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Prerelease:Batman: Arkham Asylum

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Batman: Arkham Asylum.

To do:
  • Some images needs to be renamed, as they lack the game's title.
  • Document everything from the game's art book.

Concept Art


Batman's design went through numerous changes during development. One of the more interesting concept pieces is that Batman's pre-existing suit would have various armor pads placed upon it. Each armor piece suggests that it would increase Batman's physical capabilities like jumping, his attack strength, gadget power and more. Concept artist Carlos D'anda initially had an idea for their use in the game that ultimately ended up been rejected.

"My initial idea is that maybe you could find the different pieces of the armor in caches throughout the game and each piece would enhance a specific attribute etc..."
Early design of Batman and his armor.
Concept art of Batman's vision and cowl.
Another early look.

(Source: Facebook)


Surprisingly, even the Batmobile looked different at some point. While its final design is pretty similar to its concept art, it had a different color scheme with a mix of dark blue and orange.

Early design of the Batmobile.


Just like with Batman, the Joker also had different designs. Originally, he was dressed as a "mad scientist" to coincide with Harley Quinn's "nurse" outfit. However, this was later changed in favor of a more traditional look. The sides of Joker's mouth were torn and heavily scarred but this was scrapped so it wouldn't coincide with Heath Ledger's Joker from the live-action Batman film The Dark Knight.

Early design of "Mad "Doctor" Joker.

(Source: deviantart)

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn's design also went through many changes. The first design shows her dressed up as a nurse as this was the initial idea to coincide with Joker's "mad doctor" look as mentioned above. The second one gives her somewhat of a dominatrix look while keeping some aspects of her previous design such as the fishnets, the hammer and the jester hat.

The last design is a mix between the last two leaning closer to that of the final game. According to Carlos D'anda, the idea of giving Harley a "bondage" look came from the game's writer Paul Dini.

Early designs of Harley Quinn.

(Source: deviantart)


Bane's original design was a bit different from his final one. Notably his face mask had multiple variations, more akin to the style of Hannibal Lecter. His body would be covered in stitches, his arms had leather straps attached to them and he would wear brass knuckles. His venom tank also looked different and rather simplistic.

Early design of Bane.

(Source: deviantart)

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy's design remained pretty much unchanged with the only difference that green tears would drip from her eyes every time she would use her powers.

Early design of Poison Ivy.

Straight Jacket Henchman

During the game's early development, another insane-type enemy was planned, the Straight Jacket Henchman. He was going to act similarly to the lunatics but would wield some sort of a blunt weapon in his free hand. Although he was scrapped, he still made a cameo appearance as a severed head in a jar in one of the offices in the Sanatorium of the Medical Facility.

Concept art of the Straight Jacket Henchman by John Gravato.
A render of the Straight Jacket Henchman.

(Source: Arkham Wiki)

Killer Croc

Killer Croc's original appearance didn't change much in the final game other than he was slightly more muscular and that he would use a chunk of wall as a blunt weapon.

Early design of Killer Croc.


An earlier design of Scarecrow shows a much more traditional take on the character. Oddly enough, his design is closer to his in-game appearance rather than his bios profile. While some characteristics remain the same such as the gas mask and the scythe, he also wields a hatchet and he's shirtless. His gauntlet also looks different.

Another concept piece presents Scarecrow in a weird mish-mash between a prison blanket and a straight jacket. His fear gauntlet shows that he simply attaches big syringe tubes to his fingers, possibly showcasing that the fear gauntlet wasn’t fully realized until later in development.

Early design of Scarecrow by Carlos D'anda.
Early design of Scarecrow by John Gravato.

Titan Joker

According to Carlos D'anda, Titan Joker's design was originally going to look very different compared to the final product. However, he eventually had to change his appearance to look more like the other, more muscular Titans.

"I had initially envisioned him as a 'spiderlike' creature more than anything... some disjointed, messed up looking monster straight out of an Aphex Twin video or something...." 
Early design of Joker's Titan form.

(Source: deviantart)

Cut Locations


ArkhamA LighthouseConcept.png

Originally, the lighthouse was going to be explorable with a long bridge connected between it and Arkham Island. Unfortunately, due to the development team believing that the game map was too big, it ended up being cut. The lighthouse is still present in the final game but it can't be reached. What purpose would it serve in regards to the plot is unknown.

Chapel Rock

ArkhamA ChapelRock.jpg

There was another island called Chapel Rock which was separated from Arkham via bridge. It included many key locations such as an inmate's graveyard, crypts, a chapel and an area labelled "Twisted Willow". Apparently the batcave was originally located there underneath the island. It's unknown how big of a role it would play in the final game, but it got scrapped either because the game map was too big or due to limited development time and later got merged with the main island.


Mentioned in a Game Informer magazine, and according to models in the 2007 build, Riddler trophies were not supposed to be the only collectables on Arkham Island as there were also supposed to be Joker spray cans, Two-Face coins and Croc scales that were to be found. These were most likely removed due to only one type of collectable being simpler instead of five separate ones. Its also worth mentioning that collectables would have contributed to upgrading gadgets, this most likely was removed as it would upgrading way too tedious.


Playable Vehicles

Batman's signature vehicles, the Batmobile and Batwing, were considered to be playable in the game. But the idea was dropped when the developers felt that the unique control mechanics and gameplay segments for them would have taken too much time and compromised its quality. The vehicles appear in the game but the player cannot control them.

The Batmobile would become playable years later in Batman: Arkham Knight.

(Source: Archive)

Original Riddler Cell

In promotional images for Arkham Asylum, what looked to be the Riddler's cell featured bloody red question marks scrawled on the walls and French writing that translated to "I loved, I suffered, now I hate." This was ether changed to avoid a higher age rating or to make it feel more 'riddlery'.

Riddler Original Cell.png
Riddler green cell.png

Cut Characters

Mad Hatter

According to the game's writer Paul Dini, the Mad Hatter was originally going to appear in the game via a level where Batman discovers him in a child's hedge maze within the Botanical Gardens while Poison Ivy controls her plants to slow Batman down. However, the idea did not fit the game's tone and he got scrapped. In the final game, the Mad Hatter's tea party set can be found in the Botanical Gardens Glasshouse but in the form of a riddle which indicates that the idea remained in some way.

Mr. Freeze

Mr. Freeze was also going to be included in the game, but he too got scrapped because he simply wouldn't fit within the game's narrative. His cell can still be found in the Asylum's penitentiary, however.

Despite this, both villains would later appear in the sequel Batman: Arkham City.

(Source: Archive., The Telegraph)


Various trailers for Arkham Asylum showed changes in the environment and story that differed from the final product.

A split-second frame of the intro cutscene shows construction outside the Intensive Treatment entrance, and what we can assume is the Batmobile looking strikingly different to retail.


A Titan Henchman may have originally appeared in the morgue, however this was most likely only made for the trailer.


Joker appears to have spikier hair in some trailers.

Batman Arkham Asylum Joker Spikey Hair.png


Seen in old trailers and promo art, it was originally going to rain on the Asylum's grounds, but no weather effects were present in the final release due to performance issues. The rain returned in Return to Arkham Asylum likely due to them using earlier builds as the base for both Return to Arkham Asylum and City.
