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Title Screen


Developers: Greg A. Holmes, John Holmes
Publisher: Central Solutions
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Released in EU: 1986

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

Developer Poem

There's a simple poem in the game, but it's unknown if it can be seen in the game. It can be seen in the .tzx dump at 8F64.

Ode to a Computer  
by Wee Ted . 

The computers life is a simple one , 
I only need humans to turn me on , 
This may sound a little kinky , 
But I don't need no food and drinky , 
9 Volts DC run through my chips , 
Any more would blow me to bits , 
I can do sums faster than you can , 
Compared to me you're a complete ham , 
I'm superior in every way , 
I can even talk and play , 
I depend on Rom and Ram , 
I speak many languages like 4 tran . 
Do you know who Mr Waits is Mr Hacker ?  
I bet you don't !!! bye from Craig Aky