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Pokémon Trading Card Game/Version Differences

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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

This is a sub-page of Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Regional Differences

Super Game Boy Border

Japan International

The Japanese initial SGB border has writing on the Poké Ball outline, which matches the similar outline used in this version's title screen. This writing was removed from the international releases.

Intro Boosters

Japan International
Game Boy Color Super Game Boy Game Boy Color Super Game Boy
Ptcg-intro1J.png Ptcg-intro1J-SGB.png Ptcg-intro1U.png Ptcg-intro1U-SGB.png
Expansion Set Base Set
Ptcg-intro2J.png Ptcg-intro2J-SGB.png Ptcg-intro2U.png Ptcg-intro2U-SGB.png
Pokémon Jungle Jungle
Ptcg-intro3J.png Ptcg-intro3J-SGB.png Ptcg-intro3U.png Ptcg-intro3U-SGB.png
Mystery of the Fossils Fossil

The boosters that appear during the intro were changed outside of Japan to reflect the appearance of those distributed internationally.

Title Screen

Japan International
Ptcg-titleJ.png Ptcg-title.png

The international title screen was changed radically, being made more simple, while the copyright info was streamlined.

Game Boy Graphics

PokémonTCG CardPop-JP.png PokémonTCG Infrared-JP.png PokémonTCG GBPrinter-JP.png
PokémonTCG CardPop-INT.png PokémonTCG Infrared-INT.png PokémonTCG GBPrinter-INT.png

The Game Boy seen when using the game's various link features had its graphics refined in the international releases.

Card Back

Japan International
Pokemon Card GB back.png Pokemon TCG GB back.png

The back of the cards was changed outside of Japan to reflect the appearance of the cards distributed abroad.

Card Closeup

Japan International
Pokémon TCG Card Closeup JP.png Pokémon TCG Card Closeup INT.png

The "POKEMON" label on the card closeups was changed to "POKéMON" internationally, to match the casing used in the mainline games at the time.

Paralysis Symbol

Japan International
Pokemon TCG GB Paralysis Symbol JP.png Pokemon TCG GB Paralysis Symbol INT.png

The status icon used for paralyzed Pokémon was changed internationally to a thick horizontal jagged line, due to the original icon having an unfortunate resemblance to the Schutzstaffel's emblem.


Japan International
Pokemon Card GB JynxLv23.png Pokemon TCG GB JynxLv23.png

Jynx's skin was changed from black to purple to match its international Base Set card art.

Challenge Hall

Japan International
Pokémon TCG GBC Challenge Hall JP.png Pokémon TCG GBC Challenge Hall INT.png

The writing on the Challenge Hall's sign was translated into English.


US Europe
Pokemon TCG Ninetales Base Set US.png Pokemon TCG Ninetales GB US.png Pokemon TCG Ninetales Base Set EU.png Pokemon TCG Ninetales GB EU.png

In the US version, both Ninetales cards incorrectly spell its name as "Ninetails". The European versions corrected this.

Pokemon TCG Ninetales Fire Blast.png

Oddly, the description for Base Set Ninetales' Fire Blast does spell its name correctly in the US version.

Card Behavior

The Japanese version does not allow one to flip freely through a card's page. You can only go forward, and you do so by pressing A. The localizations made it so you can flip forward and back through each page with the D-Pad. Doing so also makes the pages loop, whereas reaching the last page of a card by pressing A returns you to the card list screen.

Almost as a trade-off for this quality of life change, the localized versions removed the reference mark (※) symbols next to attacks with special effects. This is especially odd, as this symbol is still used during duels, now just not when checking a card's description.

Infrared Communication

The Japanese version contains infrared hardware inside the cartridge, enabling compatibility between different Game Boy models. International versions removed this, and require the Game Boy Color's built-in sensor.

Virtual Console Changes


  • Due to Card Popǃ being unsupported, a bookcase in Ishihara's House cannot be interacted with, as it refers to the "Phantom Cards" one can obtain from using Card Popǃ. Despite this, Dr. Mason's first email, which explains the process behind Card Pop!, was left completely untouched.
  • It's impossible to interact with the clerks in each club's lounge. This is due to the game disabling Battle Mode and Trade Mode, as all Game Link Cable features are neither supported nor emulated.
  • As the Game Boy Printer cannot be used, the "Print" function from the PC has been disabled, the only change that is directly mentioned in the manual for the game.


Original (INT) Virtual Console
Pokemon TCG GB JynxLv23.png Pokemon TCG 3DSVC JynxLv23.png

While the original international releases already changed Jynx's skin from black to purple, the Virtual Console release chose to further lighten it. This reflects an identical change done between the Base Set and Base Set 2 printings of the card's real-life equivalent.

Nintendo Switch Online Changes

  • Unlike the 3DS VC release, infrared communication is supported, making it possible to use Card Pop!, and thus obtain the "Phantom Cards".
  • This version also has native link cable support, letting one use Battle Mode and Trade Mode. However, the "Print" PC option is still disabled.
  • Jynx uses its lighter palette from the 3DS Virtual Console version.
  • The game is once again locked in Game Boy Color mode.