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Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics/Scrapped Snick Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics.

Snick the Porcupine was a temporary character created for the SAGE 2019 Demo, and is a clever parody of Sonic the Hedgehog. His moveset was mostly based off of Sonic's, with a couple of Peppino's moves mixed in there to prevent levels from being unbeatable. His playability was removed after the SAGE 2019 Demo, and by the Eggplant Build most of his sprites (minus one stun sprite and some graphics from Peppino's Xmas Break), were deleted from the files.

As a result of only being intended for one demo, most of Snick's animations are significantly shorter and simpler than the other playable characters' animations.


Graphic Name Description
PTsnickidle.gif spr_snick_idle Snick's idle animation.
PTsnickidleanim.gif spr_snick_idleanim Snick's waiting idle animation, which is a reference to Sonic's impatient animation in his games.
PTsnickwalk.gif spr_snick_walk Snick walking.
PTsnickjump.gif spr_snick_jump Snick jumping while moving.
PTsnickfall.gif spr_snick_fall Snick falling.
PTsnickhurt.gif spr_snick_hurt Snick getting hurt.
PTsnickkey.gif spr_snick_gotkey Snick collecting a key for a keydoor.
PTsnickdive.gif spr_snick_dive Snick diving.
PTsnickslide.gif spr_snick_slide Snick sliding. Although he can fit through one block-tall gaps just fine, sliding is still an option for him.
PTsnickdoor.gif spr_snick_lookatdoor Snick entering a door.
PTsnickvictory.gif spr_snick_victory Snick doing his victory pose!
PTsnickhitwall.gif spr_snick_hitwall Snick hitting a wall.
PTsnickrecover.gif spr_snick_recover Snick recovering.


Graphic Name Description
PTsnickmach2.gif spr_snick_mach2 Snick running at Mach 2.
PTsnickmach3.gif spr_snick_mach3 Snick running at Mach 3, with a reference to Sonic's iconic wheel spin-like run.
PTsnickmachslidestart.gif spr_snick_machslidestart Snick beginning a Mach slide.
PTsnickmachslide.gif spr_snick_machslide Snick mid-Mach slide.
PTsnickmachslideend.gif spr_snick_machslideend Snick ending a Mach slide. His Mach Slide acted like Sonic stopping mid-run, so he doesn't continue running.
PTsnickpeelout.gif spr_snick_superpeelout Snick preforming a super peelout, a direct nod to Sonic CD. This is also used for his Mach 4 running animation.

Super Jump

Graphic Name Description
PTsnicksuperjumpprep.gif spr_snick_superjumpprep Snick preparing a superjump, glowing yellow like Super Sonic.
PTsnicksuperjumpflash.gif spr_snick_superjumplight Snick flashing when his superjump is charged up.
PTsnicksuperjump.gif spr_snick_superjump Snick preforming a superjump.
PTsnicksuperjumpland.gif spr_snick_superjumpland Snick landing a superjump on a ceiling.

Body Slam

Graphic Name Description
PTsnickbodyslamstart.gif spr_snick_bodyslamstart Snick starting a body slam. This is also used for when he jumps while standing still.
PTsnickbodyslam.gif spr_snick_bodyslam Snick mid-body slam.
PTsnickbodyslamland.gif spr_snick_bodyslamland Snick landing after a body slam.


Graphic Name Description
PTsnickladder.png spr_snick_ladder Snick's idle while climbing on a ladder.
PTsnickclimbladder.gif spr_snick_climbladder Snick climbing a ladder.
PTsnickladderdown.gif spr_snick_climbdownladder Snick climbing down a ladder. This sprite goes unused in the demo, as spr_snick_ladder is used instead, just with the frame order reversed.

Pizza Box

Graphic Name Description
PTsnickpizzabox.gif spr_snick_upbox Snick going up a pizza box...
PTsnickpizzaboxdown.gif spr_snick_downbox ...and going down a pizza box.


Graphic Name Description
Get out and win the race, just win the race! spr_snick_taunt (frames separated) A reference to Win the Race, a YouTube Poop video by iteachvader.
Yellow Submarine, eh? Do The Beatles drive it? Snick in a submarine, which is a reference to Getaway Submarine, a YouTube Poop also made by iteachvader.
Skydiving, my favourite! Snick skydiving, referencing the titular Skydiving! YTP.
Gonna make some porcupine stew in the afternoon! A pot of stew with Snick in it, as a reference to Hedgehog Stew (or should we say, porcupine stew...). This taunt is duplicated twice, but the duplicated taunt goes unused.


Graphic Name Description
PTsnickface.gif spr_snickHUD Snick's face for the old HUD. Unlike Peppino, the HUD face for Snick never changes.


Aluminum Snick (Knight)

Graphic Name Description
PTrobosnickthunder.gif spr_snick_thunder Snick transforming into Aluminum Snick, a refrence to Silver Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
PTrobosnickidle.gif spr_snick_robotidle Aluminum Snick's idle.
PTrobosnickjumpstart.gif spr_snick_robotjumpstart Aluminum Snick starting a jump.
PTrobosnickjump.gif spr_snick_robotjumpstart Aluminum Snick jumping.
PTrobosnickfall.png spr_snick_robotfall Aluminum Snick falling, which reuses the last frame of spr_snick_robotjumpstart.
PTrobosnickland.gif spr_snick_robotland Aluminum Snick landing after falling or jumping, and is the same as spr_snick_robotjumpstart, just with the frames in a reversed order.
PTrobosnickslope.gif spr_snick_robotslope Aluminum Snick sliding down a slope.

Firefur Snick (Fireass)

Graphic Name Description
PTfirefursnick.gif spr_snick_fireass1 Instead of having his ass on fire, Snick will instead have his fur get set on fire! It still acts the same as the regular Fireass form, though.
PTfirefursnickland.gif spr_snick_fireass2

Bomb Snick

Graphic Name Description
PTsnickbombstart.gif spr_snick_bombstart Snick transforming into a bomb, rather than holding it.
PTsnickbomb.gif spr_snick_bomb Snick running as a bomb.
PTsnickbombabouttoexplode.gif spr_snick_bombabouttoexplode Bomb Snick about to explode!
PTsnickbombend.gif spr_snick_bombend Snick self-destructing and ending the bomb transformation.


Graphic Name Description
PTsnicktumble.gif spr_snick_tumble Snick tumbling down a slope.

Peppino's Xmas Break

Graphic Name Description
PTsnickopenpresent.gif spr_snickpresentup The Peppino's Xmas Break demo featured a bossfight between the Noise and the player, where they would need to hit the Noise hidden in presents, but would have Mr. Stick, Gustavo, The Vigilante, and as featured here, Snick pop out to trick the player.
PTsnickpresent.gif spr_snickpresent
PTsnickpresentdown.gif spr_snickpresentdown
Unus3d_Guy spr_snickpresentdead

Snick NPC

Graphic Name Description
Spr snicknpc idle.gif spr_snicknpc_idle NPC Snick's idle animation (Same as spr_snick_idle). After the SAGE 2019 Demo, he gonna wear his halloween costume in Noise's Hardoween and in the Wash n Clean secret room in Staff Only.
Spr snicknpc stun.gif spr_snicknpc_stun NPC Snick's stun animation that was never used in any versions of SAGE 2019 Demo.