amount of skills internally to 1048. Many unused skills in Persona 5 reappear in identical forms here in Royal, and won't be repeated, unless some change was made in Royal. Many unused skills are named BLANK and work identical to attack, which will not be listed.

Hex ID Name Element Description Target Cost Notes
062 Trapped Rat Almighty High chance of Mouse to one foe. 1 Enemy Free While used by enemies, it's unused by team members, and shows as an Almighty skill despite being a status move. Uses the correct effect, but will always miss.
06C NOT USED Defense BLANK 1 Enemy 50HP Deals 1 point of damage, shows the unused Test effect, and inflicts the enemy with fear.
072 NOT USED Almighty BLANK All Enemies Free Deals signficant damage, uses the unused Test effect.
0A6 Adam Skill 1 Almighty BLANK All Enemies 48HP Deals damage to all enemies, uses the unused Test effect. Excluding using 48 HP it's identical to Adam Skill 6.
0DA UNUSED Defense BLANK 1 Enemy 8SP Shows the Status attack effect when used, but does nothing.
0DB NOT USED Defense BLANK 1 Enemy 8SP Crashes the game when used.
0E8 NOT USED Defense BLANK 1 Teammate/Self 8SP Shows the ATK Up effect, says "This is already in effect!" but does nothing.
0E9 NOT USED Defense BLANK 1 Teammate/Self 15SP Shows the ATK Up effect with a gun sound, says "There is No Effect!" with nothing else happening.
0EA NOT USED Defense BLANK Self 15SP Shows the Flow effect, does nothing else.
204 Royal Jelly Healing Item:

Cures Mouse

N/A N/A Seen originally in Persona 5 but with a typo. A ghost skill intended for an item that was never implemented. Even if a teammate is Rattled, trying to use this skill will bring up the message "No target available".
282 Mental Hack Automatic Recognize the most effective choice in Demon Negotiations. N/A N/A Seen originally in Persona 5, with a different description. Grouped with Futaba's Confidant bonuses. Despite its description, it doesn't actually do anything.
291 Shot Of Lust Almighty Medium Almighty dmg to all foes. All enemies 14SP Seen originally in Persona 5, but got renamed in Royal. Has a description which is identical to the one used for Megido. Appears to also have been intended for Suguru Asmodeus Kamoshida, given the skill name and the animation resembling his Gold Medal Spike.
309 Adam Skill 5 Almighty BLANK Single Enemy 99SP Deals damage to only 1 enemy, uses the unused Test effect.
30A Adam Skill 6 Almighty BLANK All Enemies 38SP Deals damage to all enemies, uses the unused Test effect. Other then using 38 SP, it's identical to Adam Skill 1.
30C Mona/Ryuji Unison Attack Almighty BLANK N/A Morgana only gets a Showtime with Ann and Haru, and Ryuji a showtime with Yusuke and Makoto. When using this attack it (attempts) to load Ann and Morgana's Showtime, implying that the Ann and Morgana Showtime attack was originally Ryuji and Morgana, possibly hinting at Showtimes being introduced before Ann's addition to the team.
314 UNUSED: Akechi Unison Attack Almighty BLANK N/A Akechi and Sumire are the only characters in the game with only one Showtime attack, only having one with the protagonist. This may have been intended for both of them together.
3E6 Trait DLC for Bitedown Physical BLANK One enemy N/A